Availability for Special Events
November 13 & 14, 2010
A filming crew was here filming Chris Moon for a show to be shown on the A&E channel in the future. It will be titled "The Ghost Box with Christopher Moon." , be sure to watch for it. We will be in the pilot show. One of the men in the crew was named Brian. He had felt his hand touched earlier in the day. He felt it was a child.
Telephone to the Dead session, 13 Nov. 2010, Saturday, 1st session
Chuck: �I have a question for the spirits here, whoever might know the answer.
I have a picture here that was
taken here in Room 5, of an energy pattern going up. Can anybody tell me
what is going on in this picture? Is this a vortex or apparition or
what?�������Ty: �Energy, going up.�
�Yes we know that. Is it a vortex opening?�����.�Gate open. Yes.�
�Okay, thank you for verifying that.����..Harold: �Gate is opening now. Here they come. Now you�ve done it.�
�Are you saying a vortex is opening right now? By the mirror?�������.�It�s difficult.�
Chris: �You�re saying it is difficult to open the gate?������..�Yes. Hard work. Takes lots of energy.�
Chuck: �Harold, I have a specific question for you.�������Hi, Chuck.�
�Hi, Harold. You once told us that when you see us you say we are cloudy to you?�����.Harold: �Fuzzy. Blurry.�
�When you went on the ride with Kristin at the amusement park and you attached to her energy and looked out through her eyes, was it still blurry?�����.�Clearer�
�So when you look out through our eyes, you can see better?�������Yes�
�Do you do that often?������..�It depends. It�s serious.�
�That�s interesting. Is Lewis Mason here tonight?������..�Souls are changing. Yes.�
�Lewis, are you here?��������Young man�s voice: �Hey Hey�
�Are you Lewis Mason? Or somebody else named Lewis?���������What?�
�We want to talk to Lewis Mason who owned this Inn.��������.Lewis: �I�m here. My Inn.�
�Lewis, the last time we talked to you, we were trying to get the date of the hanging of the slaves after the tunnel collapsed.������..�Tragic�
�You gave us a date of 20 July 1862, is that the date of the hanging or the date of the paper?����.�Hanging. Date of paper was after.�
�There was a Des Moines News that was in Keosauqua. Was the article in that paper, do you know?������Possible�
�The Historical Society in Iowa City has a copy of that paper. If we look for papers dated the week after July 20th, we should find the article?�����.�Should�
�So is it worth going up and looking at the paper to find the article?���.�Find the July 20 issue.�
�Do you know what page it was on in the paper?����Don�t remember.�
�Thank you for the information.����.�You�re welcome.�
�Does anybody know what happened to Room 2�s key that was in the back hallway?����..Harold: �Taken by the children.� (A few days before this session, Room 2�s back door key disappeared and we have looked all over for it and can�t find it.)
�Amanda, do you know something about the key?�����Amanda: �Walker took it.�
�How old is Walker?��������Sixteen�
�That�s not a child. Is it hidden in the basement?����..�Maybe�
�Is there a way we can get it back so we can get into the room to clean it?����Walker: �I�ll make a deal for it.�
�What do you want for the key?�����A new car. A red car.�
�Walker, what year did you pass?�����..�Now�
�Have you been to the light?������Not yet. I have a problem with some of the staff here.�
�There are only two of us on staff here. What have we done that irritates you?���..�Too noisy.�
�Do you mean the vacuum?������.�I�m trying to sleep.�
Joy: �Curtis does not like the vacuum either. He says it�s too noisy.������.�It is.�
�Can you please give the key back?��������I�ll trade for a red car.� Another man�s voice �I�m in the bar.�
�Are you in the old tavern that is now Room 1?�����..Harold: �He�s a drunk.�
�What�s your name?������Morris�
Paulette: �Are you going to visit us in our room tonight?� (Chris and Paulette were staying in Room 1) ����..�I want a drink.�
Chuck: �Morris, are you here in the Inn full time, or are you just passing through?�����.�Here tonight.�
Paulette: �What about those boots you were wearing?������You heard them?�
Chris: �They�re noisy. We heard you.������I followed you.�
Chuck: �Are they soldier boots or work boots?�������Soldier�
�What war were you in?�������The Great War.�
�Would that be World War One or World War two?�����..�One. I was illegal. �
�Did you die here or in Europe?�����. �Here. 1945.�
Paulette: �Morris, are you English?�����. �Half.� (Then he laughed.)
Chuck: "This morning, Joy and I had a strong smell here in Room 5. Can you tell us what that was?"..........Amanda: 'Flowers?'
"No it wasn't flowers. It was coal oil. Was there a message there?"...................Curtis: 'It was oil.'
"Yes, it was an oily smell. Was that you, Curtis?"....................'Yes. Coal.'
"Was that the smell of your steamship?"..................'Yes'
"Were you just letting us know you were in the room?"......................'Yes. I'm here. It was unusual.'
"Yes, it was unusual. Thank you for sharing that with us."......................'Okay'
"Harold, you said the shadows I've seen are you guys but I haven't seen them for a while. Why haven't you shown your selves to us lately?"..........................Harold: 'Low energy. There's a break down.'
"So you're not mad at us or anything?".....................'No. Not lately.'
"Okay, just want to make sure I haven't done anything wrong."....................'No. Everything's okay. Energy's low.'
"There were footsteps on the second floor this morning and running up and down the hall. Were the children playing?".............'Apparently.'
Guest: "Harold, when you see me. Do you see me as I am today or what I was in your time?"..........'Nothing but now. I see you right there. Hi.'
Another guest: "Amanda, have you been touching me since I got here?"..............Amanda: 'Uh-huh.'
Another guest: "Is somebody sitting next to me right now, because it feels cold right here.".............'Yes. Cat. Cold, huh?'
Chuck: "A couple weeks ago, during breakfast, Joy saw a man peeking out of the parlor. Was that Mark Foster?"....................'No. He was watching.'
"Was his name Mark Foster? Did he come with the couple who were eating breakfast?".............'No. He stays with Harold. Elliot Witt.'
Guest: "Harold, were you playing with my phone last night?".............Harold: 'That was me.'
"And did you touch my hair too?".....................'Yeah'
Another guest: "Did you shake my bed last night?".............'Of course.'
Chuck: "Did Amanda touch Brian's hand yesterday?"................Amanda: 'I don't know his name. The bald one.' (Brian shaves his head.)
Guest: "Do you remember us? The last time we were here we found a stray dog outside the Inn and we took him home. Do you know what we named him?"..................'I remember. His name was Sam. You named him Mason.'
"That's right. I just wanted to let you know he's doing fine."..................'That's good.'
Chris: "That's it for this session. We'll be right back. Thanks."................Harold: 'Make it brief.'
Saturday, Second Session:
Chris: "Ty? Are you ready?"..................'Go for it.'
Chuck: "I asked this question earlier and I would like a little more information. I have a picture here of some sort of energy and it seems to be going upward. What is this?"....................'Energy'
"But is it a vortex?"....................'Yes. Gate. Energy. Going upward. Yes.'
"Thank you. Amanda, did you go with Jinni to Iowa City this morning?"................Amanda: 'Yeah. It was fun.' Another voice: 'Ten went.' Another voice: 'I counted seven.' Another voice: 'I shared her Gatorade.'
"How do you know about Gatorade?".........'I know. It's good.'
"Is Senator Mason here tonight?"................Harold: 'No, not here.'
"Is James the soldier here?".....................'No.'
"Boy, we're striking out."....................'Yes sir. I'm here.'
"Is Joe the slave here tonight?"...................Man's low voice: 'I am. Joe.'
"Did you go to the light and see your family, Joe?".......................'Yes'
"So is everything good for you now?"................'Yes. The others went too.'
"So the others who were trapped have now gone to the light?"...............'Yes they did.'
"Do any of them stay here at the Inn like you do?"....................'No. They're gone.'
"So do you stay here full time now, with us?"...................'Not with you. Come and go. I watch.'
Jinni comes into the room to say good night. "Hi Amanda".....................Amanda: 'Hi Jinni!' Harold: 'Hi Jinni.'
Jinni: "I'm going to bed now.".....................Amanda: 'I'll be up later. Good night.'
Guest: "I want to know if Isaiah came down from the cemetery to talk with me." (She had gone up to the cemetery earlier and asked Isaiah to come to the Inn to talk to her on the box.).............Man's voice: 'I am Isaiah.'
"Did we get the stone in the right place?"................'Yes It is now.'
"Is that your orb in the picture that we took?"..................'I was by you. It's great. Thank you.'
"There is another grave stone there with the same last name as yours. A girl. Was that your daughter?"............'Niece. Brother's girl.'
"Okay, I'd like to talk more to you later. Okay?".................'Yes. Later.'
(This guest is from Bonaparte and she had previously come across a headstone in a basement in a house in Bonaparte. The headstone said Isaiah (last name withheld). The guest had done some research and found another person, a girl, with the same last name, buried up in the Bentonsport Cemetery. Diving rods indicated that there was another grave, unmarked, next to the girl. The guest had the headstone placed there in the Bentonsport Cemetery. Now she wanted to know if she had placed the stone in the right spot. Isaiah did come to talk to her on the box and said she did get his headstone in the right place and thanked her. During a private session Isaiah explained that his wife had ordered the headstone, but was too poor to pay for it. So the stone carver never delivered the stone and stored it in his basement all these years. But then the carver died and nobody knew where Isaiah had been buried. Now the stone is were it belongs.)
Guest: "Amanda, were you in Room 6 last night?"................Amanda: 'No. I was in seven.'
Guest from Room 7: "When we were watching TV?".............'Yes'
"So who was in Room 6?"......................Harold: 'Cat. Which room is six?'
Joy: "The Senator's room."..............Harold: 'My room? That was Curtis.'
Chuck: "Harold, the other day when we were talking to you on the pendulum, why did you pull the pendulum out of Joy's hand?"......................'I had alot of strength. Pulled too hard.'
"Yes, you had alot of strength. That was a good trick."..............'Yes it was.'
"Is Bart here tonight?".....................Man's deep voice: 'Why do you want to know?'
"We want to hear your voice. You have a nice deep voice.".............'Oh'
Guest: "Is there a woman here named Violet or Viola?"................Harold: 'Not here now.'
"Was she passing through earlier?"....................'She worked at the shop.'
"Which shop?".......................'Greef shop. We saw you there earlier.'
"You saw me at the shop? Do you know what I bought?"...................'A book'
"That's right, I did buy a book."....................'You can read it tomorrow.'
Chuck: "Hey Harold, there's a man over in the corner with a microphone and wearing a headset. Can you tap on the microphone for him so he can hear you?"................Harold: 'I did that earlier today.'
"Can you do it right now so he can have a record of you?"................'I'll try' (Brian did hear tapping sounds and nodded. As I am listening to the recording of this session, I can hear tapping sounds in the recorder.)
Cindi: "What did Brennen see in the back hallway that scared him?".............Harold: 'A ghost.' (He laughs)
"Which ghost in particular?"...................'Lady'
"Which lady?"...............'Dog. Lady.'
"Oh, our dog, Lady?"..............'Yes'
"Is Purdy here as well?"................'Yes. Purdy. Lady. Dogs. They're here. Jinni knows.'
"So Brennen saw Lady in the back hallway and it scared him?"..............'Yes. She ran fast. Scared him.'
"Did he see them or hear them. Or both?".....................'Saw her. It scared him.' (Brennen does not like dogs. Lady died when Brennen was just born and he never knew her. He did know Purdy, but still did not like her.)
Chuck: "Mary, are you hear?".....................Mary: 'I'm always here.'
"Good. We were told that you died on the third floor in a rocking chair. Is that true?"................'No.'
"Did you die here in the Inn?".....................'Yes. On the stairs.'
"On the staircase? On the way up to the third floor?"..................'Yes. Climbing stairs. Fell.'
"Did the fall kill you?".................'No. Heart.'
"Your heart gave out?".....................'Yes. Heart.'
"Was that in 1911?"..................'That's right.'
"We are sorry about the misinformation. We'll tell the story right from now on."..............'That's okay.'
Chris: "That's it for tonight. We'll talk again tomorrow. Thanks everybody."...............'Bye' 'Okay' 'They're going now.' 'Going where?'
Activity in the rooms on Saturday night included: In Room 6, a lady got a sharp poke in her back. She thought it was her friend playing a trick on her, but when she looked, there was nobody near enough to her to touch her. In Room 5, a girl had her covers pulled off and the people in the big bed heard tapping coming from under their pillows. Each thought the other was doing it, but neither was. So they tapped on the pillow on top and were answered by tapping the same number of taps from underneath the pillow. They thought that was a pretty good trick. In Room 7, the lady sleeping in the twin bed heard a man and a girl having a conversation in the room.
Sunday, November 14, Room 5:
Chuck: "First of all we'd like to thank everybody for all the good work everybody did with the filming crew. They had fun."..................Harold: 'Ain't no problem.'
"The people in the rooms had a busy night. Thanks."..................'It was fun.'
"Can you tell us what kind of things you did?"...................'Conversation.'
"What conversation?"................................'In Room 5. It needs to stop.' Amanda: 'I misbehaved.'
"What did you do, Amanda?"......................'Played with the water. In Room 2.'
Cindi: "I'm staying in Room 2. Sorry I missed it."..................'And I banged on the roof.'
"I must have slept through it. Sorry.".....................'You missed it.'
Chuck: "Is Lewis Mason here tonight?"....................Lewis: 'I'm here.'
"Mr. Mason, can you tell me how much you paid for the Inn in 1857?".....................'Seven'
"Seven what?"....................'Hundred'
"Seven Hundred dollars?"....................'Too much. I had to sell some jewelry. There's still some out back.'
"Did you hide the jewelry in the back yard?"........................'In tunnel'
"In the tunnel that collapsed?"......................'Yes. In a chest. Hid it there.'
"Is it still in the tunnel?".......................'Buried it on a Monday. Nine feet down.'
"How will we ever find it?".....................'Dig'
"Can you tell us exactly which end the box is located in?"....................'The back'
"When Chris comes back in the spring will you show us where we should dig?"..............'If you like.'
"Do you want us to find it?"....................'You want to be rich?'
"If we do find it, I'd never sell it. It's part of the Inn's history."...................'Thank you.'
"I'd never sell your stuff.".........................'Why not?'
"It's part of the Inn.".....................'You're crazy.'
"Harold, and anybody who knows, who talked to Cindi in the kitchen today?"....................Girl's voice: 'Me'
"What's your name?".........................'Dorothy. I was in the doorway.'
"How old are you, Dorothy?"...................'Nine'
"And do you inhabit the Inn full time?".................'What?'
"Are you here all the time or do you sometimes go somewhere else?"............'My house'
"Did you die here in the Inn?".......................'Yes. With the boys. I fell.'
"What year did you pass?"....................'1907'
Cindi: "Why were you behind me in the kitchen?".....................'I was cold.'
"And it was warmer in the kitchen?"..................'Uh-huh' Ty: 'Vortex is opening. Too many coming through. It's going to be terrible.'
"Can Markie or Harold try to help block the energy?"..................'No. Too many coming through.'
"Is Senator Mason here tonight?"......................'No'
Jinni: "Hi Amanda".........................Amanda: 'Hi Jinni.'
"Do you like my new class ring?"...........................'It's pretty.'
Chuck: "Amanda, do you watch Jinni at basketball practice?"..............'Sometimes. She's good.'
"Make sure she practices hard, okay?"....................'She does.'
Jinni: "Amanda, do you like my new braces?"....................'The what?'
"I have new braces on my teeth."...................'I see.'
Guest: "In Room 7 last night I heard people talking. Who was that?".................Harold: 'Oh. That was me. Sorry.'
"That's okay. Who were you talking to?"....................'Anna. And my mother.'
"Oh. There were three people? I heard a man and a girl."...................'Me and Anna and my mother. I did not know you could hear us.'
Chuck: "Is your mother here in the Inn?"..................'She is.'
"Is she here all the time now?"................'She visits.'
"And what is her name?"....................'Martha Jo'
"Did she come here because you are here?"..................'Yes'
"Has she gone to the light yet? Is she intelligent?".....................'Of course she is. She's forty.'
"And is she here because we accept the spirits?"..........................'She came to see me. Heard it was a good place.'
"Do you have any other family members here?"......................'My brother.'
"What about your brother?".........................'Not here. Shut up.'
"Oh, I'm sorry. We won't ask about your brother."..................'He's a suspect.'
"Oh. Well, welcome to Martha. Thanks for visiting us."....................'She doesn't want to talk.' Little girl's voice: 'Nellie Potter'
"Who's Nellie Potter?"...................Harold: 'She plays'
"Are you from here, Nellie?".....................Nellie: 'No'
"Okay, well, welcome."...................'Okay' Harold: 'She's little' Woman: 'I'm Martha Jo.'
"Well, welcome to the Inn."........................Martha Jo: 'How do you do.' Another man: 'How do you do.' Third voice: 'How do you do.' Harold: 'I can't handle this.'
"Is Curtis here tonight?"...................Curtis: 'I'm here.' Harold: 'He's jealous.'
"What are you jealous about?"......................'Joy'
"Did Joy do something to make you jealous?"................Harold: 'Not getting enough attention.'
"Joy's not giving Curtis enough attention?"..................Curtis: 'She didn't hear me.'
"What did you say?"...................'Hi'
Joy: "Sorry I missed it. When did you say Hi?".................'Last time'
"Okay. Well, maybe do it louder next time. I'll try to listen better."......................'Okay'
"I talked to you today on the pendulum, Curtis.".....................'That was the Indians. The cards.'
"Do you mean the Medicine Cards? Somebody left those here. I gave them to Paulette.".............'They're aggressive Indians.'
"I talked to Harold on the pendulum about the other word box. Are you jealous that I talked to Harold?"...............'Indians answered.'
Joy: "Are you talking about when we had four pendulums out and they were all answering different answers?"...................'Indians did it. Too aggressive. I answer yours.'
"Were you answering my pendulum and the Indians were doing the others?"..................'Yes'
Chris: "Were you upset that the Indians were answering the pendulums too?"...............'Yes'
Chuck: "So why didn't you take over the pendulums from them?"..........................'We were trying.'
"So how will we know it's you or them?"....................'You don't'
"Is there a way for us to tell who's doing it?".................'I don't know.'
"Could you tell Joy in her ear that it is you doing it?"....................'I'll try.'
"Is it because the pendulums the ladies were using weren't Joy's. They got them at the store."..............'No'
"Is there a way for us to make them stop using it?"..........................'They're stubborn.'
Joy: "The Indians, was it because the people went up to the cemetery? Did the Indians follow them back here and then answer the pendulums?"..................'Yes. Followed them.' Ty: 'Another vortex is opening. Too many. Losing control.'
Chuck: "Is James the soldier here now?".................Harold: 'He's here. Weak. Doesn't want to talk.' Ty: 'Too many coming in. I'm losing control. Shut the box down.'
Chris: "Okay. We're going to go now. Thanks everybody. Bye.".....................Ty: 'Hurry' Other voices: 'Wait' 'I came to talk to you.' Two women were screaming: 'Wait! Wait!'
After we shut down the box, Chris got really dizzy and had a vision of a woman being brutally murdered. He turned white as a sheet and left the room to get some air. At this point, Joy got really dizzy and started having a panic attack. A young woman named Sarah entered Joy's head and wanted Joy to help her find something but would not say what it was. Sarah was desperately trying to find it. Joy got a vision of bare feet running back and forth in a field, looking for something on the ground. Joy finally convinced Sarah that she could not help because what ever it was she was looking for was not in the Inn. Chris came back in, feeling better, and offered to take Sarah and talk to her on the box to see if he could help her.
Chris: "Sarah?"...............Young woman's voice, sounding small and frightened: 'Yes?'
"Hi. So what we're going to do is we're going to talk and I'm going to try to help you."...............'Help me?'
"Yes, I'll try. Do you see Ty?".....................'Shadow?'
"Yes. He's the tall shadow. Do you see him?"...................'Yes'
"He's going to take you to the light. Then everything will be okay. Do you see the light?".............'It's bright.'
"Yes, it is bright. Are you ready?"........................'Help me?'
"Yes. Now what I want you to do is to let me go and take Tyler's hand. Reach up, he's tall. Take his hand and walk to the light. Ty, do you have her?"....................Ty: 'I've got her. I'll take her now.'
"Okay. Thanks. Let us know."..............Ty: 'She's through.' In a little bit, Sarah was back, sounding older and more confident: 'I'm back. Thank you for helping me. Tell Joy I'm sorry about that.'
"Yeah, that was rough on Joy. Can you tell us what you were looking for?"...............Sarah: 'My locket.'
Cindi: "You know what? I knew it was a locket. I saw it in my head. Laying on the ground. A locket with a chain, laying on the grass in a field."
Joy: "She never told me what it was we were looking for. The message must have missed me and hit Cindi."
Sarah: 'My father gave it to me. It fell off. I had to find it.'
Chuck: "Did you find your locket? Did you find it in the light?".............'Doesn't matter now. Earthly thing.'
Chris: "Can you tell me how old you are?" Joy: "I think about 18 or so." Sarah: 'Sixteen'
Chuck: "Do you know what year did you pass?"......................'1891'
"Is that when you lost the locket?".....................'It fell of when I was killed. I wanted to find it. It does not matter now. Tell Joy I'm sorry. Did I hurt her?'
"No. Shook her up a bit. She's okay. We're glad you're okay now.".............'Yes. Thank you for helping me.'
Chris: "Ty? Is there another one who needs help?".................'Yes'
"Is it Marie?"....................'Yes'
"Can I talk to her?"...................'She's here'
"Marie, do you know who did this to you so we can help you?"....................Marie: 'Bad man. Cut me.'
"I know it was awful. Do you know who it was?"........................'Jake' (She was crying.)
"You need to go to the light. Do you want Ty to take you?"..................'No. Not yet.'
"Do you know why he attacked you?".......................'Did you see it?'
"Yes, you showed me what happened. But it's over. You need to go to the light now. Are you ready to go?".................'Home?'
"Yes. Do you want to go home now or stay were you are? It's up to you. There's no sense in staying where you are right now. Do you want to go home?"......................'Home.'
"Okay, here's what you need to do. Look to your right, what do you see?"..................'Darkness'
"Look straight ahead. What do you see?"...................'You?'
"Okay, look to your left, what do you see?"..................'Man?'
"That's Ty. Can you go toward him?".....................'Far away'
"It's not that far. Just walk toward him. Take his hand. He'll take you home."...................'Okay'
"Ty? Is she through?"....................Ty: 'She's home. She's over. That was rough.'
"Okay. We're going to go now. Thanks for you help, Ty."................'No problem. Get some rest.'
From what we pieced together, Sarah lost her locket at the time she was killed and her last thought was to find her locket. She became earthbound, desperately looking for her locket and it became her obsession. Once she went to the light, she realized it was an earthly thing and did not matter any more. She was thankful for the help to get to the light. Marie was brutally murdered by a man named Jake. She was also earthbound, reliving the horror over and over. She wanted to tell somebody what happened to her and then, after telling somebody (Chris), she was finally able to let go of it and go home to the light. These were the two women who were screaming when we shut down the box earlier. I guess they were bound and determined to get help........with or with out the box.
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