Availability for Special Events
February 18 and 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, Room 5:
Chris: "Ty, are you ready? How is it?" .............'It's great. Go ahead.'
Chuck: "Hi Tyler. The first question I have for you is, when we did the EVP session just now, we heard audible voices in the room. Can you tell us who that was?".................'Uh huh. Mary.'
"Mary was the female voice. Who was the male voice?" ..............'Harold.'
"And there was a third voice. Who was that?" ..............Man's voice: 'Me. I just go with somebody.'
"Oh. Are you waiting to cross over?" ...............'What do you think?'
"Okay. Tyler, are we going to do the crossover now or later? Should we just get it over with?" .......'Not needed.'
"Lewis would know. Is Lewis here?" ............'Not at this time.'
"Lewis are you here?" ..................'It's all taken care of.'
"Oh. So you don't need us?" ....................'We did it. Not now. We're busy.'
"Harold, two women saw a soldier on the bridge last time they were here. Did he cross or is he still here?" ......Harold: 'No. No good. He's gone. He's passed.'
"Okay, thank you." ..............'Not a problem.'
"Harold, when we were in Denver, at Chris' mom's house, did you come on vacation with us because we had the box there? Or did you just go with us anyway?" ...................'You're family. I follow.'
"Why did Joy feel the floor vibrate at Paulette's house?" ...............'The energy. Alot of energy there.'
"Did a vortex open up?" ......................'Yes, sir.
I was there.'
"Harold, when we were at Kristin's house for Christmas, there was a large green orb in some of the pictures. Who was that?" ....................'Tyler'
"Your Tyler? Was at Kristin's for Christmas?" ....................Tyler: 'Yes. I followed. On your brains.' (I had felt someone playing with my hair and Chuck took a picture and there was a large green orb over my head.)
"Harold, are you still tuning Joy?" .........Harold: 'I'm trying for the 24th time.'
"Are we getting close to being done?" .........'Not really.'
"Why don't you talk to her in her head?" .......'That'd be a big one.'
"Have you tried?" .................'Yes, sir.'
"She asks for you in the house. Some of the others talk to her." ..............'Yes, sir. I've been busy with the President and it's big news.'
"Is this President Obama?" .....................'Lincoln.' Another man's voice: 'Lincoln. Hello.'
"President Lincoln is here?" ..............Lincoln: 'Yes. I'm here.'
"President Lincoln, it's an honor to talk to you." .............'Thank you. You too. Mary's here too.'
"President Lincoln, as a attorney did you ever come to Bentonsport?" ..............'Loved it.'
"Did you come to the Inn when it was called the Ashland House?" ....................'It was interesting.'
"Did you ever stay at the Ashland House?" .................'Of course.'
"Well, it's an honor." .......................'Yes. It's a gift for you. It's refreshing to talk to you.'
"Did you know Harold? He served for you. And Markie served as well." ................'The warring. It was terrible.'
"We are going to honor all those who served in the War." ...............'Oh, thank God. The fighting. I did not like the fighting.'
"I understand that, but they are friends now and the War is over." ...............'No more battling.'
"Are we doing okay here?" ......................Laughing sounds. Woman: 'Harold's being a real comedian.' Harold: 'This is so great!'
"Tyler, is this Harold putting us on or is President Lincoln really here?" ................Tyler: 'He's really here. This is so cool!' Harold: 'I've been trying to prepare her.' Lincoln: 'Those who were killed, we salute them.'
"Yes, all American Veterans should be honored." ................Lincoln: 'I've got to sail now.' Another voice: 'He's ancient.'
"Thank you, Mr. President for talking with us." .....................'Okay.' Harold: 'This is so exciting. I found him.'
"Thank you, Harold. That was a good surprise." ..............'I know.'
"Is Mary here?" .................Mary: 'I'm here.'
"Mary, when we were in Colorado talking to you on the box, you said you were at the Inn. How did you know the box was on?" ..................'I followed it.'
"Are you able to tell when the box is on?" .................'I hold on to you.'
"So you are able to tell when I'm using the box?" .....................'I scan it.'
"So you are going by my energy?" ................'Are you serious?'
"Yes, I want to know how you knew the box was on? You came up right away." ..............Harold: 'We follow you. You're family. It's all love.' Mary: 'Harold follows me.' Harold: 'Yeah, I do.'
"Harold, are you in the process of tuning Darcie now?" ..................'There's three of them all together. I tune her. I already did that.'
"So is Darcie done being tuned now?"....................... 'Yes'
"Is she an easier nut to crack?"...................... 'Yes.
Way easier.'
"Harold, Darcie drew a picture of you. We hung it in the hallway. Is that okay?" ..............'Sure' Mary: 'I have no objection.'
"Is that a good likeness of you?" ..............'This is thrilling, really. How many dollars is it worth?'
"Dollars? Darcie gave it to us as a gift. It's priceless." ...............'Aw'
"I have a question about the stars on your shoulders. Were you really a general?" ................'I was support on the first level.'
"Were you a corporal?" ...............'You got it.'
"So you had two stripes instead of two stars?" .....................'I like the stars better.'
Guest: "Is Patricia here?" .....................Woman: 'Yes. I'm here.'
"Did you see that Heather's here?" .................'Oh. Hi.'
"Will you show yourself to her tonight like you did last time she was here?" .............'I'll need help. I'll try.'
Guest: "Who was locking and unlocking the car door outside today?" ....................Harold: 'I hope I did not hurt anything. I locked 'em both. Ha Ha.'
Guest: "Does Patricia show as a blue orb?" ..............Tyler: 'Yes. She gives off blue energy.'
Chuck: "Harold, a guest has a scientific question for you. Is there life on other planets?" ..............Harold: 'What? I don't know anything about that.'
"Does any of the residents here at the Inn know German?" .................Various voices: 'Not me.' 'What's that?' 'I do.'
"Who is that who knows German?".................'Anna'
"Anna knows German?" ...................Anna: 'Some. Why?'
"Because we are going to take a trip to Germany and we need somebody to interpret for us." ........... 'Follow the leader. We'll follow you.'
"Anna, why don't you talk to Joy anymore?" ..............' I'm taking a break.'
"She misses your voice." ...............'Tell her to wait.'
"It's been awful quiet. Nobody's been talking to Joy lately." ...............Harold: 'She needs to practice.'
"That's why she wants people to talk to her so she can practice." ..............'We've been quiet. We'll start again soon.'
Guest: "When I was here last time I saw a woman in my room. Who was that?" ............... Harold: 'I did. It was magical. It was not me. Mary. ' Woman's voice: ' Me. Mary.'
"Did you want to tell me something?" .............Mary: 'Forgive'
"Will you take a picture with me?" ....................'Don't frown.'
Chuck: "Who put the pennies on the floor and on the steps?" ...............Harold: 'The kids. It was a clue.'
Chris: "Ty, have you been training somebody named Richard?" .............Ty: 'Apprentice.'
Chris: "Are we going to do a crossover or not?" ...................'Let it go.'
"Okay, we'll go for now. Thanks everybody." ...................'Bye.'
Sunday, February 19, Room 5:
Chris: "Ty, are we good to go?" ...............'Yeah. Good. Go ahead.'
Chuck: "Harold, when we were in Colorado staying in a hotel and Joy saw a shadow move through the room, do you know who that was?" .............'He was trying to talk.'
"Was it somebody from the hotel or did somebody follow us from the Inn?" .............'He was wanting to make a phone call. John Keegan.'
"John Keegan? Was he from Colorado?" ..............'From the hotel. From the lobby. He was just walking by.'
"So he probably didn't even notice Joy?" ....................'Probably'
"Okay, thank you. Harold, were you the one who summoned Mr. Lincoln yesterday?" .............'Yes. I did it. Did you like it?'
"Yes, we did like it. Thank you. It was an honor talking to him." ................'We're talking. Yes.'
"Did you know we were talking about going down to Springfield and talking to him down there?" ............'Yes. I listen. I'm always around.'
"You beat me to it, huh?" .................'Right. I'm always around. Always listening. That's my career.'
"Who drained all our AA batteries here in our package?" ......................Harold: 'I used about 14.'
"I thought you were going to leave our batteries alone like we asked you to." ..................'Lewis needed six.' Amanda: 'Sorry'
"Who drains the battery in our EMF meter at night?" ...............'It's hard to leave it.' 'Don't get too upset.'
"Is Daniel here at the Inn. Did he come back?" ..................... no answer. Ty: 'Shut down for a minute.'
Chris: "Okay we'll take a break for a minute." (We turned the box off for a few minutes and then turned it back on.)
Chris: "Ty, how is it now?" ........................ 'Okay' Harold: 'It needed a time out.'
Chuck: "I'll repeat my question. Is Daniel back?" .................Harold: 'Sometimes.'
"Julia, are you here tonight?" .................Woman's voice: 'Here'
"We cleaned off your vanity table. Did you see that?" ...................'Yes'
"Do you still want makeup on there?" ..................'Rings'
"Like jewelry?" .................'Diamond rings'
"Oh come on. How about a hair brush or some makeup?" ..................'I'm hurt.'
"Where are we supposed to get diamond rings?" ...................'Save up for them.'
"We'll work on it." .......................'Okay. Brush first.'
"Okay, we'll try to find a brush for you." ..................'Thank you. Love you.' Harold: 'Don't make it a habit.'
"Harold, who is Joanne?" ....................... 'Leave it. She likes you.'
"Harold, Cecily was baptized last weekend. We know that you, and Curtis, and Amanda went. Who were the other three.?" ....................'Get a phone book. There were five hundred there.'
"Five hundred? How many from the Inn went there?" ...............'I forget. I think there were twenty-one.'
" Ty, is Lewis here to do the crossover tonight?" ...................Ty: 'We're totally off base.'
"So you're not going to do a crossing tonight?" .................'That's one hundred percent.'
"Okay, we'll leave that alone." ......................'I don't want this fight.'
"I thought we had resolved it with Lewis." ..................'No. He's here with his daughter.'
"Which daughter?" ...................'Mary'
"Oh, yes, Mary. When Darcie was here and stayed in Room 6, she saw sparkles coming from the ceiling. What was that?" ....................'Vortex'
"A vortex opening?" ....................'Yes. Just one.'
"She enjoyed that. Who was playing with Joy's and Darcie's hair in the dining room tonight?" .................Harold: 'The ghosts did it. There's over seventy.'
Jinni: "Hi, Amanda. Do you know my teacher?" ..................Amanda: 'Yes. Hey.'
Chuck: "Who was walking in the hallway behind Rooms 2 and 3 this morning?" .............Harold: 'Children.'
"Who opened the screen door on Room 3 this morning?" ...................Harold: 'Markie'
"Are you going to say hi tonight, Markie?" ..................Markie: 'Hi. Door. I did it.'
Guest: "Who was standing on the third floor landing looking down at me?" .............. Harold: 'Julia. Bright red lips.'
"The Julia from Room 5?" ...................'Yes. I love her. She won't move. Third floor. She's just standing there. She goes up sometimes. Sometimes in the lobby.'
Chuck: "Harold, are you going to tell us what you've been up to that you've been gone so much?" ................Harold: 'I'm in the hall.'
"Who protects the Inn when you are gone. You're the protector.' .................'We all do. I went to Indiana for two days. I was in church in Indiana.'
"So who is Alpha Male when you are gone?" ...................'Markie takes over. Mary's here.' Mary: 'Always'
"Harold, can you tell us what is happening with you in the future?" ....................... 'I'm in heaven. I'm calling from heaven.'
"So you're not in the Inn?" ...........'That too.'
"So you're not planning to leave us?" .................' No. I'm here. I'll be here for a lifetime.'
"Whose lifetime?" .......................'Always. My job. I'm here.'
(Somebody had told us that Harold wanted to move on and was going to leave us. But I guess not.)
Joy: "Harold, did you know Kristin's pregnant?" ........................Harold: 'It's all good. No worries.'
"Is it a boy or girl?" ....................'I can't tell yet. It's thrilling. Joy needs to know about the shift. She needs help. We've been visiting everyone. Joy needs to get ready for the shift. It's coming. Get ready. I'll be here for support. I've been here since 1863. Don't worry but get ready for it.'
"Are you talking about an earth quake?" ...............'The shift. Get ready for it.'
"How do I get ready for it?" .....................'You know what to do. I'll be here.'
Chuck: "Are you going to be able to talk directly to Joy in her head? Something other than just bells?" .............'I'm always here. I'm working on it. It will be different than before.'
"Is she going to be more sensitive than before?" ................'Stay on track.'
"To change the subject. What was the blue light coming from my throat mean?" ..................'A neck flare?'
Chuck sneezed. Ty: 'God bless you.'
"Thank you. What about the blue light in my throat that (the psychic) saw?" ...............Amanda: 'That's where your voice comes out.'
"So it's nothing to worry about?" ..................Harold: 'You're too hyper. Worry too much.'
Chuck: "We are going to hang your picture now." ................Harold: 'Have a beverage on me.'
"Do you want us to toast you?" ..................'Yeah. Toast to me.'
"We hung it yesterday and it fell off the wall. Did you do that?" .................'Amanda did it.' Amanda: 'I want one too.'
"Oh. We have a drawing of you too. We can hang a picture of you too." ...............Amanda: 'Okay. That'd be nice.'
Guest: "How did Harold like the picture?" .....................Harold: 'It's a good likeness of me.'
Chris: "Ty, is there a chance we could talk to President Lincoln again?" .................Ty: 'He's not here now. He's in Minneapolis. '
"Harold, thank you for the surprise. That was wonderful to meet President Lincoln." ..................Harold: 'There was lots of clues. You need to know she's in the lobby. She likes to greet the guests.'
"You mean Julia?" ...................'Yes'
"Julia, did you die in the Inn?" ...................Julia: 'Yes'
"And what year was that?" .....................'It's been quite some time. Hard to say.'
"Is Anna here tonight?" ...................Anna: 'Yes. I'm here.'
"Anna, what was your last name?" ....................'Brody'
"Anna, can you tell us what year you passed?" .....................'1923, I have a problem with my hand.'
"Did you injure your hand before you passed?" .................'I did. In town. Something with the authority.'
"Did you fall off a horse or something?" ................'No. At the court.'
"I understand you know German. Can you help us when we go to Germany?" .............'Yes. I can do that.' Harold: 'Clues. There was alot of clues.'
Guest: "Who was it downstairs that was making my arm hurt?" ................'The soldier that stays downstairs. He stays down there.'
"Was that James?" .............'Yeah. He died.'
"Has he crossed?" .................'No'
"Does he need help crossing?" ........................'Not yet.'
"Okay, we'll catch him some other time." .................'Okay'
"Harold, thanks again for bringing the President for us." ...................'You never know what I'm going to do.'
"Your actions never fail to surprise me." ................'Just remember, I'm in the house. Everything is cool. Everything is good.'
"And thank you, Ty, for coming to Christmas with us at Kristin's." .................Ty: 'It was like being at home.'
Chris: "We're going to go now. Thanks everybody." ..............'Bye' 'It was fun!'
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