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Mason House Inn

November 12 and 13, 2011

         Saturday, Nov. 12, Room 5,  First session:

Chris: "Ty, are you there?"...................'Yeah, what.'

Chris: "Are you ready to go?"..................'Go ahead. Faster.'

Chuck: "On behalf of Veteran's Day this week, I'd like to thank everybody for their service to our country.   Harold, Markie, James, General Ford, and anybody else we haven't named.  We thank you for your service."..............Harold: 'Thanks.  No problem.  You too.'

Chuck: "Thank you."  (Chuck was in the Air Force for twenty-five years.)

Chuck: "I have a question for Lewis Mason.  Is he here?"....................Harold: 'He's here.  In person.'     Lewis: 'Yes'

Chuck: "Hello Lewis.  I was wondering about these crossings you have been doing.  Do Joy and I have to be present for it to work?".....................'Yes. Part of it.'

"And do Chris and Paulette have to be present too?   All four of us?"..................'Yes.  Part of it.  There's five.'

"Do you mean Cindy, too?"................'Yes.'

"So if we went to another site, and we were all together, would you do crossings there too?"............'Maybe'

"So you are saying that Joy and I are now woven into the pattern that it takes to do the crossing?"...............'It's a simple plan.'

"It seems there is an urgency to get these crossings done.  Is the urgency on our side or your side?"............'It's impossible.   Today.'

"Yes, we are going to do it tomorrow.  But is the urgency on your side or our side?"............Tyler: 'Let go now.'

Chris: "Okay we'll go for now.  Be back in a little bit."

We had to shut down the box because something bad was trying to come through.  In a few minutes we turned it back on.

Chris: "Ty, you still there?"...............'Yeah'

"Are we good to go?"..............'Yeah, go.'

Chuck: "Lewis Mason, are you still here?"..................Lewis: 'Go ahead'

"This urgency to cross over the earth bounds, is it because of something on our side or your side?".........'Must be done quickly.  Our side.  It's obvious.'

Joy: "Does this have something to do with 2012?"............'Yes.  It's obvious.  We've been saying that.'

Chuck: "I'll change the subject now.  We had some guests here who had a recorder and they got the song "Crazy" on the recorder.  Does anybody know anything about that?".................Harold, laughing: 'That's crazy.'  

"Yes, who sung the song on the recorder?"............Harold: 'Don't know anything about that.'      A woman's voice: 'Maggie'

"No, it was a man's voice singing."........................Harold: 'Maggie wants to talk.'

Chuck: "We are going to hold off for a minute.  We have some questions first.  Who stacked the cookies in the cookie jar?"...................Harold: 'Guest cookies.'

"Yes, they found them stacked, inside the jar.  Who did that?"....................'Howard.    Ha ha.  That was funny.'

"Harold?  Did you do that?"..................'Yeah.  You caught me.  I did not sing though.   Don't know anything about that.'

"Who did Joy see in the doorway of our bedroom a few days ago?"................Man's voice: 'That was me.'

"Was that Curtis?"..................'Yeah.  I smelled breakfast.'

"Harold, is Joy still being tuned?"................'Yes'

"Who snuggled in the bed with the lady a few weeks ago?"....................'That was Carver.'

"Who is Carver?  A child?"............................'Early teens'

"Why did you crawl in bed with the lady, Carver?".......................Young man's voice: 'I don't know.  Seemed like the thing to do.  She liked it.'      Harold: 'I'll wait up.'

"Who did somebody see in Room 8 a couple weeks ago?"..................Man's voice: 'I stay in that room.'

"Who are you?  What's your name?".........................'Ask me again.'

"Who stays in Room 8?"......................'Me.'      Woman's voice: 'Maggie, Maggie, Maggie.'

"Does Maggie have a message?"....................Man: 'She's not lily white.  That's why he gave her the bullets.'    Child: 'She's dead.'

"Maggie, have you gone to the light?"...................'No'      Bart: 'Bart, I'm staying.'

"Hey, Bart, can you say hi to our group here?"....................Bart: 'I've been gone.  I've been gone since last week.  I had to get out of the way.'

"Is everything okay since you've been back?".....................'Yes, sir'      Woman: 'Help me.'

"Is that Maggie?".....................'Yes.   Help me.'

"Maggie, work with Lewis and he will help you.".....................Lewis: 'I gave her a pass.   Children are coming to help.'

"Who said 'Oh no' when Joy was talking on the telephone?"..................'There's a price.'   Ty: 'This line's been compromised.'

Chris: "Okay.  We'll shut down for a minute.  Thanks."

We turned it off for a little bit then turned it back on.

Chris: "Is it okay now?".................Ty: 'This line is being monitored.'

"Okay.  Anybody have any question?"

Guest: "Who called 'Carol'?"................'Really?   You have to ask?'

Chuck: "Does she have somebody attached to her?"........................'She knows.'

Guest: "Who was jiggling my bed last night in Room 6?"..................... no answer

Another guest: "Who grabbed me in the doorway?"........................... 'Paul.  He was trying to talk to you.'

"Is Paul a child?"....................'No.  He wanted to tell you thank you.'

Paulette: "Is Daniel here tonight?"..................'Yes'

"Is he watching out for Joy?"....................'He has been.   We all do.'   Daniel: 'I'm done.  I'm leaving.  I'm tired of this. '

Paulette: "But I don't want you to leave.  I want you to stay.".................'It's gonna be hard.  I'm done here.'      Harold: 'We need you here.'    Daniel: 'I can't be a part of this.'

Guest: "Who was knocking in my room when I stayed here last September?"...................Harold: 'Not going to talk about that right now.'

Chris: "Are you busy with something else right now?"...............'Yep.   Can't talk right now.'

Another guest: "What does the number eleven mean?  I keep seeing the number eleven."..........'We're sorry.  We're sorry.'

"Who called my name yesterday?"...............'A man.'     'Synchronicity'  (Referring to the number eleven.)  

"Have I seen you before?".......................'Yes, I think so.  You were frightened.'

"Are you sorry?".........................'You know it.'

"Are you related to me?"......................'Yes.  Girls.   Robert.'

"Bob?"........................'Yes, Robert.'

"What's your last name?"..................'I've said enough for now.'

          Second Session:

Chris: "Ty, you there?".........................Ty: 'Let's go.'

Chuck: "I'd like to start this session the same as the last session.  On behalf of Veteran's Day, I'd like to thank all those who served in the military.  Thank you for your service."....................Man's voice: 'Thank you.'

"What's your name?"....................'Herman'

"Herman, hello, are you a resident here?"................'Yes, sir.'

"Did you serve in one of the wars?".................'Just did'

"Do you know what year you passed?".....................'1892'

"Were you in the War Between the States?".................'Yes'

"Where were you from?".....................'I grew tobacco.'

"Oh, were you from one of the Confederate States?"....................'Yes'

"Did you die here at the Inn?"...................'No.  In a stream.'

"Was your body brought to the Inn?"...............'Last night.'

"Have you been to the Light yet, Herman?"...............'No'

"Get with Lewis Mason and he'll help you."................'It's time.'

"We'll do the crossing tomorrow, okay?"...................'I served.'

" Thank you.  Did Lewis gather you to bring you here?"................'I came with Donald.   My favorite friend.  Corporal.'

"Is Donald here?".................'Yes'

"Donald, have you gone to the Light?".................'Soon'

"Okay, we'll do that tomorrow."........................'Yes, sir.'

"Thank you for your service."................'Okay'

"Is there a Jeremiah here?".................'Yes'

"Are you a resident of the Inn?".................'That's correct.  Yes.'

"What year did you pass?".................'It's September.  That's a long bus ride.'

"Jeremiah, are you here for the gathering with Lewis?"........................'I'm headed there.  Yes.'

"Okay, we'll do that tomorrow.  Harold, I need to talk to you about the building."....................'Alright'

"Have you been gone from the building since that box was here?"......................'Outside.'

"Is it safe now?"..............'Yes.  We got it.'

"Has it been sealed?".................'Yes.  We're back now.   What a mess.  You didn't control it.'

"Sorry about that.  We did not know."..................'No more boxes.  Just Chris.'

"Do we have anything more to worry about?"..............'Yeah.  Me.  Ha ha.'

"I'm serious.  Is everything okay?".................'All good.  Aren't you happy we're home?"

"I'm elated you're home."...................... 'Good things.'

"How many residents are here in the room with us?"....................'At least five.'

"Did a vortex open behind this mirror a little while ago?"...............'Yes.  It does that alot.   Gate.'

"Do you like that Chris is here this weekend?"...................Harold: 'I'm going to kiss him on the cheek.'

Chris: "Okay, go ahead.".......................'Oh.  Ha ha.'

Chuck: "Is Markie here tonight?"..................Markie: 'Yeah.  I'm here.'

"Hi Markie.  I just wanted everybody to hear your voice."...........'Hey.  It's all me.'

"We told them your story about how you went to the Light.".................'You helped me.'

"I get goosebumps on my arms when I tell that story."....................'Amanda says hi.'

"Hi Amanda"..................'I'm sick.'     We hear a ding sound.

"Harold, is that you doing the ding sound?"...............'Yeah'

"Can you do a train whistle sound?"..................'I'll do it later.'

"Is that in our time or your time?".................'Time is different here.'

"Harold, you said it would take six months to tune Joy.  Is that our time or your time?".............'There's a crowd.'

Chuck: "Am I a hard nut to crack?"................'You know it.'

Chris: "Are we going to have a party tonight?"..................'You bet.'    Tyler: 'I'm not happy.'

Chuck: "It's my fault.  I'm sorry.'........................'Keep out the other boxes.'    Daniel: 'I'm packing my bags.'    Harold: 'I love you.   Don't go.'     Daniel:  'I can't take this anymore.'    Tyler: 'Stop'

Chris: "Okay, that's it for now.  Thanks everybody.".................'Bye'

       (We had a problem with people bringing in their boxes and using them in the Inn without asking for Harold to be the technician  and they left something behind that we had to get cleaned out of the house.  Once it was an evil spirit and recently we had a vortex that would not close and all kinds of stuff was coming and going and all our spirits got fed up with it and left the building.  Chris cleaned out both problems and our nice spirits are back now.  So, now we are asking that nobody but Chris to bring a 'talking box' into the Inn.  No 'Frank Boxes' no Ovulus, no Paranormal Puck.  "Ghost Radar" on your phone is okay.  Rods and pendulums are okay.  No Ouija boards!!  Thank you for understanding. )

      Saturday night, I had a very vivid dream about a man, who looks alot like Lewis Mason, with a cattle prod.  He was forcing some very mean-looking Brahma bulls into cattle cars with his prod.  Forcing them against their will to board the train.  Chaos broke out and several people who were watching got hurt.  In the morning I told Chris and Paulette about my dream and the foreboding feeling I had.  Paulette said she had had a similar dream about a man with dark hair who was forcing bad people into a subway train car against their will.  She also had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.  We were all on edge when we started the Telephone to the Dead session.

         Sunday, Nov. 13, Room 5:

Chris: "Ty, are you ready?".....................'Good.  Ready to go.'     There were many spirit voices in the background making it hard to hear.

Chuck: "How are you tonight?".................'This is hard.'

"I understand.  Who saw Joy give me a 'touch-touch' in Room 1 this afternoon?".........Curtis: 'I saw it.  I laughed.'

"Yeah, that was funny.  She heard you laugh.".................'I know she did.'

"Does anybody know what happened to Fluffy?" (Our cat had been missing for several days.).........'He leaves here.'

"Is he still in town?"...................'No.  Left town.'

"On his own?"..................'No.  He followed somebody.  A few weeks ago.'   Harold: 'He's fine.  He'll be back.  Don't worry.  I see him.'    (Note: Fluffy showed up two days later.)

"A couple days ago a man was here and he lost his wedding band somewhere.  Does anybody know anything about it?"...................'It's out back.  In the trees.  Left it there.'

"Did any of our residents remove it from the Inn?".................'Running'

"Was he out running and he lost it?".....................'Yes.   A man.'

"Is there any way you residents can find it and leave it on the dining room table for us?"...........'We'll try.'

"Thank you, that will mean alot to us if you could do that.".....................'Yep'

"This afternoon, Joy was up here in Room 5 talking to Anna, and Drea wanted to talk.  What did she want to talk about?"................Little girl's voice: 'My legs.  Can't walk.  Need to get out.'

"Ty, is she earthbound?"................Ty: 'Been here since 1928.  Polio.'

"Lewis will help you when we do the cross over.  Drea, how old are you?"..............'She sits by the door.  She tries to get through.  She can't get through.'

"Have Lewis help you tonight."................'Okay'

"And you will be all healed when you get to the Light."................... 'Maybe'

"Is Joanna here tonight?".....................'Yes.'

"Are you a resident here now?"......................'Yes, I stay here.'

"Welcome.  Do you like Room 5?".....................'Yes.  Mary said I could.'

Paulette: "Daniel, are you still here?"..............Man's voice: 'Going away.   My parents left.  And Cassie.  He's gone.  He got out.'

"Harold, do you think he'll come back?"..............Harold: 'Maybe'

"Can you talk to him and see if he'll come back?  We need him.".................'I'll try.'

Guest: "Who was touching my knee?"....................'Cindy Stevens'

"Is she a resident here?"....................'Yes.  She's three.  She's cute.  She makes lots of sounds.'

"Cindy, do you know when you passed?"....................Little girl's voice: 'No'

Guest: "Harold, did you see me on the store porch?"...................'With the candy.'

"Were you involved with dropping the store sign near her?"..............'She couldn't wait.   Asked for a sign.'

"And did you do the POP sound we heard on the recording?"..................'Cookies'

"What about the heart beat sounds on the taping?"...................'You needed to know.'

"Did this have to do with a certain person?"......................'No'

"What do you think of Cecily?"..................Various voices: 'Kiss her head.'    'She's for real.'    'So cute.'   'I'm holding her hand.'

"Will she be able to see you guys when she gets older?".................'She already does.'    'I'm her buddy.'    Amanda: 'What kind of music does she like?'

"Classical music.  She has a toy that lights up and plays music.  You can turn it on for her."............'Oooo'

Guest: "Maggie wants to tell us something."

Another guest: "The Reiki in the Mason House Inn, do you like that?".....................'Yes.  Good energy.'

Chris: "I think we better shut down for a few minutes.  Something is happening.".............'It's Maggie.  She wants to talk.'

       Chris and Joy and a guest medium started feeling like somebody was trying to affect them.  Chris and Joy shut her down, so the guest was affected.  She said Maggie wanted to talk and we would not let her talk on the box, so she decided to use a medium to send her message.  Maggie wanted us to know that she was a black ex-slave who was raped and had a baby from it and they died in childbirth, here in the Inn.   The man who did it is one of the spirits crossing tonight and she wants us to know what he did before he got away.

Chris: "Did you clear everybody, Ty?"................'New wrinkle.  Too many people.'

"Ty, can you tell us how many are crossing tonight?"...............'Two so far.  I made them all leave.  Too noisy.  They are waiting in back.'

"Was Maggie one that is crossing?"...................'No'

"Is she still here?"....................'She's been here a long time.'

"Do you want to do the cross?"...................'No'

"Did they already cross over?".................'No, they're all in the back waiting.'

"What does Lewis want to do?".................'Wait here.  I'll get him.'

"Does Lewis want to do the crossing tonight?"................'No'

"Does he want to wait till Chris comes back in February?"..................'Maybe'

"Is Lewis here?"...................Lewis: 'I'm here.  Tyler won't help.'    Ty: 'I won't be a part of this.'

"What about us here at the Inn.  Will we be affected by this?"..................'They won't go.  Sixty of them.  Forced through.  They don't want to go.  Forcing them through.  Bad ones.  Won't go.'    Tyler: 'It has to be free will.  You can't force them.'    Harold: 'They won't go.'      Daniel: 'I can't stand this, I'm leaving.'    Lewis: 'Tyler won't do it.  Won't let it happen.'    Tyler: 'It's not right.  It's crazy.'

"Are these sixty not willing to go?"...............Tyler: 'Don't want to go.  Lewis is forcing them.  It's not right.  Religion.  Choice.  Can't force them.  I won't be party to this.'

"Can we push this down the road till Lewis can convince them to go?".............Lewis: 'No way.'    Tyler: 'Why didn't you ask me about this first?'     Lewis: 'Cause I knew you would not be happy about it.'

Chris: "Is everything here at the Inn going to be okay?"................Ty: 'Smiles'

Chuck: "Are we going to feel the heaviness here at the Inn for the next three months?"................'No.  You're free.'

"So the earth bounds are not going to stay here, correct?"..............Lewis: 'They can go.  They are leaving.'

      There was a big ruckus so we had to shut down for a little while.  Maggie was still wanting to talk.

Chris: "Ty, I understand why you are frustrated but I think it is just a misunderstanding.  You and Lewis need to work this out.  So what I need to know is if we don't do a full blown crossing tonight, will all these earthbound spirits be near this location?"................Ty: 'No.'

"So it will be clear here, correct?"...............'Yes'

"There is one particular spirit we would like to talk to, her name is Maggie.  Do you know who we are talking about?"......................Ty: 'Yes. Her.'

"What we want to find out is that she claims there is a spirit here who assaulted her and he is here.  Is this true?".....................'He is.'

"Are you talking about an earthbound in this location?".............'Yes.  He's in the void.   Jonathan.  He's a bad one.'

"We don't want to give him any attention or validation.  We are asking Jonathan to leave this place.  Either go to the Light, or go someplace else.  But he needs to leave this space, this energy."................Ty: 'Maggie needs to go to the Light.'

"Maggie, do you want to say anything before you go to the Light?  Do you want to go?".............Woman's voice: 'Yes.  I tried to tell you.  I wanted you to know what happened.  You wouldn't listen to me.'

"Tyler, can you take her to the Light now?"...................'She's gone.   Jonathan left.   He's gone.  She saw him here.  Got upset."

"Maggie's okay now, right?"................'Yes.  She's gone.'

"Now, Tyler, what about the rest?".................'Twelve went.  Lewis let the rest go.  They left.'

Chuck: "Thank you, Tyler, for your help this evening."...................Ty: 'I'm staying for a while.  I need to keep an eye on things.'      Harold: 'Me too.'

Chris: "Thanks for everything.  We are going now."..................'Bye'     Harold: 'Whew!'

     Apparently, Lewis was collecting some spirits who were really bad in life and had not crossed yet.  They did not want to go to the Light but he was going to round them up and 'cattle prod' them through.  (My dream!)  And Tyler did not want to be part of a forced crossing and would not do it.  It has to be free will, they can't be forced to go.  Lewis finally gave up and let them go back where they wanted to go.  None of them stayed here.  Twelve spirits did cross, including Maggie.  Jonathan left but did not cross over. 


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