Availability for Special Events
2017 Happenings
1 January '17 - Happy New Year everybody! Chuck and I are staying in Room 1 for the winter. We will return to our "Stable" room in April or May, depending on the temperature in there.
24 January '17 - Last night was pretty busy for us. About 2:33am, the phone rang once. But it was in my left ear and the phone was on my right side. So I know it was not 'really' the phone. Then, right after that, there were two knocks on the bedroom door. I said "What?" but there was no answer. (Never say "come in" unless you know who it is.) Then there was alot of creaking going on up in Room 6. (We had no guests up there.) Then, about 5:30am, there was a loud THUMP from upstairs. I have not been able to determine what made the sound. Must have been something going on up there.
12 February '17 - Kelly was here this past weekend with one of her great retreats. Lots of activity in the rooms. In Room 8, the group communicated with Harold with him knocking on the walls and ceiling. Josephine the ghost cat visited some rooms. Patricia and Markie communicated too. The K2 meter was used to communicate with a child. All the participants thought it was a great evening!
6 March '17 - This past weekend we had another great GHU (Ghost Hunter University class by Chris Moon)! During the Telephone to the Dead (TttD) Box session, we talked to the Civil War soldier named David whose Cavalry sword we have have here in the Inn. He said he was shot once while on his horse, and then he fell off the horse and started running and got shot again, in his leg. The sword has a dent where a bullet hit the sheath. (In a previous session last year we learned: He was brought here to the hospital (at the Inn) to wait for the train or boat to take him to the big hospital in Keokuk. But he was too injured, and dying from "rot" (gangrene) so he was not put on the boat and he watched it leave without him. That's the last thing he remembers.) He was ashamed of his part in the War and did not want to talk about it much. He said he felt he deserved to die. We talked to Harold and Mary and Amanda. Bart came through to say Hi. Members of the group received messages from their loved ones who have passed away. We learned that if a person has a disability here on Earth, they don't carry that with them to the other side. Like Harold says "That's an Earthly thing." During the night, the people in Room 6 reported hearing what sounded like furniture being moved around on the third floor. (There was nobody up there, Jinni was not home. In fact, there is no floor up in the eaves over Room 6 or 7, its just rafters and insulation.) The people in Rooms 8 and 5 reported that they had a knock on their door, but nobody was there. A pile of playing cards was left on a small table in the hallway, and the cards got scattered when nobody was in the hallway. They picked up and piled the cards again, hoping it would happen again, but it didn't. The next GHU is May 6. Sign up early!! Visit Eventbrite.com for tickets!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ghost-hunter-university-with-christopher-moon-tickets-32674521373
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