Availability for Special Events
2009 Happenings
18 Jan. '09 - Chuck and Jinni and I have been sleeping up in Room 7 because our room is sooooo cold. Our room / office is in the old horse stable building, and there is no heat in there. We have a space heater going, but when it is in the minus-degrees outside, like it has been lately, the space heater just can't keep it warm enough to sleep in there. Anyway, all the guest rooms have their own heaters and are nice and toasty warm, so we have been sleeping upstairs. A few little interesting things have happened, like....one night I heard Jinni shifting around in her bed, like she does when she is being annoyed. Then I heard her say, "Stop it. That's my blanket." Then she went back to sleep. I asked her about it the next morning and she said someone kept pulling off her blanket, she did not know who it was. One night, Jinni and I had gone to bed, but Chuck had stayed up to watch a football game. About 11pm, I heard the bedroom door open, close, and footsteps shuffled into the room, but nobody got into the bed. I looked, expecting Chuck, but no one was there. Chuck finally came to bed about midnight and I asked him if he had looked in on us earlier and he said he hadn't. Well, somebody did! The next morning, there was alot of knocking going on in the room. There was a knock on our headboard, on the wall across from my side of the bed, and on the wall next to Chuck's head. It sounded like one, loud rap with knuckles on wood. Chuck also said he heard some noise on the third floor like something heavy being slid across the floor up there. Last Saturday, I was talking to Cindi on the phone and she made a comment about poopy baby diapers, and I heard a woman say "There's nothing I can do about that." It was really clear, but Cindi did not hear it, so it was only on my end. I don't know if that was paranormal, but it was definitely not-normal. We have had voices in the phone before, but not that clear.
20 Jan. '09 - Last night there was a team of four ladies who are part of a paranormal investigation team from Illinois. They had some interesting personal experiences. They heard knocking on the walls and sounds of someone walking around in the hallway, when they were all in Room 6. They used their pendulum to ask questions and it was reacting well. They took pictures throughout the night, but the ones they took during and right after the pendulum sessions were full of orbs and they were very impressed by this. Something that I noticed was that about 8pm the ladies and I were talking in Room 6, along with Doug, another investigator from near Chicago, and Doug and were sitting near the hallway. At one point I heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs but no body came up. Another time I heard footsteps in the hallway, down toward Room 7, and I looked and saw nothing, but the sounds were there. Then, in the area where Doug and I were sitting, the temperature dropped suddenly and Doug broke out in goosebumps on his right arm but not on his left, his right arm being the one near me. I got so cold I started shivering. This lasted for about a minute then it warmed up. I wonder who it was that was standing there listening to us talk.
Doug told me a story of something that happened the last time he was here with a friend: They were staying in Room 5, with Doug in the big bed and his friend in one of the twin beds in the adjoining room. About 1:15am, the friend started yelling at Doug for shaking his bed, thinking Doug was playing a trick on him. But Doug answered that he was over in the other room. When the friend realized that it was not Doug, he jumped out of the twin bed and ran over to the big bed with Doug. He would not go back to sleep alone. He said the mattress of the twin bed was actually picked up at the foot and dropped several times. As long as he thought it was Doug, he was just annoyed. But when he found out it was not Doug, it really scared him. He spent the rest of the night on top of the covers of the big bed and would not go back to the twin bed. I've never heard of anything so violent before, I'm guessing Harold really wanted to get this guy's attention!
3 Feb. '09 - Not much has happened lately. We have moved back to our room downstairs because we have had requests for Room 7, and the weather has been warmer anyway. Most of our guests have been staying in the outer, non-haunted rooms, and the ones upstairs have not reported anything unusual. But a few things have happened just recently. On Sunday night, after the Super Bowl game, I was two orbs zoom out of the bedroom / office, headed toward the door. One was really little and was really moving, the second was about the size of a cotton ball and was taking it's time. Both flight paths went low over the desk and were lit up by the desk lamp, which is why I saw them. The game was over, I guess it was time to go. That night there was alot of knocking, tapping, shuffling, popping sounds coming from the desk area. Johnny has not been doing this for some time, so it was nice to have him back again. Last night, Chuck was putting some wood into the wood burning stove in the Keeping Room, and he heard a loud thump over his head. He said it sounded like something heavy had landed on the floor in Room 8. All the cats and people were accounted for, nothing was out of place in the room, so what made the noise? The transcripts for the November 2008 GHU class are finally finished, sorry it took so long. Click here to read the transcripts of the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions.
8 Feb. '09 - A group from the Supernatural Research Society of Iowa was here last night and got some good results. We used some dowsing rods to ask Yes and No questions of Harold, Curtis, and Amanda. It worked pretty good. I had not done that before. They also had their own version of a telephone to the dead which worked pretty good. Harold and Markie were able to figure out how to use it, since it was different from what they are used to using, and we also heard some children giggling, which was really fun to hear. One lady took several pictures of me with the rods and in two of the five pictures, there is a shadow by my side, but no body had moved in the room, so what caused the shadow? We asked on the 'box' and Curtis admitted to being by my side. The only personal experience that happened to a team member (that I heard about) is that one lady was sitting in rocking chair in Room 5. She was just sitting with her eyes closed, listening, when she heard a sound like cellophane crinkling behind her head. She thought we had plastic over the windows and the wind was rattling it, but when she looked, there was no plastic. So she asked whoever made the noise to do it again. Immediately, the crinkling sound came again, louder, and from the window on her left. Again she could not find an explanation for the sound. When she reviewed her video recorder she saw a little bitty orb fly out from behind her chair and out the door. When they asked at a 'box' session who that was, Harold said it was a child playing. The group said they would post results from their investigation on their web site at www.srsoi.com .
24 Feb. '09 - Wow, what a weekend! We had a Ghost Hunt University class here on last Saturday and Sunday. Saturday morning, when Chuck and I were making breakfast in the kitchen, I heard a man's voice behind me say "It's a snowy day!" I thought that was a strange thing for Chuck to say so I asked him to repeat what he said, just in case I misunderstood him. He said he did not say anything. I wonder who it was. Probably Curtis, it was a higher pitch than Harold. On Saturday night, the only person who had any activity was the lady in Room 8. She said she heard the hangers in her closet jangling for no observable reason. She had left one light on in the bathroom as a night light, and in the morning she found two lights on. She also had her fanny patted. She finally had enough and left early. During the Edison's Telephone to the Dead sessions, Harold asked for Kristin. He said he missed her and she needs to come home more often. We told him Kristin was afraid he would scare away her latest boyfriend. Harold said the other boyfriends were "freaks" and deserved to be scared away. We asked him if he liked Dan and he said "He's okay." Well, that's good. We told him to leave Dan alone when he's here and Harold said "It won't be scary." We asked Mary about the possibility of re-wallpapering the walls in Room 5 and she said "Leave it alone." She would not be in favor of any re-wallpapering or painting. (I wonder how many of my readers ever had to ask permission of a ghost to fix up a room?) We asked about painting Room 8, and they said to leave it blue. We asked about the 'box' that the SRSOI group had been using and Harold said it was different and difficult to use. Curtis thought it was okay, but Chris's is easier. (That's because they're used to it.) To read the transcripts from the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions, click here. When Chris was playing back the EVP recordings, there is a spot where Chuck is talking about the Underground Railroad tunnel and just before Chuck says "go left" a man's voice says "go left", so that Chuck is actually echoing the spirit voice! Very interesting. I guess Chuck's told that story so often that Harold knows what he's going to say. On Sunday night, the lady in Room 5, Barbara, was reading my printed Journal aloud. When she read about the lights going on and off in the room, she said out loud "Harold, why don't you turn my lights on and off?". She immediately heard a knocking sound next to her. In Room 7 the little night light started going off and on for several minutes. When Barbara read about the shower coming on in the room, she said aloud "Harold, why don't you turn my water on and off?". She immediately heard another knocking sound near her. In Room 7 the shower water turned on and off and on and off for several minutes. The people in Room 7 were thrilled but did not know why these things were happening to their room! When Barbara decided to turn off the lights and go to sleep, the window shade at the end of the bed started to inch up and let in light from the street lamp. Then the shade started to shake in and out and finally got wedged all crooked in the window. Barbara said "If you break that shade, Joy will be mad at you." , and the shaking stopped but more tapping sounded. Barbara is a Case Manager for a paranormal investigation team from Indiana and Illinois, so I asked her for her opinion of whether the place is haunted. She said "definitely" but in a fun way, not scary. The people in Room 6 heard tapping on their headboard. They had been playing with Misty with a red laser light, she chased it around the room. But when they put the light away, Misty continued to chase something around the room and then she hissed and ran from the room like she was being chased! They thought it was really interesting.
11 March '09 - I was gone last week to Texas to visit my son Jeremy and his family. While I was gone, Chuck had a guest who was doing EVPs and he got some class A responses. He was really thrilled. Now that I'm back, Chuck and I are painting Room 8. It's still blue, but a lighter shade. Anyway, Monday we started, Chuck was in the room painting and I had gone into the laundry room to put the curtains in the washer. I can see the doorway to Room 8 from the laundry room. I saw a man standing in the hallway, looking into the room, watching Chuck paint. The man had dark pants and a light shirt and he was standing with his legs spread and his fists on his hips (arms akimbo stance). It was just a quick glance and my first thought was that Chuck had come out to get some fresh air, but then I realized that Chuck never stands like that. So I looked again and there was nothing there, of course. I went and asked Chuck if he was just out in the hallway, but he was still on the ladder where I had left him. It must have been Curtis. He wears dark 'trousers' and a light shirt. I hope he likes the new color. Tonight I got a call from a member of the SRSOI team that was here on 8 Feb. He said they got some great EVPs and is going to send me a DVD. They have also posted the evidence on their web site www.srsoi.com . Click on "Investigations" on the left side, and then on "2009", and then click on "Mason House Inn". I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing what they got. He said the place definitely has something paranormal going on, but it is a fun kind of thing and nothing evil or scary.
13 March '09 - I did receive the DVD from Kevin, and there are some interesting EVPs on there. There is some unexplained music and a woman humming. At one point, Chuck is talking about finding the Underground Railroad tunnel and just before Chuck says "go left" a man's voice says "go left". This is the same thing that happened with Chris Moon's EVP, but this would have happened before the session with Chris. Very interesting. He also included the 'box' session we did and we can hear the children giggling very clearly.
16 March '09 - The couple who stayed in Room 5 last Friday night said they were sitting on the big bed, playing a game, when they felt the bed move. They saw the end of the bed go down, like somebody sat down, and they saw the bed indent with a pressure in one area. It lasted for about 5 seconds and then it got up. They saw the indent let up and the bed shook like who ever it was got up. They looked at each other like "did you see that?", and, yes, they had both seen and felt it. Later that night, they both heard a rattling sound over in the twin bed side of the room. In trying to recreate the sound, they determined that it had something to do with the vanity drawer handles rattling. There was no explanation for it. The people in Room 6 that same night, heard a loud thump over their heads on the head board. They thought it was the people in Room 5 hitting the adjoining wall, but there is a large dresser and mirror on that wall and there is no way to hit the wall. They said they were asleep at that time anyway.
24 March '09 - Last Thursday night, there was a husband and wife and two teenaged girls staying in Room 5. The girls asked to try my pendulum, so I let them borrow it for the evening. They tried to talk to anybody who wanted to do it and the only one who answered was Mary. The girls were happy to talk to Mary and they said they had a nice conversation. During the night, the two girls were in the twin beds and they heard footsteps walking around and around near them. One girl saw a glowing orb next to her bed, low to the ground. At first she thought it was her cell phone screen, but then realized that her phone was not there. About the same time, the lady in the big bed woke up and saw the shadow of a man standing next to the bed. He was wearing a 'baseball type' hat with a short brim. It lasted a few seconds and then he faded away. Then she saw the shadow of a woman, also standing next to the bed. She could see the shadow was wearing a long dress or skirt. The shadow turned and walked through the wall. The lady said she had heard the walking-around sounds coming from the girl's side of the room, but thought it was the girls. The husband slept through the whole thing, but later admitted that he had smelled a perfume that he had never smelled before. He chalked it up to something new his wife was wearing, but she said she was not wearing any perfume.
29 March '09 - On Friday evening, I was in the dining room, and I could hear what sounded like a cat running back and forth in the hallway upstairs. All our cats were accounted for downstairs. Chuck and I went up and looked around just in case, but did not see anything. But after we went back downstairs, I heard it again. Kristin and Dan arrived for the weekend, and on Saturday morning, Kristin said she heard running sounds in the hallway outside her room. She said it sounded like a cat or little children feet running around and around and back and forth, this was about 6:30am.
4 April '09 - The people who stayed in Room 5 last night, had used the pendulum and got really good results. Then during the night, they heard the sound of footsteps in their room. They saw shadows moving around the room that they could not explain. They were thrilled and want to return soon.
5 April '09 - Last Thursday, I was up on the third floor, cleaning, when I heard shuffling footsteps at the bottom of the staircase on the second floor landing. They went back and forth down the hallway and then around and around on the landing. I thought Chuck was looking for me, but he knew where I was and I never saw anybody, but the footsteps kept going for several minutes. Later, I asked Chuck if he was on the second floor at that time and he said he had been on the computer in the office the whole time I was upstairs. I wonder if Mary was upset that I was on her floor. Last night, the people who stayed in Room 5 had used the pendulum, but did not have much success. They did get some good, bright orbs in their pictures. Later that night, one of the men felt like he was being squeezed in a hug and got really dizzy. The room got really cold, then the bathroom door opened and slammed shut three times. The curtain at the end of the bed was waving in and out for a short time too. They asked for some knocking sounds but did not hear any. However, there was knocking sounds in Rooms 4 and 6! Harold's doing it again. Doing as asked, but not where asked. He's so funny.
13 April '09 - Saturday night the Carroll Area Paranormal Team (CAPT) was here for another investigation. There was alot of interesting activity. The Team set up their equipment in the dining room and then live streamed their IR cameras and audio investigation over the internet. One member of the Team, Mark, has psychic ability, and he said he could see a man walking back and forth between Rooms 4 and 5. The man was tall and thin with sunken cheeks and a white beard. He was wearing a dark suit and white shirt. This is a very good description of Francis (Frank) Clark, and historically correct too. Originally, what is now Room 4 was the dressing room for the 'twin bed area' of Room 5. The owners before us put up the wall to make two rooms, but when the Clarks lived here, it was one room. Mark did not know this. During the investigation, Paul and Mark were in Room 7 and they were asking who was in the room, and Mark heard the name 'Daniel'. So they started asking questions of Daniel and the little emergency night light, which is plugged into the wall by the bed, started blinking. So they told Daniel to blink the light for yes and leave it steady for no, and they were asking yes and no questions and the light was blinking in response to the questions! This actually sounds like something Harold would do, but we will ask at the next GHU in May. When the Team was in Room 5, they talked to Julia and the camera in that room was going crazy with interference to the point of whiting out for long periods of time. But once the team left the room, the camera was fine. A psychic who was watching the show on the internet thought that Julia was angry and was collecting energy in order to manifest or do something to get the men out of her room. The psychic could see a slender young woman in her early 20s with long dark hair, standing by the vanity table in that room. This is a good description of Julia as seen by other visitors who have seen her. The psychic also got the name Carl Knap, and he wants his money back. When the Team was all in the dining room to take a break, two of the men heard footsteps upstairs in Room 4, but no one was up there, we were all in the dining room together. I saw a small dark shadow standing in the parlor, I think it was a child that had followed us downstairs to see what we were doing. A few minutes later, Chris, Paul, and I saw the shadow of a tall, thin man standing in the parlor. Then it zoomed out of the room really fast! All three of us saw it. Chuck and I went to bed about 11pm and the Team continued their investigation till about 4am. Early in the morning, I heard a scream come over the intercom we have in Jinni's room. It was a very eerie high pitched scream/screech that lasted about 4 seconds and made the hairs on my neck stand up. Chuck heard it too, he jumped in his sleep but did not wake up. I looked at the clock and it was 3:22am. Jinni heard it too and she got out of bed and I heard her walk around the room and then get back into bed. In the morning I asked her if she heard a noise during the night and she said she thought it was the intercom screeching like I was paging her. That's why she got out of bed and walked over to the intercom but I did not call so she went back to bed. So she did hear it but it did not scare her, and it was not her making the noise. I asked the Team if they heard it, but they said they were outside taking a break at that time. They will review their recordings and let me know if they picked it up. They are going to let us know what evidence they collected during their investigation. It will be posted on their web site at www.carrollareaparanormalteam.com . (They sent a video clip of a "transparent figure walking in front of the camera". It's really interesting!)
17 April '09 - Wednesday night, I was sitting in the dining room and watching Ghost Hunters on TV. One of the investigators said "Do something to prove you are here. Make a noise I can hear to prove your presence." And just then there was a loud THUMP in the foyer hallway behind me. It sounded like something heavy hit the floor or a fist on the wall or something like that. Misty was laying on the floor by my chair and she jumped up and looked in that direction too, so I know she heard it too. At first I thought Tiger had jumped off of something high up, but he was not in the foyer (I later found him asleep on my bed), and I could not find any explanation for the sound. I guess someone was responding to the TV challenge. That same night, I heard a tapping sound coming over Jinni's bedroom intercom. And then I heard a man's voice say "Mark?". It was a question, like Harold or Curtis was looking for Mark in Jinni's room! She never woke up, but she did shuffle alot in her bed for several minutes after that. We had no guests in the house that night, and Chuck was at work so I know it was not him.
26 April '09 - Last night, the CAPT group posted their 'reveal' on a live internet show that Chuck and I and several others watched. They had some really good EVPs and showed the video of the transparent figure. It was really interesting! They got the name ,Carrie, and thinks it has something to do with the portrait of the two little girls in Room 4. During the show, Chuck and I were in the dining room watching it on the lap top and we both heard footsteps and thumping sounds coming from upstairs. I went and checked to see if our guests were back, but there was nobody there. Jinni was in bed and all the cats were accounted for, so it was none of them. I wonder if they heard Chris Warneka's voice and it got them stirred up. This often happens with Chris Moon's voice when he is on TV or the radio shows. Then, this morning, I was setting the dining table for breakfast, and I saw a dark shadow move past the front door window and it blocked the light as it passed. Smokey, one of our cats, was about to go into the foyer, but she suddenly crouched and hissed and then ran the other way. She has never acted like that toward a guest, so I knew she had seen or sensed the shadow too. This is the second time in a week I've seen the shadow. A few nights ago, Chuck and I were talking to our son on the laptop in the dining room, and I could see into the parlor. At one point, the window on the right was darkened by a tall dark shadow as it glided through the room toward the foyer door. Now I saw it glide across the foyer into Room 1. I wonder if it knows the tavern has been closed for years.
2 May '09 - Last night I heard the back staircase door open and shut. I looked at the clock and it was 2:11am. There were no guests in the Inn, Chuck and Jinni were both asleep. About an hour later, there were two knocks on our bedroom door, Chuck jumped but did not wake. About 1/2 hour later, there were two knocks on the closet door right next to Chuck's head. That woke him up! When we got up in the morning we found the napkins on one of the dining room tables had been shredded to bits. This is the third time this has happened this year, and it is always on that particular table. The napkin pieces were all on the table, nothing on the floor or chairs. Then, we gave a tour to some school kids, and the bed in Room 7 looked like someone had been laying on it. The pillow had been moved down and there was a head imprint on it and the quilt had been rumpled. What a busy night it had been!
11 May '09 - This past weekend we had a group here ghost hunting. Things started happening right away. Just after the first couple checked in, they went upstairs to their room, and I was still at the check-in desk. I heard a man say "I need some help." It was very clear and very near. But I did not see anyone there. I wonder if an invisible guest was trying to check in. Later, in the dining room, Chuck gave his presentation about some of the things that go on around here. During his talk, we all heard loud thumps and banging coming from the second floor, above our heads. All 20 guests were in the dining room, Jinni and the cats were all in my bedroom, nobody was upstairs, but we all heard it. At one point, Chuck got really cold and one lady took his picture and there was a black shadow floating right in front of Chuck. It was about 2 feet long and obscured the wall behind it. I hope she emails the picture to me so you can see it. At one point, I saw the shadow of a cat run under the east dining table and one lady said she thought she felt a cat against her leg, but like I said, all the cats had been closed in my bedroom. Then, during the group's hunt, several of the people had pendulums and divining rods and were getting good responses from them. At one point, one of the ladies had her pendulum on the second floor landing and it started making huge swinging circles. She was standing right where the vortex is reported to be. One woman used the pendulum to talk to a young Civil War soldier named James. She said he had died of his wounds in the parlor area. He was about fifteen years old and he was Confederate. Another person went outside and took a picture of the Inn and in one of the Room 5 windows, there is a figure of a man in a black suit standing there and looking out the window. Nobody in the group was wearing a black suit and nobody was in that room at the time. That's another one I hope she emails to me. During the night, some of the people heard talking and footsteps in Room 6 but nobody was in there at the time. Later, the same people heard a woman singing in Room 6, at 12:38am, but the people in there were all asleep at that time. The people in Room 8 said they found their door locked when they did not lock it. And the people in Room 4 said they heard thumping and rustling sounds coming from the attic above their ceiling. They thought it was somebody up there, but there is just storage up above that area, nobody was up there. All in all, it was a busy night and they want to come back again soon.
18 May '09 - We had a GHU this past weekend and found some
answers to some questions. During the day, the people in Room 5 found the
doctor's equipment interesting and later found one of the instruments swinging
wildly. They stopped the swinging and tried to get it to swing by stomping
around and shaking the floor and opening and closing doors. The windows
were not open and the air conditioner nor fan were on. They could not get
it to do it again. He came downstairs to tell us about it and some of us
went up to see, and as we entered the room we could see that it was swinging
again. We were all amazed. Later, the people found a rock sitting on
their bed. Nobody knew how it had gotten there. During the 'Box'
sessions we found out that Ty had set the instrument to swinging as a prank and
Amanda admitted to putting the rock on the bed. She thought it was funny.
Curtis admitted that it was he who said "I need some help" last week. He
said he was just messing with me and pretending to check-in. Amanda
said she did go to church with us for Jinni's Confirmation and that she wore a
white dress with purple flowers and green leaves. (Jinni had said it was a
dress with purple flowers on it. Whenever we took a picture of Jinni,
there were orbs around her including Amanda's orb. In the picture to the right,
the arrow is pointing to Amanda's orb.) Harold said it was he
who was looking for Mark in Jinni's room, but Mark was not there. He also
said it was a spirit named Andy who walked in front of the CAPT camera and made
the transparent figure. Andy was "just passing through".
To read the
transcripts of the two sessions, click here.
During the nights, Harold kept Chris Moon awake for two nights with his tapping
and walking-around sounds. The people in Room 8 heard someone walking
around over their heads, but it is just storage up above that room. The
man in Room 6 felt something heavy on his legs and could not even turn over it
was so heavy. Harold said there were 8 spirits on the bed with them.
They must have been on him. The next GHU is August 8 and 9, come
join us, you never know what will happen.
3 June '09 - Not much has been happening around here lately. A few nights ago, I heard the back staircase door open and close. I looked at the clock and it was 4:35am. I waited for the knock on our bedroom door, but nothing else happened. It has been very quiet. I wonder if they got tired out after so much activity earlier.
27 June '09 - My Dad and Mom visited for two weeks and stayed
in Room 1. During one afternoon nap, my Dad heard the front doorbell
ring "Ding-Dong" and he jumped up to see who was at the door.....nobody there.
A few minutes later it happened again....nobody there. My Mom asked why he
kept jumping up and looking out the bedroom door and he told her he had heard
the doorbell. She said she did not hear any doorbell and besides, the
front door bell does not go "Ding-Dong", it plays Westminster Chime. And,
you can't hear the doorbell from inside Room 1 because the chime is in the
dining room. Harold must have been messing with him. That night, I
was awakened by the
sound of the little dinger bell ,"Ding-Ding", that we have in the front foyer.
I looked at the clock and it was 2:35am. I thought, I can't hear the
dinger bell from the foyer in our bedroom, with the fan running too. Just
then I heard it again and it sounded like it was coming from the Keeping Room, a
little closer. Then it did it again right outside our door. We had
no guests in the house, but I looked anyway, nobody there. I went back to
bed and heard it again right outside our door. I said out loud "Okay, very
funny, you made me look, ha-ha, you got me. Now stop." And it did
not do it again. The next night, the people in Room 6 said they heard
footsteps, like boots on a hard wood floor, above their heads on the third
floor. The footsteps walked back and forth for several minutes and then it
stopped. They thought our bedroom was up there, but there is just storage
up above that room and our bedroom is not on the third floor anyway. They
were excited that they had heard something, but wished they'd known at the time
that it wasn't us. It would have been more exciting instead of annoying.
Last Saturday, our daughter, Kristin, got married to Dan in Cedar Falls.
Here is a picture I took during the rehearsal. Of the thirty or so
pictures I took during that weekend, this one has the most orbs in it. The
arrows are pointing to Amanda's orb. In the time it took the camera to
take the picture, she had moved from one spot to another and the camera picked
up her trail. So what looks like many orbs is actually about six orbs all
moving about rapidly. Harold's orb is the bright one next to Cindi's knee
in the lower left . He is also next to her shoulder. He moved from
knee to shoulder in the time it took the camera to develop. We'll ask at
the GHU in August who all attended the wedding.
12 July '09 - Last night, the man staying in Room 6 saw two "balls of light" flying around the ceiling over his bed. At first he thought it was car lights shining in the window, so he was not frightened. He thought it was strange that they stayed so long, so he got up and looked out the window. There were no cars around or anybody with a flashlight, or anybody at all. At this point, the baseball sized balls of light disappeared into the wall adjoining Room 5. He thought this was so curious that he could not wait to tell me about it at breakfast this morning. When I told him he had seen two spirit orbs, he was so excited. Another person staying in a different room, said she had felt someone gently rubbing the calf of her leg. But when she looked there was nothing there, but it felt like a child's hand. She was not sure if she was excited or not. Later, Pat and Kelly brought out their pendulums and asked who had been in Room 6, and determined that it had been Amanda and Curtis. One of the children had rubbed the woman's leg, but we could not get an answer as to the name of the child.
27 July '09 - We have been gone for a few weeks on vacation, but now that we are back, things are getting interesting again. Last Saturday there was a paranormal investigator here and he had some interesting activity. While Chuck and I were giving him a tour of the rooms, the Dr.'s equipment in Room 5 started swinging back and forth. In the parlor, when he was sitting in the green chair doing an EVP, he felt a hand grab his arm. He said it felt like a child's hand. He moved to the couch and the hand grabbed his arm again. The curtains in one of the windows was fluttering in and out also. The window was not open and there was no fan or vent or anything that would cause it. In Room 1 he saw a bright light move across the bed headboard. At first he thought it was a car headlight, but when he looked out the window, there was no car or anything outside. And the light was a concentrated ball of light, not diffused like a headlight. Also, in Room 1, the bathroom door was closed and he heard the doorknob turn and the door opened about 5 inches. He closed it and ask the spirits to do it again. About 5 minutes later, it did it again. He was thrilled with all the personal experiences and will share any evidence he gets on his recorders or cameras. This morning, the lady who stayed in Room 6 said she did not believe the stories about the ghosts, but then at breakfast she said that about 5am she felt very cold and felt a heavy pressure on one side of her head. Then it went away and the bedroom door opened and closed. Her husband was asleep and turned away from her so it was not him. Now she believes!
29 July �09 � The people who stayed in Room 5 last night both slept in the twin beds by the door. They said that about 2am they started hearing thumping sounds coming from the hallway. Then it sounded like doors opening and closing and footsteps running up and down the hallway and stair case. These noises lasted about two hours and then quit. They did not look out to see what it was. Then, that night, when Chuck realized that Misty had gone upstairs, he opened the back staircase door and whistled for her. He whistled three times and then she came running like something had scared her. Chuck heard someone upstairs whistle like he did. Almost like an echo, but there were no guests up there and Jinni does not whistle. I wonder if Curtis was doing it.
5 Aug. �09 � There were some young ladies staying in Room 5 last night and they did an investigation. They�ll let us know if they get anything good. One girl brought a video from when she was here last spring. The tape shows her in bed asleep and not moving. The tape was an hour long and during the tape there is sounds of people murmuring and tinkling bell sounds that are unexplainable. They had been the only people on the second floor that night. Right at the end of the tape, there are several knocks that sound like knuckles on wood, very close to the camera which was sitting on the dresser. It was very interesting.
6 Aug. �09 � The lady who stayed in Room 6 last night listened quietly to the stories we were telling about the spirits here. When she went to bed, she told her husband that she thought we were full of baloney and she did not believe it one bit. Then, during the night she went to turn over and she opened her eyes a little bit. She saw a man standing next to the bed. For some reason she thought it was her husband and she just turned over. That�s when she saw her husband was there in bed beside her. Quickly she looked back to where the man had been standing but there was nothing there. I really freaked her out because she knew she had seen somebody there. That made a believer out of her!
13 Aug '09 - We had another GHU Weekend Retreat this past weekend with a large turnout. Saturday was the 101 class and Sunday was the 102 class with most of the people staying for both classes. During the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions we learned that it was Curtis whom Chuck heard whistling on the second floor. Harold said 59 spirits attended Kristin and Dan's wedding. And Curtis said he danced with Kristin. Amanda went to Camp and she had fun. It was Frank Clark who was standing next to the lady's bed in Room 6, just checking on them. Frank Mason came to talk to Mary, he has a very deep voice. He was not interested in talking to us, just looking for Mary. We could hear the talking in the background, she was very maternal to him. During the nights, the people in Rooms 1, 4, 5 and 6 all heard children running in the hallway and up and down the stairs. The people in Room 5 got alot of orbs in the room. Harold said a vortex had opened and a "slew" of spirits came through. Click here to read the transcripts from the sessions.
21 Aug. '09 - There was a father and daughter staying in Room 6 a few nights ago and the man heard a woman whisper his name three different times. It was not his daughter doing it. During the night, he felt what he thought was a child jumping on the bed. They had left a night-vision camera on and in reviewing the recording, they saw an orb come out of the headboard, bounce on the bed and go back into the headboard. They showed it to us and it was very interesting. There was a man who stayed in Room 7 for six nights and he said the shower turned on and off three times one night. He checked it to make sure it was not just dribbling. At one point he said, "Harold, if it is you turning the water on and off, can you do it one more time?" Just then it did it again. He thanked Harold and told him he could stop now and it did not do it again. Another time, the man had put his boots in the bathroom and left the room, when he returned to the room he found his boots in a different position. He also heard doors banging shut but he was the only person up there during that night. Last night, I was talking on the phone in the Keeping Room and I heard our Room 8 guest come in and go into her room. Right after her was some little footsteps like a three-year-old skipping down the hallway. There were no children up there. I wonder who followed our guest to her room.
25 Aug. '09 - I'm so excited!! I just had the "bathroom doorknob trick" pulled on me!! I went into Room 1's bathroom and used the hook lock. Not five seconds later, I saw the doorknob turn and the door popped open but was held by the hook lock. (Boy am I glad I used the hook!) I yelled "Just a minute", but did not hear anybody walk away so I expected to find somebody in the room, but there was nobody there. The front door was locked; nobody on the street or any cars around. Chuck is at work and Jinni is at school, our guests have not arrived yet, so who turned the knob and pulled on the door? Several other people have reported this same thing and I finally got to have the trick pulled on me!
7 Sept. '09 - The people who stayed in Room 5 for the last two nights told us something interesting that happened in their room. The wife was drinking bottled water and had put the bottle on a coaster on the dresser and then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After about a minute, the bottle fell right off the dresser like it had been pushed off. The husband saw it happen and tried to recreate it thinking maybe the dresser was tilted or there was some kind of vibration but he could not make it happen without actually touching the bottle. He said he was not sure he believed in the ghosts here, but he did agree that what happened with the bottle was totally unexplainable. Chuck and I just had an interesting experience. We were cleaning rooms and I was coming from the Keeping Room, headed for Room 1, with a load of clean laundry in my arms. I knew Chuck was waiting for me somewhere so I looked into the Parlor, thinking he was in there, but I saw a man wearing black walk toward the big mirror and out of my line of sight. Thinking it was a guest, I went into the Parlor, but nobody was there. I found Chuck in Room 1 and I told him about seeing the man and I thought it had been Frank Clark. (I have seen Frank in the parlor before and he wears a black suit.) He started talking to Frank and inviting him into the room to help make the bed. Just then, Chuck got freezing cold and he broke out with goosebumps all over his arms and back, and the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. Chuck got so cold he started shivering. He kept talking to Frank about how he, as a previous owner, probably knew all about cleaning the guest rooms. After about a minute, Chuck and the room warmed up. I guess Frank did not want to help clean.
23 Sept. '09 - I heard Curtis again yesterday. Chuck and I were cleaning bedrooms and Jinni came to help but a cat arrived with her but then wanted to leave. Chuck said "Open the door and let her back out." At the same time he said that, I heard a deeper man's voice say "Let the cat out." We were the only people here so I know it was not a guest. I think it was Curtis because his voice is deeper than Chuck's but not as deep as Harold's.
3 Oct. '09 - There were some people in Room 6 last night who kept insisting they did not believe the ghost stories, but come breakfast time, they did believe. During the night they heard footsteps above the ceiling and also what sounded like a heavy box being shoved across the floor. They also heard what sounded like a handful of marbles being dropped on the floor above them and then rolling off to the side. These are sounds that have been reported before by many people even though there is only storage up there and the floor is not even solid, just beams and insulation. Then the woman felt a cat on the bed by her leg. She felt the weight of it and the purring vibrations and also heard the purring sounds. She looked down to see it and saw a transparent face of a cat with grey and white stripes on it's face and then it faded away. Jinni reported having "that cat" in her room too. Josephine must have had a busy night.
18 Oct. '09 - It was pretty quiet here for a while, but seems to be picking up again. Room 7 has had some interesting 'happenings'. Last Friday night, the man sat up in bed and said something about "quick, get her, she going into the bathroom!" Then there was a loud noise. He said it was a little girl in a night gown playing in the room and she had knocked over the little table as she ran into the bathroom. The wife sat up and looked and found the side table at the foot of the twin bed had fallen over. In the morning, the husband did not remember anything. The wife would have chalked it up to a dream, except the table fell over for no apparent reason. Then, on Saturday night, a different couple was staying in Room 7 and they said they could hear a music box playing in the middle of the night. And the wife saw a man "tall and thin and wearing a dark suit vest and white shirt" standing next to the bed. She startled and then he vanished. Later she heard what sounded like somebody walking around and around in the room. She heard two men whispering to each other but she could not make out what they were saying. Then one said "I think she can hear us", and then it was quiet. The people in Room 8 said they heard a music box too, but it was in the morning.
28 Oct. '09 - Last Saturday we had our first "Ghost Stories Dinner" for this year. There was a good turn out and everyone was excited by the evidence presented. During the night the lady in Room 7 heard some tapping on the side table next to her bed. The man in Room 5 said that everytime he tried to sleep, he felt a poke on his head. At one point he heard something next to the bed and he looked and saw a silhouette of a cat's head. Then the cat jumped up on the bed. The man was startled and jumped back and the cat disappeared. He was really surprised.
1 Nov. '09 - Last night we had our second "Ghost Stories Dinner" and we all had a good time. During the program, some ladies from the River City Paranormal group had a K2 EMF meter on the table and when Chuck started talking about Harold, the meter's lights lit up and went crazy! Later, in their room, the ladies laid the meter on the bed and they were talking and laughing and the meter lit up and was enjoying the fun too. One of the men had brought a little "Frank's Box" that just randomly scans radio channels and I used it to talk to Harold. Harold said he did not like the little "word box" as much as Chris Moon's. He said Curtis was there but did not want to talk. I asked for Markie and heard a younger man say "Hey". I asked if Amanda wanted to talk and she did not answer, but later I heard a girl giggling. When I told Harold that Chris is coming in two weeks, Harold said "Chris. Yes. Soon." When I told him I was going to turn off the box he said "Wait. Talking." But all he said was "Chris. Soon. Good." It was interesting. It sounds alot like Chris' first box with all the radio gobbledy-gook to sort out. After the program, some of the people went up to the cemetery and one lady heard something next to her and she looked and saw a man's face right up next to hers. She startled and it disappeared. She was really startled by that. During the night, the people in Room 6 said their bed was bumped like someone had hit it with a knee. And in one of the rooms, the lady heard a woman talking in the room but could not make out what she was saying.
9 Nov. '09 - This past weekend the International Paranormal Research Assoc. , www.iprainc.net , was here again. They are such a fun group. They brought several versions of a "Word Box", as Harold likes to call them. They did investigations on Friday and Saturday night and ran a live feed of the investigations over the internet. I was told they would have the event archived for those who want to see it. The IPRA group was filming the investigation for a DVD and may put it on YouTube like their previous investigation. Go to www.yotube.com and put Mason House Inn in the search. There are several episodes to watch. Personal experiences by the group included: On Friday night, several people heard footsteps running in the hallway. Atleast three people looked to see who was doing it but did not see anything. They heard the footsteps and some heard giggling of little children. One lady was walking in the hallway after visiting another room and she was returning to her room when she heard footsteps behind her. She looked and did not see anything but she could hear them running to keep up with her. She ran to her room and shut and locked the door because she was startled and then started to laugh because she knew a door and lock would not keep out a ghost! In one room, the lady had her hand pulled on and the lady had a psychic realization that it was a girl named Jill who wanted the lady to follow her somewhere, she wanted to show the lady something. But the lady knew better than to follow a ghost around a building that was not familiar to her. In the same room, the husband, Jeff, was visited by the doctor who inhabits the building. The man was not feeling well (kidney stones) and the doctor shook his head and kept saying he did not know what to do to help the man. Then he snapped his bag shut and left. On Saturday night, during the investigation, several people had their hair or clothes tugged on. They heard footsteps and tapping sounds. During the internet live feed session, Chuck and I gave an interview about the history of the Inn and some of things that happen around here. During the interview, I felt very dizzy and the air on my left side got really cold. Jeff said he could see a girl beside me, he also said he saw Harold look into the room from the hallway to see what was going on. During the "word box" session, we asked about the little girl and Harold said it was Amanda who was by me. There was a ghost named Steven who said he was "stuck" and wanted help and Jeff asked his technician, Seven, to take Steven to the light. Harold said Steven went. Steven had a whistely S in his speech and after he was taken to the Light, we did not hear the whistely S anymore. Chris Moon will be here this next weekend and we will ask about Jill. That name has not come up before.
13 Nov. '09 - Here is an email I received from Russ Huesmann about his investigation on Sept. 23:
I wanted to give you some insight from our September 23rd investigation at the Mason House Inn. To be honest we are fairly new at this and have had only a few investigations at cemeteries under our belt. We came to the Mason House Inn excited and in hopes of having our 1st encounters with the paranormal. For our investigation we brought along 2 laptops with video cameras, a digital recorder, 3 digital cameras, and 3 camcorders along with many miscellaneous items (flashlights, batteries, etc).
We started the night off by setting up a laptop and video camera in room 5, where we stayed, and left for dinner. We did not catch anything on video but there is plenty of audio that is very intriguing. Throughout the time we were at dinner we could hear knocking that could possibly be interpreted to be in a pattern of sorts. We do plan on trying to determine if it is Morse code and if there is something being relayed in a message. I will let you know what we eventually find out. The other curious audio items were the sounds heavy boxes being moved or dropped. It is hard to distinguish where the sounds were coming from or if someone in the house was moving items. I bring this up only because it is something previously documented in your journal entries.
After dinner, we set up the other laptop down in the parlor and restarted the laptop in room 5. We then proceeded from the Inn to the Bentonsport cemetery. No evidence was collected at the cemetery but we did see plenty of deer out and about. There was no evidence collected from the laptop in the parlor and just a few knocks or bangs came from room 5.
Our investigation of the Inn was primarily the 3 of us spending time in each room conducting EVP sessions, running at least one camcorder and taking digital pictures of the rooms we were in. We made multiple trips around the rooms, into the parlor and dining room. At times one team member broke off and investigated on his own. We investigated until about 2:30am when we stopped only because we were not having many, if any, personal experiences. We felt like the investigation was a bust to be honest.
Our personal experiences consisted of Shane smelling an older woman�s perfume while entering room 6. All 3 of us were in the parlor as we recorded a drop in temperature of 12 degrees from the time we entered until the time the temperature started rising again. During this time, I thought I saw, out of the corner of my eye, something go by the parlor entry way (by the front door). We searched around and into room 1 but with no luck. Shane had unplugged the light in the hallway on the 2nd floor so it would not cause issues with the cameras. He unplugged the light from the extension cord outlet but did not remove it all the way. He did this because he thought it would be easier to locate and plug back in than trying to search for the cords. The light was out for about 15 minutes until Jim and I were moving from room 4 towards the stairs. As we got to the landing ready to go downstairs the light suddenly came on. We decided to pull the plug completely, but we were intrigued how the light came on after being off for that length of time. We also had an incident in the morning in room 5. I happened to be sitting in the chair next to the small table on the right side of the room (by the 2 beds). As I was talking to Jim the metal drawer handle fell out and was dangling there even though the table had not been disturbed. It was not the easiest getting the handle back into the hole as it is intended to be. I found it peculiar that the handle would be able to fall out that easy. None of the incidents are unexplainable, but the nature of the incident and timing is what made them �head scratchers� so to speak.
We are about 90% through our evidence and will continue to look over some of the evidence multiple times. I have to say when we left the Mason House Inn we were a little disappointed due to the lack of personal experiences. We are very happy to say we did capture plenty of EVP�s. We have about 6-7 pictures with potential orbs and a few that are pretty impressive. Most of the orbs captured were in room 5. We only have one item from all of the video evidence. We managed to capture an orb moving around in the parlor on Shane�s laptop. It is a pretty impressive video capture but could have been better with improved lighting. This is a learning experience we need to improve on. Our biggest success was the EVP captures from the evening and we have many! We currently have documented over 50 EVP captures with many being hard to understand or only understanding a part of the comment. We do have some pretty impressive class A EVP�s in my opinion. I am currently creating smaller clips for distribution, but I want to capture the conversations that were going on between team members as the EVP�s coincide with the conversation. There will also be little side stories to some of the EVP captures as things lead up to the actual capture. An example I can give you is this. Jim, Shane and I were in room 6. Jim thought he had seen the ceiling fan move slightly and we were giving him a hard time. Jim asked if they could make the fan move again. We caught a response of �who�s talking�. After having time processing the evidence we are all very happy with how the evening went. It is extremely exciting to capture people talking or responding to your conversations when you think you are the only people there.
Overall, we had a fantastic stay and are already planning a follow up visit. I will be sending you small audio clips of some of our better EVP captures sometime soon. We are also pursuing getting a website created. Once that is complete I will let you know so you can link to it. We are also looking to investigate some new locations and one is Lemp Mansion in St. Louis . Hopefully, we have similar luck as we did at the Mason House. Thanks for your time and generosity and we will talk again soon. Russ Huesmann
18 Nov. '09 - Chris Moon held another Ghost Hunting
University 101 and 102 class this past weekend. We had the largest group
yet. On Saturday night, the people in Room 6 had the most activity with
tapping and footsteps sounds and one woman heard a man say "I'm standing in the
bathroom". She thought it was her son, "Roy", because he was in the
bathroom, and that he was talking on his cell phone, but then she saw the phone
laying on his bed. When Roy came out, she asked him who he was talking to.
He said he had not talked at all. The woman in Room 7 heard tapping and
saw the shadow of a man leave her bathroom and go into the room. She said
she was not frightened, but excited about it. In Room 5, the big bed was
bumped several times. And during an EVP session that they did on their
own, they got a voice that said "Paige, you know me." They also saw an orb
flying around the room on their night vision video camera, but forgot to push
the record button. In Room 4, the ladies saw several orbs zooming around
the room and heard children giggling. And the bathroom door was opened
when it had been locked from the inside. On Sunday night, the bathroom
door in Room 6 did the "opening while locked" trick. And in Room 5, a cord
on one of the beds flew off the bed for no apparent reason. And a bag on
the floor got all crinkled up while everybody in the room watched, it looked
like little hands were pushing it in. That really surprised them!
During the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions we learned that Jill did visit Nancy
last weekend. Jill wanted to show her how she could stand on her toes and
to see the cat outside. The man in the bathroom was Stanley. He was
watching Roy. We have an EVP of the piano playing and we asked about that.
Harold said it was June, so we talked to June for a while. Senator William
Mason came through and we talked to him about the Underground Railroad hiding
hole in the backyard. He said Joe was the name of one of the slaves who
escaped the collapse, but that he was later caught and hung. I heard a
girl say over and over "It's so sad. It's so sad." and I started to cry.
(Those of you who know me know I cry quite easily because I am empathic.)
An unfriendly spirit tried to enter through a vortex, and Harold, Ty, and many
other spirits managed to push it back out. This took alot of energy out of
Chris and we had to cut the session short. To read the transcriptions of
these sessions, click
2 Dec. '09 - Early this morning, about 2am, Chuck heard the doorknob to our bedroom door being rattled like someone was trying to get in. We had no guests and Jinni was fast asleep. Shortly after that, I heard a woman scream. It sounded very much like the shriek I heard over the monitor on 13 April, but this time it came from the dining room or somewhere around there. And this morning, while answering emails, I saw a very small, very bright pinpoint of light float across the computer screen and I watched it as it floated out the bedroom door. It did not seem to be in a big hurry like they usually do. Over Thanksgiving we went to visit family in Indiana. They were wondering if Amanda had come along, so we started taking pictures and inviting Amanda to get in the picture with us. Here is the best one of Amanda. In other pictures, she is reflected in the mirror and half off the picture. We counted three other orbs, too, that were present including a tiny, bright one. I wonder if it is the same one that I saw this morning.
14 Dec. '09 - It's winter time again and our room has no heat in it, so Chuck and I have moved to Room 1 until it warms up again. At night, about 10 or 15 minutes after we get into bed, we have been hearing knocking and shuffling sounds outside the bedroom door. It lasts for a few minutes then it quits. Last night was a bit more active. Right away we heard footsteps on the stairway and a door upstairs closed. (We had no guests in the house and Jinni was already asleep.) There were footsteps up in Room 6, above our heads. Then, about 1:30am, I was awakened by a creaking sound beside the bed. I looked but did not see anything. (The floors here creak when stepped on.) The creaking sound went toward the foot of the bed and then around the end to the opposite corner. I shook and poked Chuck to wake him, but he was in a deep sleep and did not wake. There was about five or six steps in all and then it quit. I wonder who visited us.
24 Dec. '09 - Last weekend we had some people staying in Room 5. The wife heard a telephone ringing over and over. She said it was getting quite irritating and wondered why nobody answered it. Her husband did not hear anything, nor did the people in Room 6. Our phone downstairs did not ring. The next night, the people in Room 6 heard lots of knocking and tapping and footsteps sounds. The father's bed was shaken like somebody was pushing down on the bed. He has had this happen before when they visited. They also got some good orbs in their pictures and talked to Amanda and Curtis on their pendulum. In Room 1, Chuck and I continue to hear footsteps in the hallway and up and down the staircase. We hear sounds coming from Room 6 above our heads. Sometimes it is footsteps and sometimes it is a boom, like something heavy has hit the floor. But when we go look, there is nothing to explain the sound. Last night there was a single knock on the wall beside my head. It sounded like a knuckle hitting the wall. Then there was a scratching sound like fingernails on the headboard. That was a weird noise. In Jinni's room, I heard her talking to someone in a perfect one-sided conversation that went something like this: "Yes, I'm awake now..... No.... The alarm did not ring yet..... I can't...... I have to wait for the alarm to ring....... 6:45...... I CAN'T....... You play........ You're silly....... (the alarm clock rings) There, now I can get up...... School........ If you want." Then she left the room. I asked who she was talking to and she says "Amanda, of course".
28 Dec. '09 - Our daughters and their families visited here over Christmas. Kristin and Dan stayed up in Room 6, right above Room 1 where Chuck and I have been sleeping. Every night Chuck and I have heard footsteps up there when no one is here, but on the nights K & D were up there, we heard nothing at all. Kristin said she heard someone snoring and assumed it was us below her, but Chuck said I wasn't snoring THAT loud! So Chuck and I did an experiment to see just how loud someone would have to be downstairs to be heard up stairs. I stayed in Room 1 and made snoring sounds as loud as I could and Chuck sat on the bed in Room 6 to see what he could hear. He said he could hear nothing at all. So I don't think it was me that Kristin heard. I wonder if Harold was doing his snoring trick again. In the room Cindi and her family stayed in, Cindi said that one morning, about 5:30am, she felt a cat jump up on her side of the bed. It walked across her stomach and settled down along her side. Her first thought was that it was Smokey, since it did not have a collar on. But when she went to pet her, there was nothing there. She was so surprised, that she jumped up and flung the covers aside. She said that if Josephine was still there, she went flying! As Cindi and her family were leaving this morning, we were all in the foyer hugging good bye. Cindi made a comment that it was a fast week. Chuck said "It certainly was." And immediately after that, Cindi and I both heard another man's voice say "It certainly was." Like an echo to Chuck's comment. At first she thought it was Hans, but the voice came from behind me and Hans was in front of me, and Hans said he did not say anything. The voice was lower than either Chuck or Hans. I wonder if it was Curtis or Harold coming to say goodbye too.
That wraps up another year for us, here at the Mason House Inn. It was an interesting year, as they all have been. We already have four ghost hunting groups scheduled for investigation in 2010, plus the ever popular GHU classes in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. Stay tuned for more Ghostly Happenings at the Mason House Inn!
To read the 2010 Happenings, click here
To return to Joy's Journal, first page, click here
To return to Ghost Hunting 101 page, click here