Availability for Special Events
February 2 and 3, 2007
Christopher Moon held two classes this weekend. The Friday night class was an advanced 102 class and the Saturday night class was the beginner 101 class. We did 3 Frank Box sessions in Room 5 during those two nights, and one Frank Box session over at the Herman Greef House across the street. The following is a selection of those four sessions.
Friday, Feb. 2, Room 5:
"Who is with us right now?"........'Harold'
"Good evening, Harold, how are you tonight?"........'I'm fine. It's busy, busy here.'
"The Inn is busy?"........'Yes. They're knocking.'
"Who is doing the knocking, Harold?".......'The people.' (Some of the guests had been knocking on the wall in Room 6, to see if Harold would knock back. He didn't knock back, but he obviously was aware of it.) 'Amanda's here.' (sound of little child whimpering)
"What is it honey?"..........Harold says 'She's mad
she wants to talk.'
"Amanda, we have some questions for you. Did you go with Jinni to the Special Olympic Basketball Skills competition in Fairfield last weekend?".......'I did.' (This is a picture of the competition, the arrow is pointing to a large orb that could be Amanda.)
"Did Jinni see you?".....'Yes, she knows.'
"Did you make yourself visible to anybody else while you were there?".....'Some of the other children see me too.' (There was one girl who kept smiling and waving toward Jinni, but her eyes were focused past Jinni, behind her. Jinni was not responding to her, but she kept doing it.)
"Do you ever go to school with Jinni?".....'Sometimes, when she lets me. We play kickball. We go walking. I watch her.'
"Who knocked on Chris's door last night?"......'Harold'
"Who opened Chris's bathroom door?"........'That was Mary.'
"At Christmas, who opened the dining room door?".....'Some of the children.'
"Can you tell us their names?".....'Yes' (but no names were given)
Heather asked "Is there a Patricia here?".....'I'm here.' (Heather had the name in her head.)
"Patricia, do you have a message for Heather?".....'Yes'
"What is it?".........'There's a relation.'
"To whom?"......'Possibly you." (meaning Heather)
"Patricia, what is your last name?".....'Sullivan'
"How did you die, Patricia?".......'Drowned'
"Patricia, did you drown in Bentonsport?".......'I did.'
"Were you swimming?".......'Wading, in the river, I slipped.'
"What year was that?"......'1905'
"Was that before or after the flood of 1905?".......'What flood?'
"She died before the flood. How old were you?"......'19'
"So your last name was Sullivan?"......'It was. My father's name.'
"Did you live your whole life in Bentonsport?".......'No. My father worked here.'
"Are you buried in the Bentonsport cemetery?".......'No'
"Do you know where your body is buried?".......'In the river.'
"They never found your body?"......'No'
"Where did your father work?".......'Mill'
"What kind of mill was it?".......'Processed wheat'
"Do you reside here at the Inn?"........'No'
"Do you just pass through sometimes?"......'Yes, I visit.'
"Did you fall off the bridge?"........'No. I was wading, I slipped, drowned.'
"Will we see you again?"......'Are you waiting for me?'
John asked "Do you recognize me?".......'You took my picture.' (He had taken a picture of Heather and there was a large orb by her.)
"Harold, are you still there? Are you going to tap on the walls tonight?"......'It's going to be a busy night. I'll tap on your walls, Chris.'
Chris said "You can tap on my walls all you want, but I don't know Morse Code. The man staying in Room 6 tonight knows Morse Code, tap for him. They want to hear it." John said "You can tap in Room 8 tonight if you want to."..........'It's going to be a busy night.' Amanda laughs.
"Amanda gets a kick out of Harold's antics, she thinks he is such a clown."........Harold said 'I'm chasing her.'
"Amanda, does Aurora see you?"......'Yes, we play.'
"What do you play with Aurora?"........'Books'
"Can Aurora see the cat Josephine?".......'Yes, she does.'
"Is Josephine here all the time or only when John Mason comes?"........'All the time.'
"Who did Tiger see in the Keeping Room last week?".......'Markie'
"Thank you for playing with Tiger, Markie."..........Harold said 'Be sure to bring the box.'
Chris said "I always do.".........."It's essential to communication.'
"You know I always bring it."
Heather asked "Did somebody come with me tonight?".......'Yes, a friend.'
"Do you have a message for me?"........'Someone is always watching over you.'
"What is your name?"........'Rick Matthews'
"Rick, are you with Heather at her house?"........'Where ever she is. She sees me.'
"Are you attached to her house or Heather?".......'Heather. I follow her.'
"Is there a reason for that?".........'She asked for me.'
"What year did you pass?".........'I was 44. 1976.'
"What caused your death?"...........'I don't want to talk about it.' (Heather got the feeling it was suicide.)
"Are there any spirits from Bonaparte here tonight?" Chris said "Oh, oh. Here comes a flood. Name, name, name. It's too fast. They're all talking at once."
Chuck asked "Harold, are you still there?" Chris said "No, the Bonaparte group is taking over."........A girl's voice said 'He has a gun, a ***gun!'
Chris said "She's talking about a gun and blood, she's really upset. She's going on and on. She's earthbound. To her it's still happening. If you see a bright light, honey, you should go to it, you'll feel better. I know it was bad, but it's over, you need to go to the light now. There's too many voices, it's chaos. I think we better go now. Thank you for talking with us. Good bye."
(During the night, people staying in the Inn heard footsteps in the hallway, tapping on the wall outside Chris's room, the bed covers were pulled on in Room 7, and a domino game had a piece moved in Room 5.)
Saturday, Feb. 3, Room 5, first session:
"Who is here with us?"..........'Harold'
"Hi, Harold.".........'Hello'
"Do you like it when people stay here at the hotel?".......Harold said 'Yes' Mary said 'He likes to play with them.'
"Are you happy or sad?"........Harold said 'I'm dead.'
"Harold, how old are you?".......'147'
"You're teasing us, Harold. Do you intend to visit the people in this room tonight?".......'Yes'
"What do you plan to do? Can you tell us?".........'I'm going to shake the beds. Watch the lights.'
"Harold, are you afraid of anything?"........'Yes, Mary.'
"Why?"............'You know.' Mary said 'You think that's funny?'
"Hi Mary. Were you walking in the hallway last night?"..........'I was.'
"Somebody pulled on the covers in Room 7 last night, do you know who that was?".........Someone said 'That was me.'
"Who was that? What's your name?".........Someone said 'That was Curtis.' Curtis says 'That wasn't me.'
"So who pulled on the covers?"........'That was me, Amanda.'
"Who played with the domino in Room 5 last night?".........'Me'
"Amanda again?".........'Yes. Are you mad at me?'
"No, we're not mad, we like it when you play with stuff in the rooms."........'You're a bad influence on me.'
"Who were the children outside of Chris's room last night?"......'That was all of them.'
"How many is all of them?"........Curtis said 'Don't blame me for that one. It was Ashley.'
"Ashley? That's a new one. Is Ashley a resident or just passing through?"........'A resident now.'
"How old is Ashley?".......'7'
"Ashley, hi, do you know what year you passed?".......'1887'
"What did you die from?"........'Consumption. It was horrible.'
"Did you live in Bentonsport?"........'Yes, there was alot of people then.'
"What was your last name?".......'Stone'
"Well, thank you, it's good to have you here.".........'Can I stay?'
"Sure, you can stay if you want to. Let Amanda take care of you.".......'I think I will.'
"Is that okay, Amanda?"........Amanda said 'Yes, I will.' Harold said 'This is beautiful.'
"Is the cat here?".........Harold said 'Now they want to talk about an animal?'
"Harold, do you know what the Super Bowl is?"......'What's that?'
"A football game. Did they have football back then?".........Harold said 'Horseshoes.' Curtis said 'I like horseshoes.'
"Curtis, why don't you show yourself to Joy anymore?"........'She gets bored. Ha!'
"She misses you.".........'I watch her make the beds.'
Joy asked "Curtis, can you tell everybody what I do while I make the beds?"........'You whistle.'
"Yes, I do! I whistle songs to keep myself company."..........'Yup'
Chuck asked "Do you like the whistling?".........'Sorta'
"Why don't you whistle along with her?"........'Who says I don't?'
"She can't hear you whistling with her.".........'She hears my footsteps.'
"She doesn't hear the whistling though.".........'Listen harder.'
"Is Markie here?".........Harold said 'Yes, he's here.'
"Hi, Markie, it's Chris, do you remember me?".........'Yup. In my dream.'
"Are you ready to go cross over to the light yet?".......Harold said 'It's beautiful there.'
"Markie, do you trust me? Even though this is just a dream, you need to walk over to that light. You just need to try. It's not even hard. It will help you wake up.".......'Is it magic?'
"No, it's not magic."..........'Difficult'
"Just think about it. You'll feel better if you go."..........'I'm a sinner, a sinner.' Harold said 'You can come back if you want to.'
"Yes, you can come back, just like Harold did."........'Are you tricking me?'
"No we're not tricking you. Talk to Harold, he knows."........'Promise?'
"Yes, I promise, Markie. You'll wake up and then you can come and go where ever you want."........Amanda said 'I'll miss him.'
"Amanda, you went through the light and came back didn't you?".......'Yeah'
"So don't you want Markie to do the same thing?"........'I'm worried he won't want to come back. I'd hate that.'
"Amanda, honey, he'll be back, believe me. You just have to let him go."..........'Consciousness.'
"Yes, consciousness. That's why we have to let him go. Can you understand that? Can you help him?"......'How?'
"Can you take him through? Just have him follow you, can you do that?".......'I'll try.'
"Thank you, Amanda."........'You're welcome.'
"Markie, are you going to try?"..........Harold said 'He's gone. He passed. This is beautiful. He'll be back.'
"Harold, can you call him back yet?".......'It takes time. Atleast a week or so.'
"Okay, well, the next time we talk to you maybe he'll be back. Markie, are you still there?"........Harold said 'I told you it would be a week or so.'
"Harold, are you going to visit anybody tonight?"........'The people in the store (Room 3). They think they're safe over there.'
"You're kidding right?".......'Never'
"Are the ones in the train safe?".........'They think they are.'
"Is Mary still here?"........'She's here.'
"Is there anybody staying here tonight that you don't want them to stay?".......'No'
"Let's get back to the store. What are you going to do to the people in the store?".......'Scare them.'
"How are you going to scare them?"........'You know me.'
"What about Room 1?"..........'Listen for the tapping.'
"We're all going to meet for breakfast and tell what happened during the night."........'Toast'
"What about toast, Harold?"......'I like toasted bread.'
"I guess Harold is going to join us for breakfast, too. We need to go now. Thanks everybody. We're going to take a break and then we'll turn the device back on. Good bye.".......'We'll be here.'
Saturday, Feb. 3, Room 5, second session:
"Who's here with us now?".......'Harold'
"Hello again, Harold. We're here with a new group. Are you going to let the people know you're here?".......'I'm talking, what else do you want?'
"How about tapping on the machine for us?"........'Did Chuck get that book?'
Chuck said "I've been working on learning the code, I've got about half of it learned."........'That's good.'
"Give me a few more weeks and then I'll know it, okay?".......'That'll be good.'
"Then maybe we can practice together.".......'Maybe you can understand better.'
"Amanda, thank you for helping Markie find the light.".......Harold said "I told you he wouldn't be back for a week or so.'
"I know. Thank you for sending him."........Amanda said 'Aren't you proud of me?'
"Yes, I am. That was a wonderful thing you did to help him out."........Amanda said 'I know.' Harold said 'There's a party in Room 6. You're invited.'
"A party? How many of you are going?".......'Others are coming. The door's open.'
"Is there a vortex open?".......'Yes' (In Room 6, the first group was doing an open air EVP and they saw several little bright lights come out of the wall and zoom around the room for several seconds before going back into the wall. Of course, we did not know that in Room 5, so we did not understand what he was really talking about.)
"Who opened the door?"........'My friends. Only good ones welcome.'
"Are we going to have a party here all night long?".......'You could call it that.'
"Are you going to visit all the rooms here tonight?"........'No sleep.'
"Are you going to make us all laugh tonight?"........'Maybe cry. Watch the lights.'
"Are there any spirits here who came with one of our guests tonight?".......'Georgia'
"Is that your name or where you're from?"........'Name. Georgia.' (One of our guests said she had a grandmother named Georgia who died recently.)
"Do you have a message?".......'Even if you thought you were wrong, you were right.'
"What is your last name, Georgia?"........(Georgia drained the batteries on the Box so we had to turn it off.)
Saturday, Feb. 3, at another house in town:
"Who is here with us tonight?"......'Donald and Henry'
"How are you related to Herman?".......'Father'
"Do you inhabit this house?"........'We watch it.'
"Are there any spirits who inhabit this house all the time?"........A different voice said 'I'm here. All the time.'
"Hello, what is your name?"........'Herman' (He had a heavy German accent.)
"Did you live here in Bentonsport?"......'I did.'
"What was your occupation, you job?"........'Store' Another voice said 'I'm George.'
"Hello George. Do you inhabit this house?........'When ever something happens.'
"Do you ever visit the Mason House Inn across the street? It used to be called the Ashland House."........'I expect to.'
"Herman, can you tell us what the tunnel between the house and the store was used for?".......A woman's voice said 'Don't talk about it!'
"It's okay to talk about it now. The war is over.".........The woman said 'It's a trick!'
"Was it used to hide runaway slaves headed north?".........Herman said 'It was the times.'
"It's okay to talk about it now.".........The woman said 'You'll be punished, don't talk about it!'
"Did you work with Lewis Mason moving the slaves north?".........Herman: 'Yes' The woman: 'You're not supposed to say that!'
"Lewis Mason talked about it with us. He said he helped dozens of slaves going north.'........Herman: 'I know he does it.' The woman: 'Stop talking about it. They'll punish you. Don't trust him, he's from Denver!' Herman: 'Why do you want to know about this?'
"We're interested in historical information. It was a wonderful thing you did for this country. We'd like to know more about it."..........Herman: 'We had to help.'
"We're glad you did help. That was a brave thing to do."........'Maximum effort. Many were killed.'
"Many of who were killed, Herman?".........'Runaways. It is called treason, but the right thing to do.'
Chris: "Let me clarify this, we don't know where you are right now, but where we are, as strange as it seems, it is the year 2007.".........'You must be crazy. That's ridiculous. Are you from the future?'
"No, this is the present, you are our past. The slaves are all free thanks to your efforts. Everyone is equal as possible."........'The slaves are free?'
"Yes, they are, and you had a hand in doing that."........'What about name, name, name......' (it was too fast)
"He's concerned about specific people. Now, Herman, remember this is the year 2007. These people you knew and helped have all passed by now."........'It's better here.'
"Have you passed to the light?".......'Yeah, we have. We're all aware, except the younger girl, she's not, she's here.' (earthbound)
"What's her name?"....... A girl's voice said '(something) Ann' (it wasn't clear)
"Where are you from?".......'Feed and hay. My father owned it.'
"What was your father's name?".......'Thomas Steadman'
"What's the last year you remember?".......'I remember the flood.'
"Which flood?"..........'1905'
"Did your father's store survive the 1905 flood?".......'We had to rebuild'
"Was it down along with the factories?"........'We had an earthquake.'
"Why are you still here?"........'Buried here somewhere.'
"Where?"........'On the hill.'
"What's your name?".........'Steadman'
A voice says 'This is 1923! United States of America!'
"Who is this?"........'Harold. Ha, ha.'
"Harold? Is that you? What are you doing over here?"......'I followed the box. My word box.'
"I thought you were going to play with the people over at the Mason House Inn.".........'No one's gone to bed yet.'
"Keep them up, Harold, keep them up.".........'I try.'
Chuck: "What's he doing over here?" Chris: "He followed the box.".........'It's not just the box, I followed you too, Chris.'
"While you're here, Harold, can you help us out with the spirits here? Who are they?".........'Please be careful on the stairs, they're narrow.'
"Did Herman come from some other place before Bentonsport?"........Herman said 'How dare you talk about me!'
"Herman, are you angry that we're in your house?"......'Why are you here?'
"We've come to communicate with you. We mean no disrespect. It's a very beautiful home.".............. He complains to someone about us, 'They're in my house!'
"Who moved the dresser in front of the door upstairs?".........'It might have been me.'
"Were you trying to keep the new owners out?".........'That was the purpose.'
"The new owners are taking care of your house.".......A woman said 'Herman, be nice.' Herman said 'They're in my house! People come and go.'
"They kept your furniture, doesn't that make you feel comfortable?"..........'That time is over.'
"What do you want done with the house?".........'Get out!'
Chris said "I am getting very uncomfortable with how this conversation is going.".............A woman's said 'Be nice, Harold!'
"Harold? Was that you? Are you tricking us?"..........."Ha, Ha, Ha!'
"Is Herman even here?"..........'He might be. Yup.'
"Harold, in Room 5, what was with the mirror?" (Chris took several pictures of dozens of orbs coming out of the mirror during the second session in Room 5.)..........'Doorway behind it. Come through easy there. Doorway, gateway there.'
Chris: "There was a vortex that opened behind the mirror. That's probably why that room is so active."........'They come through there. They go back and forth. They visit.'
"Harold, thank you for helping Markie tonight."........'It was time. February. It happened. Party.'
Chris: "That may be why the party of orbs was going on in Room 6 right after Markie passed. They were celebrating.".......'Yup.'
"Thank you again, Harold. Now we want to talk to the spirits who inhabit this house all the time. No joking this time. How many spirits are here all the time?".........'Seven'
"Can you tell me the number of intelligent?".........'Six intelligent, one earthbound'
"Are all of the seven here all the time?"......Three say 'yes' and one says 'sometimes'
"How many of the seven are here all the time?"........a woman said 'We are all here. Seven.'
"What is your name?".........'1944'
"What does 1944 have to do with this?"........'1944. Someone dropped me. There wasn't anybody to help me.'
"Have you crossed over, have you moved on? She has no idea what I'm talking about. What is your name?"........'Allison' (or it might have been Susan, it was unclear.)
"Have you seen the light yet?"........'I tried that.'
"Is there anybody from the town who wants to talk to us using this box? Is James Brown here, or George Moore?".........'Yup'
"George Moore, what was your business here in town?".........'Curtis knows.'
"Harold? Are you answering for them?"........'They don't know how to use the box.'
"Harold are you mad that we're doing a session away from the Mason House?"...........'If you're going to do it in my town, do it at the Mason House!'
"Okay, we'll do it from there from now on."........'Okay'
"You guys are more fun anyway.".........'There's a chance someone's going to leave tonight. Ha, Ha, Ha. The blond lady in the store, she thinks she's safe.'
"Isn't that the one who wanted to be left alone?"........'She's asking for it. Ha, Ha.'
"She teased you enough, go ahead and do it to her."..........'She's there now. Ha, Ha, Ha.'
"Are you going to bother Cindi and Aurora in Room 2?"..........'Not the baby, the blond lady.'
"What room are you going to go after most tonight?"............'5 and 7'
"The lady in Room 8 is a newspaper reporter, go do something to her so she can write about you in her newspaper."...........'She can't take it.'
John asked "Harold, how did you get your name?".........'God named me.'
Chuck asked "Harold, since you are in such a good mood, can you tell us your last name?".......'I told you, you learn it and I'll tap it for you.'
"Can you tap it now for our recorder and I can decipher it."...........'I'll tap it in your head. Why don't you come home, Chris? Come home.'
Chris: "There's no room in the Inn tonight."........'You can stay in my room.'
"All the rooms are full. I'm going to stay here tonight."........'He's a mean man!' A woman's voice said 'He is mean.'
"I'll live, I'll make it. I'll be over for breakfast.".........'It's alot different over there.'
"So what can we expect, really?"........'No sleeping.'
"We'll survive. Can we ask you a few questions? Harold, do you know anything about the Underground Railroad?"........'Yes'
"Did Herman have a station on the Underground Railroad out of this house?".......'They were all over.'
"Did Lewis Mason have a station on the Underground Railroad at the Mason House?".......3 voices all say 'Yes'.
"Anybody else in town, did they help the runaway slaves too?".......'Yes'
"How many tunnels were there in town?"........'16. Under the churches.'
"Which churches?".........'Methodist Church. Universalist Church.'
"Did they help free the slaves?".........'A women's club lead the effort.' A woman said 'Don't tell them that!'
"Where was the Masonic Lodge located?"......'Above a store. Brotherhood. Town Hall.' (He started naming people, I heard Lewis Mason among the names.) 'Why are you asking these questions?'
"We want to learn the history of this town. Are you familiar with the flood?".........'It was June.' (alot of voices started talking at once, it was chaotic.)
Chris: "It's amazing how different the energy is over here versus the Mason House. I seems more suspicious and deceptive like they want to protect something. I don't think we're going to get anywhere."
John: "Do you feel we are invading you?"......'Get out!'
Chuck: "We're sorry you feel that way, we're not here to hurt you, we just want to learn about you."........'My house!'
Chris: "Well, thank you anyway. We'll go now. Good night, Harold.".........'Good night'
( During this whole session, there was alot of clicking, popping, banging, and shuffling sounds coming from the kitchen to the right of us. Chris, John, and Regina stayed the night in the house. John and Regina stayed upstairs and heard someone walking back and forth in the hallway. They thought it was Chris, but he stayed on the first floor and never went upstairs. Chris stayed downstairs and did not get much sleep.)
Over at the Mason House, the people in Room 3 asked not to be disturbed and they weren't. The people in Room 5 said they heard knocking sounds and the lights went off and on. They were so frightened, they left the room and went over to stay in Room 4 with their friends. In Room 4 they saw little orb lights come out of the wall and zoom around the room, then exited back through the wall. They also heard a loud snoring sound that seemed to come from Room 6. In Room 6 they heard the knocking and also heard the snoring, which they thought was coming from Room 5. But there was no one in Room 5! The people in Room 7 had some coins on their dresser that were played with and heard the snoring. The people in Room 8 also had some coins played with on their dresser and felt the cat, Josephine, jump up on the bed, walk around, and then laid down on the daughter's feet. She felt the weight and the purring vibrations. They all heard a loud bang sound as if a door was slammed shut. The people upstairs thought it came from someplace downstairs, and the downstairs people thought it came from upstairs.
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