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Mason House Inn

August 13 and 14, 2011

Chris: "Ty, are you ready?"..........'Hey.   Go ahead.'

Chuck: "Hi, Ty, how are you tonight?".........'Good to be here.'

"In May, Joy and I were cleaning Room 5 and Joy saw a man in a blue outfit standing near the mail box and looking up at the Inn.  Who was that?"..........'Terry'

"Is Terry the same person that Joy saw on the Lexington down in Texas?"........'No. Not the same.'

"Why didn't he come in the Inn?"........Terry: 'I was only visiting then.'

"Are you here now?"........'Yes, sir.'

"How old where you when you passed?"..........'32'

"And what year was that?"............'Slipped out.'

"Do you remember what year it was?".........'No'

"Have you been to the light yet?"............'Not yet.'

"Are you from Bentonsport?"........'No'

"A few days ago, some people in the caboose heard a loud crash, was that on our side or your side?".........Harold: 'Opened a little bit.  Yes, that's right.'

"Harold, was it a vortex in the yard again?"........'Yes'

"Is that something that's going on more regularly now?"........'Yes'

"And why is it a loud sound instead of a crackle like we heard before.".........'It happens so fast.'

"Does it have to do with the air density being thick with the hot temperatures?".......'Yes, sir.'

"How come some people can hear it and others can't?".........'More will hear it now.   Closer to the Inn.   I don't want to talk about it.'

"Is this going to happen more often now?"........'I don't know.'

"Several weeks ago we had a lady who was napping in Room 8 and then she ran down the stairs with her suitcase and left.  Did something happen to her in the room?"........'The kids.'

"What did they do?"......'The bed.'

"Were they shaking the bed?".......'Jumping on it.    Startled her.'

"Yes, it did.   She left."........'Sorry, but it was funny.'

"Can we ask who the kids were?".......'No'

"Come on.  It was okay.  You're not in trouble.".........Child's voice: 'No'

"Harold, did you encourage it?"..........'I stood by the bed.'     Child: 'Okay.  It was me.'

"Harold, when Darcie was here a few days ago, why didn't you play checkers with her?"..........'I'm gone.'

"I thought you like playing checkers."........'I need more time.    She wants an apparition.    Not fair.'

"Harold,  who went to Pennsylvania with us this summer?"........'Twelve'     Man: 'I went'    'Helped you find them.'

"Did you go to the cemetery with us and help us find family?".........'I did'

"Thank you."........'You're welcome.'

"How many rode the rides with us at Cedar Point?".......'I did'

"Did anybody ride with Aurora?"........'I rode with you.'

"Did anybody get stuck with us on the Ferris Wheel?".........'Too high.'    'I rode with Kristin.'

"Did you go on the fast ones?".........'Yes.  Fun.  Fast.'

"Joy keeps hearing the doorbell ring when nobody is there.  Is this something you are doing?"........'We are teaching her.'

"Teaching  her what?".........'Anything is possible.'   'That's us.   Ding.'   'Listen with your mind.'   'More to learn.'

"So she's not going nuts?".......'A little.'

"Who is Bob in Room 6?"........Man's voice: 'That's me.  Wanted to tell you about the rain.'     Harold:  'Ding.  Ding.'

"Is that the doorbell again?"........'For Joy'

"Will I hear the doorbell, or just Joy?"........'We are training her ears to hear us.'     'You're good at your job.'

"Thanks, Harold."..........'Just wanted you to know we appreciate you.'

Guest: "Harold, we stayed here a few weeks ago and when we were coming inside the front door we heard two knocks on the pane.  Was that you?"......... 'Wood.   I knocked on the wood.  It was kinda loud.  On the corner.'

Joy: "After I cleaned Room 7 today, I closed the door and it locked.  Who locked it?".......... 'Not me!'

"I cleaned the room and closed the door.  Later, when the guests checked in and I showed them to the room, the door was locked.  Did somebody lock the door?".............'Brennen did it.    He played in there.  Locked it.'

At this time, Chris' necklace, which was a cord tied behind his neck, came untied and slowly slid down his chest.   He said he had felt a tickling at the back of his neck, just before it started sliding.

Chris: "Hey.  Who untied the cord?"............Harold: 'Amanda did it.'

"That was a pretty neat trick.  Do you like the necklace?".......Amanda: 'Yeah, I like it.  I did it.  Can I have it?'

"Well, I'm still using it.  It's my favorite."..........'Oh'

Guest: "I want to know who is in Room 1.  I keep smelling stale cigar smoke."........'That's Bart.'      Bart: 'I like that room.   Watering hole.'

"Bart, did you smoke cigars?".........'Yes I did.   Watering hole.'    (That room used to be the town tavern.)

Guest: "Does anyone ever visit Room 4?".........Harold: 'We're already in there.'

Chuck: "Harold, does this room have good energy tonight?"...........'Yes.  Good people.  Good energy.'

Guest: "What's the name of the spirits who like to visit Room 4?"............'We all do.   Children's room.'

Another guest: "Harold, I brought a movie to watch in my room earlier today.  Did you watch it with me?"........'Seen it.  Today.  Good one.'

Guest: "Does anyone visit the Caboose?".........'If we're invited.'

"You're invited."............'Fun with them.'

Guest: "Who played with the lights in Room 6 today?".........Curtis: 'I did it.   You saw it.'

Chuck: "Is Markie here tonight?"..........Markie: "Hm?"

"Hey, Markie, are you here again or are you still traveling around?"..........'I come and go.'

Jinni: "Hi Amanda, did you go to work with me at Farmington?".........'Yes.  I was there.'

"And Camp?  Did you go to camp with me?".............'I love camp!   We had fun!'

Chris: "We're going to go now.  Thanks guys.".............Harold: 'I need a hug.'

       Sunday, Aug. 14, Room 5:

Chris: "Ty?  You there?"..............Ty: 'Hi'      We were getting music from a radio station.

Chuck: "What's with the music tonight?"...........'Good reception tonight.   Strong signal.'

"Earlier today, Joy and I were cleaning Room 7 and the air was really dense and heavy and it was hard to breathe in there.  What was going on?"...............Harold: 'We're all here.'

"Does it have to with the crossing over tonight?"..........'Yup'

"So were there alot of spirits in there waiting?".........'Yup'

"So they're in the building now?".........'Downstairs'

"One of our guests heard somebody say "Help".  Is that one of the spirits that is crossing tonight?".......'Steven McGee.'

"Is he ready to go that he does not want to stand in line?".............'He doesn't want to wait.'

"We'll do it at the end of this session, if you can wait."............Steven: 'I want out of here.    I want out.'    Harold: 'He's Irish.'

"Who was standing near Joy during the EVP session and drawing her energy?"...........'Five of us are.'

"Who touched the lady during the class?"............'Irene'

"Is Irene a child or an adult?"............'A woman'

"How old is Irene?"...........Woman: 'I'm dead'

"I know.  How old were you when you passed?"...........'32'

"Do you know what year that was?"............'1931.   I was shot in the chest.   I want to go back home.'

"Is she earthbound?"..........Ty: 'Yes.   She wants to go home.'

Guest: "Who tied knots in my necklace last night?"...........Amanda: 'That was me.'

"Amanda, you are doing some amazing things with knots this weekend.".........'I practice.'

"And my mother had something heavy on her legs last night.  Who was that?"............'Dog'

"Which dog?   Was it Lady or Purdy?"...........'Purdy.    She likes you.'

"There were some people here last weekend who checked in and then went into town and when they came back, the covers on the bed in Room 5 were pulled back.   Who did that?"............'That was funny.'      'John did it.'

"Johnny?  The child?".........'Yeah.  Johnny.'

"Is Terry here tonight?   The one Joy saw standing on the street?".......'Yes'

"Terry, Joy saw you wearing something blue.  Are you wearing a uniform of some kind?"........'No uniform.   Overalls.'

"Terry, what year did you pass?"........'1949'

"Did you live in Bentonsport?"..........'Don't tell.    Cops.   Ask Curtis.'

"What does Curtis know about it?"............Curtis: 'He's mean.   He lies.   Cops are looking for him.  He hurt a girl.    Harold won't let him in.'

Guest: "I saw two apparitions walking out side on the sidewalk today.  Do you know who they are?".........'Michael'

"Who was the other one?"............'With Michael'

"Daniel, have you been watching over Joy?".........'Yes.  We all do.'

Guest: "Who woke me up last time I was here?"...........'A priest'

"Is anyone going to visit Room 6 tonight?"..........Harold: 'I will.   And more.   Party in Room 6!'

"Is Lewis here tonight?"........'Yep.  He's here.   Call the priest.   He's busy gathering.'     Ty: 'I can't hold them back.  They want to cross now.'

Chuck: "How many are we talking about?   Hundreds?   Thousands?"  ............ 'Many.   Many.    1800'

Chris: "Okay Ty.  Go ahead and let them go.  They can speak as they come through.  I'll repeat as many as I can." .......... Many voices: 'Mike'   'Thank you'   'Keep moving'    'Forgive me.'    'It's very bright.'    'It wasn't my fault.'     'Will it hurt?'     'It's bright'    'It's lovely'    'I feel love.'    'I can't believe it.'    'I got shot.'    'Thanks'     'David'    'Peter'   'I was electrocuted.'

At this, Chris shut the box down.  He was very drained.  His arm had a red mark on it.  He said that last man who said he had been electrocuted had touched his arm and it burned him.   He said Peter told him he had shot a woman named Christine and then he was put in jail and got electrocuted.  He did not want to go to the light at first,  but eventually went.



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