Availability for Special Events
28 and 29 March 2008
Christopher Moon held two classes this weekend. The Friday night class was an advanced 102 class and the Saturday night class was the beginner 101 class. We did two Frank Box sessions in Room 5 during those two nights. The following is a selection of those four sessions:
Friday night, March 28th, we went up to the cemetery first and did an open air EVP session. We invited Frederick Hancock to come back to the Mason House with us to talk on the Frank Box.
"Who's here tonight?".......'Stan'
"Is Stan an inhabitant or did you come down from the cemetery?".....'Cemetery' Markie: 'Mary left. She was watching upstairs.'
"Is Mary mad?"......'Too many others. She's mad at John.'
"What's John's last name?"........'Yount'
"What year did John die?".......'Don't know'
"Did he die here in the Inn?".......'No'
"Is John here now?".........'Downstairs. Under the house.'
"He's in the basement?"........'Yes'
"Does he reside there?".........'Inhabits it.'
"A couple of night ago, we had some guests who smelled some rubbing alcohol in one of the rooms. Is there a doctor who resides here?".........'Yes there is.'
"What is the doctor's name?".......'Peter'
"Did he die in the Inn?".........'He didn't. Earthbound.'
"Was he the one who did the alcohol smell to our guests?".......Peter: 'I was behind her.'
"Peter, do you know you're stuck here?"........'Yes sir.'
"Do you want to go to the light?"........'Not right now.'
"Chris can help you to go to the light when you're ready."..........Markie: 'He wants to take the children.'
"Why does he want to take the children?".......'He's protective of them.'
"Peter, do you take care of the children who are here in the Inn?".......Amanda: 'He's not bad.'
"Were you the town doctor?"........Peter: 'County'
"Here in Bentonsport?"........'County. I was.'
"Do you know the year that you passes?".......' '93'
"1893?"........'I was'
"Did you live here when it was a boarding house?".........'When it flooded. I was. When it was a house.'
"That would be from 1951 to 1956. It didn't flood then. There was a doctor and his wife who lived here when it was a boarding house from the 1920s to 1940s. Do you know who that doctor was?".........'No'
"Amanda, was Peter your doctor?"..........Amanda: 'I don't think so.'
"Is Lewis Mason here tonight?"........'Yes'
"In the morning we are going to go outside with this box and try to find the tunnel. Do you think you can help us with that?".........Lewis: 'Yes'
"Okay, we'll do that tomorrow morning."........Lewis: "Don't start digging yet.'
"A couple days ago we found three little hand prints on this bed. Who did that?"........'Johnny'
"Is this the Johnny who plays with Aurora?"........Johnny: 'I do.'
"How old are you, Johnny?".........'Almost 11'
"Did you die in the Inn?".........Markie: 'No, outside. He's shy.'
"How many spirits followed us down from the cemetery?".........Harold: '30' A man's voice: 'He's from Chicago. I'm from Portland.' Harold: 'They're from all over.'
Joy: "Last November, the men staying in Room 3 took a picture and there is a face in the window. Do you know who that was?"........Markie: 'That was Harold.' (To see the picture, go to Joy's Journal 2008, 14 Feb.)
"Thank you, Harold, for a wonderful picture!"........Harold: 'You got lucky. Lucky shot.'
"I like your mustache."..........'Thank you. The gate is opening. Do you see them?'
"A vortex is opening?"..........'Is that what you call it?'
"Where?".........'Behind mirror'
We took pictures of the tall mirror and there were a lot of orbs coming out of it. Then I noticed that the area to my left was getting colder. Todd had the thermometer so he aimed it at the spot and the temperature was jumping from 76 to 105, up and down and back up again, all over the place. When Chris took a picture of him, there were orbs all around him.
There was a man with a really low voice who kept making comments in the background, so we asked: "Who is the man with the low voice?".........'Joseph'
"Did you follow us from the cemetery, Joseph?".........'Yes, what is this?'
"Amanda, you've been very patient waiting to talk to us, is there anything you want to say?"........Amanda: 'I'm leaving'
"You're leaving us?"........'Tomorrow'
"Where are you going?"........'With Jinni. Daughter.'
"You're going with Jinni to her dance camp tomorrow?".........'Yes'
"Are you going to dance with her?"........'Dance. Yes.'
Joy: "I saw an orb on my arm a few nights ago, who was that?"........Amanda: 'Josephine. She likes you.'
"Thanks, that's nice, we like her too."
Chris: "Okay, we're going to wrap this up for tonight. Thanks everybody.".........'Where are you going?'
That night, the people in Room 6 heard some thumping noises, but they thought it was the people in Room 5 doing it. The people in Room 5 also heard the thumping and thought it was coming from Room 6. One of the ladies in Room 5 was poked three times in the leg, and the man was also poked in the leg. They took pictures around the room and got alot of tiny bright orbs around the rocking chair. In our room, I saw a tiny golden light flash over Chuck's head, on his pillow. Then he said he felt something moving around in his hair. I got up and took a picture of him and there was a large orb beside him but not on his head where he said he was being touched. There was also alot of clicking and tapping and rattling noises at the end of our bed and by the desk for about fifteen minutes, then it quit.
Saturday afternoon we went out
back to where we were going to try to find the Underground Railroad tunnel that
collapsed. From what we had been told already, Chuck had decided on a
place to start looking. We tried to get Lewis Mason on the Frank Box, but
we only got a man named Patrick. When Chris asked him what he was
(expecting him to say 'intelligent' or 'earthbound') but he said 'dead'.
Since we could not get Lewis, we decided to wait and try again later.
Saturday night, after dinner, we went outside again and this time we did contact Lewis Mason. Chuck had a long metal rod that he was poking into the soft ground, trying to find something that sounded like a wooden beam. Lewis kept saying things like 'go east', 'go thirty', 'too far', 'try the other way'. Not very specific. There were also other voices saying 'what's he looking for?', 'that's not it', 'take seven steps', 'what is this?', and things like that. It was very confusing. At one point Lewis got frustrated and left, Markie got him to come back. Chuck did hit some places that sounded like wood, at one point he hit a clink and someone said 'that's a rock.' After a while it got too cold for the box to work efficiently, so we quit and went inside. In this picture you can see Amanda's orb in the upper left corner. I guess she had come out to watch too.
When we went into Room 5, a few minutes later, the chandelier was already swinging.
"Okay, can somebody please explain this swinging chandelier?"..........Amanda: 'Harold did it.'
"Thanks, Harold, that's a really neat trick."..........'Thank you.'
"Are you doing it directly or from across the room?"........'Directly. It's hard.' (Dennis took a picture and there was a large orb on the chandelier.)
"Is Lewis here?"........Harold: 'He was.'
"He's gone?".........'Amanda misses him.'
"Didn't he follow us in from outside?".........Harold: 'I'm here. I'm the inspiration.'
"But Lewis is the one who built the tunnel. I wanted to thank him for his help and find out where the other wall is."..........Harold: 'You almost uncovered it.'
"Do I need to go closer together or farther apart?"...........Multiple voices give different answers: 'You should try east.' 'I told you to go thirty.' 'You almost uncovered it.' 'What's he looking for?' 'What is this?'
"Are you sure Lewis isn't here now?"........'He was outside.'
We decided to drop the subject because the various voices kept giving advice.
Chuck: "Who played with my hair last night in bed?"..........Amanda: 'Josephine. On your pillow.'
"Who was playing down at the end of our bed and on the desk?".......'John. Remember Johnny?'
"Johnny the eleven year old?".........'That's right.'
"Does he like to play with my stuff?".........'He does.'
"Is he looking for something in particular or is he just having fun?".........'With Jinni.'
"Is Johnny with Jinni now?".........'Yes. He's talking to her in her room.'
"Amanda, did you go with Jinni to her dance camp today?".......'Yes.'
"How'd she do?".........'She did good.' A man's voice: 'It was really neat.'
"Who else went with Jinni?"..........'Me, Harold.'
"Harold, you went too?"..........'Yes. She did good.'
"Is Frederick Hancock here?".......'You mean Freddy?'
"Frederick Hancock"..........'We call him Freddy.'
"Were you outside helping us find the tunnel?"........Frederick: 'I was. I thought you would get it.'
"We found a vertical beam I take it?"...........'I think so.'
"How far is the south end from where we were at?".........'Thirty. Go thirty.'
"Thirty feet south?".......'I think so.'
"Frederick, do you know where the three people who were trapped in there, where they are?"........'They tried to climb out. Two are at the north end and one is at the south end.' A man's voice: 'Boooo Boooo'
"Who was that?" Chris: "That was Harold.".............Harold: 'Booooo Boooo' (He was wanting attention.)
"Frederick, did the tunnel collapse all the way down?".........'I think so. Most of it. Initially.'
"So I can only find the walls of it?".........'Yes, I think so.'
"Okay, thank you for your help today."..........'Keep looking.' Other voices: 'Go east.' 'Go thirty.'
"Thirty what?".........'Why?' 'Go east.' 'You went too far right.' 'You missed it.' 'Gotta go east.' 'Whatever.'
"East from where?".........'The post.'
"Which post? Is it in the brush or in the yard?".........'East'
"Change the subject. Is Mary here tonight?"...........'Yes'
"Mary can I ask you a personal question? Is your daughter here in the Inn sometimes?"........'Yes. Sometimes.'
"Is she here now?".......'No'
"She died as a baby, what happened to her?"..........'Pretty as a picture on a postcard. I don't want to talk about it.'
"Is Markie here?"......'I'm here.'
"Some people here want to say hi to you."........'Hi. I'm going to spend more time here now.'
"So, you're not going to be a technician for Chris anymore?".......'Are you kidding? Some. But more time here.'
"Great, I'm sure Amanda will like that."........Amanda: 'Yeah' Markie: 'No'
"Are you going to spend more time with our guests now?".......'I'll try'
"Hey, Harold, the chandelier is slowing down, keep it going."..........'I'm trying.'
"Try making it go the other way."........'I'll try. It's hard.'
At this point the chandelier completely stopped and nudged a little the other way but did not swing much. the hook it is on is flat, so that may have something to do with it.
"Do any of the spirits here have anything to pass on to the group tonight?".........Harold: 'Gonna be loud.'
"You promise?".......'Big party. Guaranteed.'
"Why did nothing happen in Room 6 last night?"..........'Said to leave them alone.'
"Who poked people in Room 5?"...............'Me'
"You don't have to wait till they're in bed to bother them you know.".............'Yes I do.'
"No, once they're in their room you can start.".................'Go to your rooms.'
"We have to finish the box first.".................'Okay'
"Are you going to play with the water in Room 9?"............'Maybe'
"How about Room 3?".............'Listen for the footprints.'
"You mean footsteps?"...........'Footsteps, yeah.'
"Well, thanks everybody for helping us find part of the tunnel. We'll keep working on it. Bye."............'Go east.'
That night the people in Room 5 heard tapping on the walls and heard a sound they could not place. In the morning they tried different things and decided they had heard the gliding rocking chair moving. In Room 6, one lady went to the bathroom and the door was being held shut and she could not open it, when she tried again later it worked fine. The other lady in the room said she felt a heavy weight on her legs and it left them really cold. In Room 7, they felt the cat on the bed. Room 4 reported that the doorknob was rattling but did not turn. Room 8's curtains were moving in and out for no apparent reason. And in Room 3, one lady was touched and felt a cold spot. They heard walking around sounds outside their door, but no one was there.
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