Availability for Special Events
3 and 4 August, 2007
On the 3rd of August, we held a 102 class with previous 101 attendees. At the cemetery, Chris Moon's portable "Frank Box" was not working very well, so we just did an open air EVP session. During the session, Chris invited any spirit who wanted to communicate on the Box to follow us down to the Mason House and talk on it there. Big mistake. Hundreds followed us and the session was very frustrating as they all wanted to talk at the same time!
GHU 102 class, Friday night, Room 5:
"Who is here with us tonight?"..........Harold - 'There's too many. They're outside.'
"How many are outside?"..........'Hundreds of them.'
"How many are in the room?"..........'Sixty-five'
"It's crowded tonight. Thank you for coming.".........'It is'
"Who's the technician here tonight?".........'Tyler'
Chuck asked "Is Markie here also?"...........'He is'
"Markie, we have been trying to find a record of you, where you signed up. Can you help us with that?".............'Check the book.'
"Which book?".........'The red one.'
"The bicentennial book?"..........'Wrong side. At the library.'
"This county's library?"..........'No'
"What county do we need to look in?"........'Davis'
"Davis County Library?".........'Yes'
"What town did you join up in?".........'Macon'
Joy asked "Someone knocked on my bathroom door yesterday. Who was that?"...........'Me'
"What is your name?"...........'Me, Harold. I got ya! Ha-ha-ha!'
"You did!"..........Mary - 'We didn't think it was funny.'
Chuck asked "What did you think of the group that was here last weekend?"...........Harold - 'Had the place rocking.'
"Did you like that group?"..........'I did.'
"Who called Eric's name?".........'I did, Lucy.'
"Lucy, are you a full time inhabitant of the Inn?".........'Uh-huh'
"Lucy, did you die here in this building?"...........'No, but I like it here.'
"Is Fannie Mason Kurtz here tonight?"...........Harold - 'She is. Fannie, they want to talk to you.'
"Fannie, we missed you last time. Are you back to stay?".........Fannie - 'Maybe.'
"Fannie, I have a picture here of three people sitting at a table in the backyard of the Inn. Do you recognize any of the people?".......... no answer
"Fannie, are you there?".........Tyler - 'She left. She's mad.'
"We're sorry if we did something to make you mad, Fannie."..........Tyler - 'There's too many others. They cut her off. She left mad.'
Chris - "Too many followed us from the cemetery. They're all trying to talk at once. Technician, pleas assist. One at a time please."
Guest - "I was here last May and I felt someone touch my ear. I'd like to know who that was.".........Woman's voice - 'Eleanor'
"Eleanor, are you a resident here?".............Eleanor - 'No. Followed you.'
"Followed me from where?"........'I stay with you. At night.'
"Do you know who it is that is inhabiting our home?"...........'Bob and Eleanor.'
"Is there a child too?"............'Jason'
"Are you attached to the house or the land?".........'What do you mean attached? We won't hurt you.'
"How many are in the house on your side?".........'Three'
"How old are you, Jason?"............'I'm a sixth grader.'
"What is your last name?"............'Lyle' (or Lyles)
'Do you want us to leave?'
"No. It's okay. It's your home too. Now that we know your names we'll talk to you.".........'We go with you.'
(Note: This guest said that when they bought their present house, they were told there were three graves on the property, but they had not found the graves.)
Another guest - "Last time I was here, someone walked past my bed but I didn't see anybody there. Who was that?".........'That was me. Harold. I got ya!'
Chuck - "Is there a dog, a spirit dog on your side, that inhabits the Inn?"...........Harold - 'Yes'
"What's the dog's name?"............'Bullet'
"Who's dog is Bullet?".........'He comes in when the door is open.'
"So he's not here all the time?".........'You let him in.
Jinni sees him.'
"What color is the dog?".........'Brown. White. Soft.'
"Is it like our dog, Purdy?"..........'Bigger'
"Is Amanda here?..........Amanda - 'Yes'
"Amanda, I have three pictures here that were drawn by some people who stayed here last week. Do you know who this is?"............'I don't know'
"Harold, do you know who this is?"...........'No'
"How about this one?" (Chuck held up a drawing of a blond little girl)...........'Katie'
"How old is Katie?"..........'Three'
"Is she one of the children here in the Inn?".........'She
"Thank you. How about this one?" (Chuck held up a drawing that Jinni had identified as being Amanda)...........'Don't know her.'
Chris - "Okay, thank you all for talking with us tonight. We're going to go now. Good bye"...........'Don't go!'
During the night, the ladies staying Room 8 felt some one climb onto the bed and snuggle up between them. They both felt it. One lady heard "Help me" whispered in her ear. She also felt someone holding her hand when she woke up. The lady staying in Room 7 felt someone touch her shoulder. In Chuck and Joy 's room, I heard someone walking back and forth at the foot of our bed. I sat up and said to stop it and they did.
GHU 101 class, Saturday night. Again we went to the cemetery and again the battery powered "Frank Box" was not working well enough. We did an open air EVP session, but we did not invite any one to follow us back to the Inn. I have not included the personal messages.
First session, Room 5:
Chris - "Who is here with us tonight?"........'Amanda' 'Harold' 'Markie' 'Mary' 'Raymond'
"Raymond, are you a resident here at the Inn?".........'Sometimes'
"Have you crossed over yet?".........'Yes'
"Did you live here in Bentonsport?"..........'No. Bonaparte.'
"Raymond, what 's your last name?"..........'Traylor' (or Taylor)
"Markie?".............'What do you want?' Amanda laughs
Chuck - "Amanda, I have a picture here. Can you tell me who this is?"........'Never seen her.'
"How about this picture, do you know her?".........'Nope.'
"How about this one?"...........'Don't know. They drew it.'
"Yes, it is supposed to be children they saw here in the Inn. Aren't they here?".............'No'
"Okay, thank you. The people who came the other day, did they upset you?"............ Mary - 'Insufferable!' Amanda - 'We were playing with them. Harold and I was too.'
"Who were the two girls they saw in the hallway?".........'Katie and Robin'
"Joy saw a child looking over the stair rail into the dining room, who was that?"...........Amanda - 'That was me.'
"Did Joy see you?"..........'Of course she saw me.'
"Amanda, the last time you played with Jinni, what color dress were you wearing?".........'Green with flowers.'
"What color were the flowers?"...........'Pink' (Note: Jinni had said it was a dress with pink flowers.)
"Do you still play with Jinni?".............'Yes, Jinni sees me. We play.'
"Do you play with Aurora?"..............'Under the beds. She sees us.' (Note: earlier that day, my 2 year old grand-daughter had indeed been crawling around under the bed in Room 1, she was also jumping on the bed.)
"Does Jinni see any of the other children?".............'Yes. She sees us.'
"Thank you. Can we talk to Fannie now?"............'I'll get her.'
"Fannie, can you see this picture I am holding? (It is a picture of three people sitting around a table in the Inn yard.) Can you tell us who these people are?"..............'Sue Ellen'
"And do you know who this lady is?"...........'Can't say'
"How about the gentleman?"............'No. Travelers.'
"Do you know when this was taken?"...........'1925. It's the Inn.'
"Yes, we know, but who are the people and when was it taken?"...........'1925'
A guest - "Amanda, do you enjoy our company?"...........'I do.'
Chuck - "Harold, are you going to keep our guest awake tonight?".........'I think they're chicken.'
"They don't think you're going to do much."..........'We're performers. Rest in peace. Ha-ha.'
"Are there going to be alot of you here keeping them awake?"...........'All of us'
A guest - "Harold, do you wish you could do anything over?"...........'I liked waking up in the morning.'
Chuck - "Harold, is there a Josiah that inhabits the Inn?"...........'Don't know him. Never heard of him.'
A guest - "Amanda, what color is Josephine the cat?".........'Ask Jinni, she plays with her.'
Chuck - "Amanda, was Josephine in my lap yesterday?" (Chris took a picture of Chuck with a large orb on his lap.)...........'She likes to do that. Silly cat.'
A guest - "Harold, did you have as much fun when you were alive as you do now, here at the Inn?".......'No'
"So do you have more fun now?"..........'It's fun in the Inn.'
Chris - "Okay, thank you everybody. We're going to go now. We'll be back for another session in a few minutes. Good bye."........'We'll be here.'
Saturday night, second session: (I did not include the personal messages.)
Chris - "Who's here with us now?"..........'Harold' 'Amanda' 'Markie and some of the girls.'
A guest - "Was there someone who was asking me for help last night in Room 8?".......'Keith'
"Who's Keith?".........'I came with you. I tried to talk to the woman. Help me.'
"How can I help you, Keith?"........'Listen. Don't leave me alone. Please.'
"What's your last name?"........'Moyer'
Chris - "How did you attach to her?".......'She's in my house.'
Guest - "I'm in your house, Keith?".........'Yes'
"Where is your house?".............'In the city.'
"In Missouri? In Gladstone?"...........'No. Before.'
"In Kansas City?"..........'Yes. The city.'
Chris - "Were you on our side when she lived in the city?"........'I was already gone. I liked her. I like her laugh. At first she scared me.'
"So when she moved, is that when you felt she was leaving you?".........'Please don't go. I want to be with you.'
"So are you happy to be with her?".........'Obviously. I go with her.'
Guest - "Are you with me everywhere I go?".........'Most places.'
"Were you holding my hand this morning?"...........'That wasn't me. That was Michael.'
Chuck - "Who's Michael?"..........'Resident'
"Michael, what's your last name?"........'Brown'
"Did you die in the Inn?".........'No.'
"Are you here full time?"...........'Kind of'
"What year did you die?"...........'1936'
"Were you from Bentonsport or somewhere else?"..........'Shelbyville. I was watching the girls bouncing on the beds.'
"Were the girls bouncing on the beds on your side or our side?"........'Both'
"With Aurora? The little blond haired girl?".........'Blond hair. Yup. There was five of them.'
"Do they all play together?".........'She sees us.'
"Does Jinni play too?".........'She watches.'
"Which room was this in?"..........'The west side. I don't know the name of it. Seven.'
"Were you in Room 7 last winter when Jinni was in there?"...........'Sometimes. There were some adults too.' (Note: Chuck and Jinni and I spent the winter in Room 7 because our room was too cold.)
"How old are you Michael?"........'That's funny. I'm a spirit!'
"How old were you when you died?".........'Seventy-three'
"Do they see you as a grandpa?".......'White haired old man.'
Guest - "Why were you holding my hand this morning?"...........'Soft skin. Beautiful skin.' Harold - 'He thinks so.' Amanda - 'Awwww'
A guest - "Who touched my shoulder last night?"............'Harold'
Another guest - "Who crawled in bed with me last night?"...........'Amanda. You looked cold.'
Another guest - "Who turned on the shower in Room 8 this afternoon?"..........Harold laughs - 'She didn't believe me!'
"Are you going to do it again tonight?".........'I have a new plan.'
Chuck - "They want to stay up all night, Harold.".........'You bet.'
"Is Lewis Mason here tonight?".........Harold - 'He was. He's in Australia.'
"What's he doing in Australia?"...........'Exploring'
Chris - "This opens a whole new world! I didn't know there was vacation!"
Chuck - "Last week there was somebody who had a laptop computer in the dining room and someone put something on it. Who was that?".........Amanda - "Ashley did it."
"Ashley, can you tell us what you did?"........Ashley - 'I think I broke it.'
"No you didn't. It's okay.".........'Now you will throw me out.'
"No we won't."...........'I'm sorry' (She started to cry and would not tell what happened. What happened was that we found some silk flowers on the keyboard. The flowers were on the table when we all went upstairs, when we came back down we found the flowers on the keyboard. Everybody was upstairs, all accounted for.)
There were a couple of personal messages given that I won't post here. Then we said good bye. That night not much happened in the rooms because all the guests asked to be left alone so they could sleep! One of the guests did hear children running in the hallway, but did not look.
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