Availability for Special Events
18 November 2006
Christopher Moon held a Ghost Hunting 101 class on 18 Nov. 2006 at the Mason House Inn. We held two "Frank Box" sessions in Room 5. The following is a sampling of those sessions.
First Session:
"What is your name?"........'Harold'
"Hello, Harold, how are you tonight?".........'Did you get the book?' (This is a reference to a previous session.)
"What book? Where is the book?"........'Library'
"What library? Which town?".......'Finster'
"What state is Finster in?"........'Illinois'
"Can you see the book now?"........'In the rack. It's a special book.'
"What is the name of the book?"........'Decoding Harold'
"Is it a book on Morse Code?"........'Of course it is.'
"So you aren't talking about the purple book you wrote, but a Morse Code book?".......'You said it! Geez!"
"We got a paper with the Morse Code on it. We are trying to learn it.".....'I use the old code.'
"Harold, can you tap something so the people here can hear you?".....'I'll tap downstairs. When it gets quiet you'll hear me. Are you staying here tonight? I'll do it later.'
"Do you do something to all our guests or do you pick and choose?".....'I have to be interested.'
"Is it the same for all the residents?" (Chuck's word for our spirits)........'Yes. I just have to do it sometimes.'
"I have a picture here if a group from this last weekend and there is a great orb in the picture. Do you know who this is?".....'That's me. I was dancing. I liked the woman in white.'
"The one here with the white hat on?".......'She liked me.'
"I'm sorry, but I don't think she knew you were there.".....'Oh'
"One of the guests here tonight had someone touching her shoulder. Who was that?".....'It was me. Amanda.'
A guest asks, "Do you ever play in Room 7?"........Harold says, 'I mess with it alot.'
"Are you going to come play with me tonight?".....'Lets do it.'
Another guest asks, "Who was walking around in Room 6 tonight?".......A female voice says, 'Me'.
"Who's me? What's you name?"........'Herma Evans. I wanted to use the water closet.' (The guest was in the bathroom when she heard someone walking around in her room. When she looked, no one was there and the door was locked.)
"Are you a resident or just visiting?".......'A resident now. I'm back again.'
"Are you related to the Mason family?".......'No'
"What is the last year you remember, Herma?".......'1906'
"How old were you when you passed?".......'82'
"Did you die here in this Inn?".......'You could call it that.'
"How long did you live in Bentonsport?".......'Since 1870'
A guest asks, "I took a picture in Room 6 tonight and got a picture of what looks like an orb with a hat on. Who was that?"......Harold says, 'That was Herma.'
Another guest asks, "Did someone just touch my hair?"......Harold says, 'That wasn't Herma, that was me.'
"Where are you standing right now, Harold?".......'I don't stand.'
"Do you sit? I'd like to get a picture of you.".......'You're gorgeous. What room are you staying in?'
Chris says, "Room 7. I didn't know we were supposed to be matchmaking.".......Amanda asks, 'What's matchmaking?'
"Harold, where's Markie today?".......'He's around.'
A guest asks, "Harold, was that you when I smelled whiskey earlier?".......'That was Bart.'
"Who's Bart?".......'He's a lush.'
"Is he a resident?".......'He comes and goes.'
"How many people are here right now?".......'On my side or your side?'
"On your side, Harold.".......'Millions'
"Here in the Inn?"........'Oh. Not so many. 35.'
"Harold, do you ever show yourself physically to anybody?"........'Everybody wants to see something!'
"Why don't you ever show yourself to me?".........'You'd run. Julie saw me.' (This was a reference to somebody from the last class who saw a man with a mustache and beard and wearing a blue coat walking back and forth in her bathroom.)
"Okay, we're going to go now. Thank you for talking with us.".......Harold says, 'Chris says they are going now. Will you be back?'
"Yes, we'll be back in a little bit with the next group. Good bye.".........'Okay'
Second Session:
"What is your name?".......'Joseph Smith'
"Why are you here?"........'I didn't have a choice. I helped the others come through. Open up the doorway.'
"Where did you die, Joseph?"........'Keosauqua. With my brother.'
"You died with your brother?".......'I did.'
A guest asks, "Are there any Native American spirits here tonight?".......Harold says, 'Yes'.
"Do they stay here?".......'No. They came with you.
They follow you. They always go with you.'
Chuck asks, "Harold, when we go places, do you go with us in our car?".......'It doesn't work that way.'
"Do you show up at events we are at?"......Harold said, 'I go.' Mary says, 'I don't'.
"So when Jinni goes to her Special Olympics events, and we take pictures of her, there are always orbs around her. Do you go too?"........'Yes, we're big fans. She sees us. She knows we're there.'
"That's nice of you, she likes that. Were you at Cindi's and Kristin's graduations, and Cindi's wedding too?"...........Amanda says, 'We went. Harold wouldn't go.' Harold says, 'Hanson family. Our family. We're all happy here.'
"Why have you all been so quiet lately? You have not been doing things to our guests lately.".......'It is not under our control. Life force low. Energy low.'
"Is it because the water in the river is so low?"........'We just have to wait. Wait here. It will come up again.'
A guest named John asks, "Harold, do you remember me? I talked to you a couple months ago."......'Hi John. I remember you.'
"Who likes to live in Room 8?"........'We're dead.'
"Okay, does anyone inhabit Room 8?".........'Which room is that?'
"The blue room.".........Mary says, 'I go sometimes. I
go back and forth. John's room.' (We don't know if that is a spirit
named John or because the guest named John was indeed staying in that room at
the time.)
At this point, Chuck sat on the big bed and invited all the spirits who wanted to be in a photograph with him to join him on the bed.
"Amanda, could you come sit by me and we'll take a photograph together. Any one who wants to be in the photograph can come join us. Harold, do you want to be in the picture too? Come stand by me.".......'I don't stand.'
"Okay, how about sit or float?"........Amanda says, 'I'm tired of standing.' Harold says, 'Markie came in late.'
Chris says, "Okay, everybody say cheese!"
As we took pictures and the night vision camera filmed it,
the air around Chuck gradually filled with orbs.
"Okay everybody. Thank you everybody! That's all for tonight. Good bye."
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