Availability for Special Events
2, 3, and 4 May 2008
Christopher Moon held three classes this weekend. The Friday night class was an advanced 102 class and the Saturday night and Sunday night classes were the beginner 101 class. We went up to the cemetery on Friday night and did not do an EVP because the wind was too strong. All we would get is wind noise. But something not-too-nice followed us back to the Inn and was interfering with the Box reception. We did three Frank Box sessions in Room 5 and one session outside during those three nights even though it was hard to hear with the interference. The following is a selection of those four sessions. The personal messages were not transcribed.:
Friday, May 2, 2008, in Room 5:
"Who is here with us right now?".........'Harold' 'Amanda' 'Mary' other names
Chuck - "Is Lewis Mason here tonight?".............'Talking'
"Hi, Lewis. We have been placing stakes in the back yard where we think the Underground tunnel is. Do you think we have it right?"............'Just a little off. There might be a problem.'
"So we'll need to go out there with you and you can let us know which way to go with it, alright?"......'Of course you will.'
"Okay, so we'll do that another evening, tomorrow or the next night, if you can be with us.".......'Yes'
"Is it about as long as I have it?"............'Longer'
"Okay, so you will help us before I go digging?"........'There's not much time.'
"Not much time for what?"................'For turn around.'
Guest - "Who was the woman and child who visited me last November?".............'Just passing through. Gloria I think. Passing through.'
Guest - "What color is Josephine the cat?".......Amanda - 'I seen her last week. My cat.'
Chuck - Amanda, did you go to camp with Jinni last week?"......'We did. It was a party. Fun time.'
"Lewis, are you still here?"...........Tyler - 'He's gone.'
"Okay, we'll talk to him tomorrow, I guess."..........'Do you know he's dead?'
Chris - "Yes we know he's dead."
Guest - "Do you have bodies of water on the other side?"..............Harold - 'You bet.'
Guest - "When they find the tunnel and find the bodies, should they rebury them?".......man's voice - 'They were buried on purpose.' Harold - 'How dare you say that!' Another man's voice - 'Very impressive.' Another voice - 'Don't forget those that are upon the hill.'
(We had some wireless infrared cameras in the room and were watching the orbs shooting around but it was interfering with the box so we unplugged the cameras.)
Chuck - "Tyler, were our wireless IR cameras interfering with this box's reception?"..........'Yes it was.'
"Is it better now?".............'Yes, better.'
"We got the infrared cameras so we can see your orbs. Is that okay?".............Various voices - 'Yes, yes, yes' Harold - 'It hurts me.'
"How does it hurt you, Harold?".............'It hurts my work.'
"Oh, because we can see what you're up to?"..............'Yes'
"Well, it helps us get to know you better."...............'Exactly'
Guest - "Do you have children there with you?"...........'Negative'
Guest - "Markie, are you here with us?"..............Markie - 'I think so.'
Chuck - "Markie, are you here full time now?".............'I just sit over here.'
"So are you staying here now?"..................'No'
"Do you come and go again?".................'Most of the time.'
"Do you still help Chris as his technician?"..............'That's not the work.'
Chris - "Markie, do you help me out?"...............'Yes, I do. Services.'
Guest - "Do you have rain and rainbows on the other side?"..............Harold - 'I'll check and get back to you.'
Chris - "Okay, we're going to wrap it up for tonight. Good bye.".................Various voices - 'Wait!' 'Stop talking, they're going now.' 'Thank you.' 'Bye'
Saturday, May 3, 2008, first session in Room 5:
Chuck - "Harold, are you here?"...........'Of course. Someone's standing behind you.'
"Who's standing behind me?"................'Josephine.'
(Chris had taken a picture of me coming through the room door and there was a large orb in the hallway behind me. It had the face of a cat in it.)
"We saw Josephine's picture a few minutes ago."................Harold - 'See her in the hall.'
"Are you going to entertain our guests tonight?"..............'Of course.'
"How many spirits are in the room right now?".............'Lots. I can bring more if you want them.'
"We were told earlier that two twin boys have joined us here, is that true?"...............'Weese' (or Reese)
"Can you tell us their first names?"...................'David and Michael Weese' (or Reese)
"Did they die in Bentonsport?"....................'I think so.'
"Can you give us a year?"....................Boy's voice - '1868'
"How old are you?".......................'Eleven'
"Thank you. Welcome to the Inn."....................'Don't be sad.'
"Is Tabitha here?"..........................'Right here.'
"Tabitha, did you die in Bentonsport?"....................'Just outside of it.'
"Did you come here with one of our guests?".................'Yes'
"Who are you attached to?".........................'I traveled here with Doug.'
"There was another girl that Jinni saw with you. Who was that?".................'Stacy'
"And Jinni saw both of you playing in the hallway?"......................'Yes'
"And you decided to stay here when Doug left?"......................'No'
"You came back later?"......................'Yes'
Doug - "Thank you for being with me."...................'Yes'
"Tabitha, can you tell us what year you died?"....................'1950'
"Can you tell us when Stacy died?".....................'Recently. '96.'
"How old is Stacy?"...................'Thirteen'
"How old are you?"...................'Almost Fifteen'
"So you're Amanda's age."...................'I just talked to her.'
"Do you and Amanda play together?"..................'We talk.'
"Do you follow Jinni when she has her activities?".................Harold - 'We all do.'
"Tabitha, do you play jokes on our guests too?"....................Harold - 'Yes she does.'
Doug - "I just want to thank Tabitha and Stacy for being with me."..............Tabitha - 'Hi Doug!'
"Hi. I know you're with me. It means alot."................Tabitha - 'Thanks'
Chuck - "Do you have a message for Doug?".................Harold - 'No'
"How about Stacy?"........................Stacy - 'I'm watching out for you.'
Doug - "Thank you, that means alot to me."...................'Okay'
Then the cemetery people started interfering too much and we had to turn it off.
Saturday, May 3, Second Session: There was still alot of negative interference but we went ahead as well as we could hear.
"Who is here with us tonight?"..................Amanda - 'This is awful!' Harold - 'He's blocking it.'
Chuck - "Harold, can you ask him to leave?"..........'He won't go.'
"Does he want to talk?"....................'He won't talk.' Man's voice - 'Don't want you to talk.'
"How many spirits are in the room right now?".................Harold - 'Atleast 75.'
"The people in Room 5 lost their cell phone today, does anyone know where it is?".......'Where they left it. Downstairs.'
"Is it on the first floor?"...............'Downstairs'
"Is it in the basement?".................'Not yet. I see it. Right there.'
Guest - "Harold, can you make the chandelier swing tonight?".........'I can't. I'm dealing with Samuel.'
"Is that the one from the cemetery? Is his name Samuel?".................Samuel - 'I'm waiting for something.'
"What are you waiting for, Samuel?"....................'Apology from Herman.'
"Herman Greef? He is in the house across the street. Go over there."................'Want him to come here.'
"What's your last name, Samuel?".......................Amanda - 'This is not funny.'
"Samuel, Herman is not going to come over here. You need to go over there and talk to him."...........Harold - 'Yeah, go over there.'
"Is his name Samuel Paine?"..............'Yes'
Joy - Samuel Paine was a Captain in the Civil War. He convinced many men and boys from Bentonsport to join him in the fighting. He was badly injured in one of the very first battles and was mustered out of the army and sent home. He felt alot of guilt about being sent home when the others had to stay and fight. I wonder if he got alot of grief from the townspeople about it. I know he moved away for a while.
Chuck - "The war is over, Samuel. Did Herman Greef say something to you that hurt you?".............'Yes'
"You need to go over to his house across the street to talk to him."...................'No'
"Are you trying to get Herman to come talk on this devise?".......................'Yes. I want him to admit it.'
"This is Lewis Mason's house. Do you have a grief with Lewis Mason?"................'Yes'
"Well, why don't you talk to Lewis about it then?"...................'He's not home.'
"Well, why don't you go back to the cemetery until he gets back."...................'It's too hard.'
"Samuel, we can't solve your problem. You need to go over and talk to Herman at his house.".......'I can't.'
(Then the box got quiet and the static got better.)
"Amanda, did you go with Jinni today?"..................Amanda - 'Yes. We had fun.'
"What did she do that was fun?".....................'Running. Baseball.'
(Jinni had a Special Olympics event where she was doing track and field activities.)
"Is Markie here?"...............Harold - 'Not now.'
"Where did he go?"...............'Helps Tyler.'
"Tyler is here, so why isn't Markie here?"..............'Not now. Catch him later.'
(There were some personal messages and then we ended the session.)
Sunday, May 4, 2008, in front of the Inn:
There was still too much bad energy static in the house so Chris decided to try the session outside. Small groups of 5 people gathered around the box to ask questions. This is a sampling of some of those questions. Personal messages are not transcribed.
Chuck - "Markie, are you here tonight?"..........'Yes. I stay here with her.'
"Who's her? Amanda?"..............Amanda - 'That's right.'
Guest - "Harold, are you here?"..................'Yes, missy.'
Chuck - "Harold, what happened last night that nothing happened?"...........'They were boring. Not interesting.'
"So they have to be interesting to you?"....................'Yes. Need energy.'
Guest - "Is anybody here from Keosauqua?".............'Yes'
"What are their names?"......................'Mike'
"How many children are there in the Inn now?"......................Amanda - 'Twelve' Harold - 'It's getting busy now.'
Guest - "Are there any educators, teachers, here?"..................Woman's voice - 'Yes'
"What is your name?"...................'Emma'
"What school did you teach at?".....................'Bentonsport and Wheatly'
"What year did you teach?"....................'1923'
Guest - "What do you find most fascinating about our group here?"..................Harold - 'Believers. Energy's good.'
Guest - "Whose picture did I take in the mirror in Room 5?"....................Harold - 'Me!'
Guest - "What do you do to have fun?".................Man's voice - 'No restrictions.'
"Where do you live?".....................'I'm dead'
"Where are you from?".................'Sedona' (or Sedoma)
"What is your name?".................'Mark'
"How did you die?".......................'Knife in my head.'
Guest - "Are there any good fishing spots around here?".............Man's voice - 'Fifty meters down.' Amanda - 'I know where they are.'
"Do you ever fish in the river?"....................Amanda - 'My sister used to.'
"What kind of fish did she catch?".............'Snakes'
Chuck - "Is Lewis Mason here tonight?".....................Harold - 'He is. He's standing right there.'
"Lewis, can you help us with our tunnel tonight?"...............'Need to go north.'
"How about the stakes I have there?"...............'Just off.'
Chuck and Cindi went to the back yard while the rest of us stayed in front where the reception was good. We were talking back and forth on cell phones.
Chuck - "Am I standing on it now?"............'Right. Go right. Two stakes to the right.'
"Is this the west wall?"..................'Second stake is the west wall. Hollow wood. He got it.'
"From the point where I am now, how far south do I need to go?"....................'Four steps.'
Chris - "Can you see him?"...........'Yes. This is hard.'
Chuck - "Is this right?"..............'I can see her.'
Chris - "Can you see Cindi?"................'Yes, I see her.'
"Can you see Chuck?"...................'Yes. Take three steps back. There it is. Stake the other wall.'
Chuck - "Where was the woodshed?".............'North. Ten feet.'
"On the other side of the tree?"..................'Yes. North of the tree.'
(Other spirits were talking too and were trying to give directions, saying things like....'What's he looking for?' 'I don't see it.' 'What is this?' 'What are they doing?')
Tyler - 'Wrap it up, Chris. Too hard on the equipment to go so long.'
Chris - "Okay, sorry. We'll turn it off now. Bye."....................'Bye'
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