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Mason House Inn

2008 Happenings

9 Jan. '08 - My son, Jeremy, and his family have been visiting with us this week.  His wife, Sarah, has already experienced several things here, but he kept missing it all.  Well, he finally did.  He had gone to use the bathroom in Room 1 and had closed and latched the door hook.  But then the door jiggled as if someone was trying to open the door.  Good thing he used the hook.  Nobody was in the room, we had all stayed in the dining room.  We tried to recreate it with opening and closing other doors to see if the change in air pressure would do it, but could not recreate it.  (Besides, none of us had opened or closed any doors while he was in there.)  He was so excited to have finally experienced something!

13 Jan. '08 - The couple who stayed in Room 5 last night said they heard children talking out in the hallway.  It woke them up about 12:30 a.m., and at first they thought it was their children but then they realized where they were and that they did not bring their children with them.  There were no other guests.  They said there were several children and at first they sounded like they were right outside the bedroom door, then it faded away like they had gone down the hallway a bit.  Then it gradually got louder till it was right outside the door again.  It went on like  that, back and forth,  for several minutes and then quit.  The couple said they were talking English, but could not quite make out what was being said. 

19 Jan. '08 - This afternoon Chuck and I put away the Christmas decorations and we were taking the boxes up to the attic.  Chuck was already up on the third floor and I was on the second floor just about to start going up the stairs, when I heard my name called behind me.  It was like "Jo-oy", sort of like a 'yoo-hoo' kind of thing.  It was definitely a man's voice.  Chuck and I were the only people in the house.  I stopped and listened in case he did it again, but he didn't.  So I just said, "Hi, Harold or Curtis, I hear you."

20 Jan. '08 - The man who stayed in Room 9 last night said he woke up about 1:30am by a noise in the room.  Then he heard, very clearly, a child giggling next to the bed.  It really startled him, but then he thought a giggling child isn't anything to be afraid of.  So he listened for a while longer and went back to sleep.

24 Jan. '08 - The lady who stayed in Room 5 last night said she felt a cat jump on the bed and curl up against the back of her neck.  It was a pleasant and comforting feeling.  Then it felt like the cat was lifted off of her, but then it jumped back onto the bed and curled up against the back of her shoulder blades.  She could feel the weight and the purring vibrations.  It lasted several minutes and then quit.  In the morning she found that her husband's glasses had been moved from where he had put them the night before.  I wonder if who ever lifted the cat had also played with the glasses.

27 Jan. '08 - The people who stayed in the big bed in Room 6 said that about 10:30 last night they both heard four loud raps on the head board right above their heads.  Each thought the other had done it, but they didn't do it.  They waited for more, but that was all they heard.  They were excited that they got the four knocks.

4 Feb. '08 - We had a GHU class here this past weekend and the rooms were quite active.  During the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions, we talked to Harold mostly.  Amanda and Markie kept arguing about him being gone so much.  Amanda misses Markie and does not like his job because he does not have time to play with her anymore.  When asked who was here to talk to us, Harold said "Everybody."  But when we asked for Lewis, we were told that he was not here.  Neither was Mary, nor Fannie, nor Frederick Hancock, so we did not get any new information about the Underground Railroad.  I did talk to Curtis and found out that I had indeed heard him whistling in the parlor the other day.  He said he was "by the books", which would be my little library table in the parlor.  (I was watching TV and talking on the phone at the same time and I thought I heard someone whistling a little tune in the parlor, but I was not sure.)  We asked who the woman and child were that visited Sue in her room during the last GHU in November, and we were told that the woman's name was Madelyn but he did not know the child's name.   Before the sessions, a woman had her hair pulled and Amanda admitted to doing it to get her attention.  During the session, I had my hair pulled and Harold admitted to doing that one.  To read the transcripts of the sessions, click here.

        During the night, the lady in Room 8 really had an interesting night.  She said that it began with her rocking chair rocking by itself around 1am.  She took a picture (literally a 'shot in the dark') toward the rocking chair and got quite a large orb sitting right on the seat!  She asked "Is there somebody in here with me?" and took another shot and saw that the orb had moved to the footboard of her bed.  Then she felt the left side of the bed go down with a weight on it and she felt her left arm touched and it was ice cold.  She said it very interesting and not scary.  After about a minute, the weight lifted off the bed and her arm warmed up.  Then she heard what sounded like children running up and down the back staircase.  At about 2:30am, she said she'd had enough and wanted to go to sleep and everything got quiet and she went to sleep.  She was so excited, she could hardly wait to come down to breakfast and show everybody her pictures.  The people in Room 4 had Josephine on their bed, and said they could hear what sounded like water glugging sounds coming from Room 5 (sounded like a water cooler glugging).  But Room 5 said there was no such sound in their room.  One of the ladies in Room 5, in the twin bed by the wall, had her arm pulled on and her hair pulled, and felt a cat lay on her foot.   Chris and Dennis were in Room 1, which is right below Room 6, and they said they could hear someone walking back and forth above them all night long.  The people in Room 6 said they felt there was someone in the room with them but did not investigate and they did not get up at all during the night. 

14 Feb. '08 - A man, named David,  who had come here to a GHU class last fall just sent me this picture.  His brother, (who does not have a mustache)  took the picture of him sitting on the bench outside Room 3.  (I smudged his face to protect his identity.)  There is a face in the window over his left shoulder.   While the face has a mustache and a curl of hair on his forehead, there is no body.  In each room, I have a white notebook sitting on a table or dresser that contains Inn history and information.  I can clearly see the notebook sitting on the little table, below the face.  When Chuck and I tried to recreate the picture with Chuck looking out the window, I can clearly see Chuck's body.  I wonder if this is Harold or a spirit attached to David.










 detail of the face  



17 Feb. '08 - The lady who stayed in Room 1 last night had a very interesting experience.  She said that she was almost, but not quite, asleep when she saw an older woman with short, dark hair standing beside the bed.  The woman was very motherly and she pulled the blankets up over the lady's shoulder and patted her and faded away.  A few minutes later, a younger woman, with her hair swept up into a bun, appeared beside the bed.  This woman patted the lady's shoulder also, and then bent down and lightly kissed her on the cheek and faded away.   The lady said that at first she was a little frightened, but then remembered that the spirits don't want to hurt anybody, so she relaxed and she said it was a wonderful experience.

20 Feb. '08 - Today I was in the dining room, talking to a friend of mine, when I saw a large gray orb shoot from the parlor to under the table I was standing beside.  It was quite large, about the size of a softball and a dark gray, and it was low to the floor.  Was this Josephine?

24 Feb. '08 - The couple who stayed in Room 6 last night were thrilled to have an experience, although it was not as dramatic as they had hoped.  The man said he had gone to bed early while his wife stayed up, reading in the adjoining room.  After a short while, he felt a hand on his shoulder.  Thinking his wife had come to bed, he turned over to look at her, but no one was there.  She was still reading.  Then, about 3am, they heard a very loud bang from above them on the third floor.  Right after the bang they heard what sounded like children running around up there.  Then they heard children giggling out in the hallway, just outside their door.  They said they could see the hallway light going off and on and off and on, several times, then it quit.  Everything got quiet and they went back to sleep.  They said it was exciting to hear the children.

1 March '08 - There was a paranormal investigation group here last night, from West Des Moines.  They set up their equipment about 10 pm, and then separated to go into individual rooms on the second floor to see what they could feel in each room.  They did several EVP sessions and had cameras and recorders set up in various locations throughout the main building.  Here are some of their experiences...... The man who went to Room 4 was sitting on the bed when he felt a heavy weight on his ankles and feet.  He tried to move them, but it was really hard.  Then the weight left and he was able to swing his feet off the bed.  Then he saw a little golden orb shooting around the room.  After it disappeared, he saw a dark shadow, about the height of a child, move around the end of the bed and go out the door.  The man who was sitting on Room 7's bed was relaxing with his eyes closed when he felt someone sit on the edge of the bed.  He thought it was one of the other investigators, even though he had not heard anybody walking in the room.  When he looked, there was no one there.  After several seconds, the weight got up off the bed.  He also heard some tapping and knocking sounds coming from a certain area of the room but he was not able to determine what was making the sounds.   The girls in Room 5 were sitting on the bed and one girl heard breathing very close to her ear.  The other girl was not close enough for it to have been her.  They also saw several little golden orbs shooting around the room.  The investigator with the EMF reader tracked a high spike with the machine.  What ever was making the machine spike was moving around the room.  Early this morning, a few of the investigators decided to take a short nap in the dining room and parlor, some of them heard a woman humming and it was not any of them.  The group said they did get some good EVPs on the recorders and also got several orbs in their pictures.

23 March '08 - We had some ladies stay in Room 5 last night and they had some interesting things happen to them.  The first thing, when I showed them to their room, I noticed three little hand prints on the twin bed by the wall.  I did not know they were ghost hunting so I did not mention it to them.  Then, when they were standing around deciding who would sleep in which bed, one of the dresser handles started jingling back and forth.  They all saw it and they tried to recreate it, but couldn't.  Later that evening, one of the ladies was looking through the antique medical books on the dressing table, and she smelled a strong odor of rubbing alcohol, none of the other ladies smelled it.   During the night, one lady was poked quite hard in the side, another woke to find her collar rubbing back and forth on her face.  The lady in the twin bed by the door heard what sounded like marbles rolling around on a hard wood floor, in the hallway outside the room door.  They all got several pictures of two large, bright orbs hovering around the twin beds.  One of the ladies, everytime she went into the bathroom, the doorknob would jiggle.  The other three ladies vouched for each other that none of them had done it.  All in all a very interesting night for them.

27 March '08 - Last night I was sitting in the dining room, watching TV with my arms crossed.  I could see my arms peripherally.  I saw a silvery-goldish ball of light, about the size of a cotton ball, float across my arm from my wrist to my elbow.  I looked down and saw it clearly before it reached my elbow and then floated down toward the floor.  When I looked on the floor for it, there was nothing there.   It was amazing.  I've never seen anything like it before.  Like a floating ball of translucent quick-silver.  I did not feel any pressure, or tingling, or coldness, or anything.  I said "Hi" and invited it to do it again sometime.  Later, after Chuck and I had gone to bed, as soon as we turned out the light, there was all kinds of noises down beyond the foot of our bed.  I asked Chuck if he was moving his foot and hitting a bag or something, but he said he was not moving.  We both heard rattling sounds and knocking and tapping sounds.  It rattled paper and plastic bags and knocked on wood and tapped on the computer keyboard and then more paper, things like that.  It moved from the foot of the bed to on the desk, to over by the TV, then back to the desk and finally by the bedroom door and then it was gone.  I wonder if it was one of the kids or Josephine having fun.

31 March '08 - This past weekend we had another 102 Ghost Hunting class on Friday night and a 101 class on Saturday night.  To read the transcripts of the Frank Box sessions, click here.   On Friday night, after a quick review, we went up to the cemetery and did some investigating.  The group was off in the distance trying to find some EMF activity and Chuck, Chris, Dennis, and I were standing by the entrance.  Off to my right a little ways, by a small tombstone,  I saw two little flashes of light.  I thought it was lightening bugs, but they were bluish, and lightening bugs are green, besides it is too cold for lightening bugs.  While I was watching the spot to see if it would do it again, I saw a single bluish flash about three feet away.  I watched that spot and I saw a dark blob take off out of a depression in the ground and it went off to the left.  It was about the size and shape of a rabbit and about as fast so I thought it was a rabbit.  But when I looked for the rabbit, there was nothing there.  I wonder if it was a rabbit ghost.  Later we did an EVP session and invited Frederick Hancock down to the Mason House to speak on the Frank Box.     During the Friday night session, when we went up to Room 5, I was the last person in the room and I shut the door, it immediately locked.  I opened the door and then shut it again, again it locked.  The third time I tried it, it did not lock.  The lock has to actually be turned, they don't just do it all by themselves.     We did an open air EVP session first and during the quiet, Cindi was standing by the closed door and she heard a little girl giggling and talking in the hallway.  She thought maybe Aurora had gotten out of bed and was playing in the hallway, but when she looked there was no one there and Aurora was asleep in her room.  During the Frank's Box session, there were so many people who had come down from the cemetery that it was hard to talk to any of our regulars.  Mary was mad and kept leaving.  But we did find out that  the orb on my arm was Josephine, the face in the window picture is Harold (he said it was a "lucky shot"), and Johnny is the 11 year old boy who has been playing in our room for the past four nights.  During Friday night, the people who stayed in Room 5 were poked on their legs and heard the tapping sounds.  The people in Room 6 did not get anything and were really disappointed, but we cannot control who the spirits find interesting or not.  They did hear some knocking sounds, but they thought it was Room 5 doing it.  Room 5 heard it also and thought Room 6 was doing it! 

     On Saturday morning, we went outside to try and find the Underground Railroad tunnel that Lewis Mason had referred to in past sessions.  At first we only got someone named Patrick.  Chris asked him "What are you?", expecting him to say either 'intelligent' or 'earthbound' but Patrick said "Dead".  Because Patrick did not know anything about the tunnel, and he would not let anybody else speak, we terminated that attempt  and tried again later.  In the evening we tried again and we did get Lewis Mason, but also some other people who kept adding their own opinions so it was very frustrating.  Lewis got mad and left at one point and we had to get him back.  Chuck had a long metal pole and he was poking it in the ground where Lewis told him to and he did hit wood several times.  He put stakes where the wood was.  Another time he hit a 'clink' and Lewis said 'no, that's a rock'.  The others put in their own advice with 'go east', 'go west', 'too far', 'go back', 'thirty over'.  Thirty what?  Then when we did the session in Room 5, they were still talking about it and it was hard to get Harold or Amanda to talk.  Mary left mad because there were too many others there.  They kept saying 'What was he doing out there?', and 'I told him to go east', and 'I told him to go thirty'.    I took this picture and you can see Amanda had come out to watch.

       When we went up to Room 5 to do the Frank Box session, the cast iron chandelier was already swinging.  It continued to swing at a regular pace all the way through the 20 minute session.  Harold said he was doing it.  Only after we asked him to try to swing it the other way, did it slow down and stop.  We could see that it was trying to swing the other way, but he said it was too hard.  The hook it is hanging from is flat, so that probably affects which way it will swing.  The people in that room that night said they deliberately swung the chandelier to see how long it took to  stop, and they said it took only 10 minutes to wind down.    On Saturday night, the people in Room 7 had Josephine on their bed, the people in Room 8 reported that their curtains were waving in and out and they could find no explanation for it.  The people in Room 5 heard a rhythmic creaking sound and later, after trying to recreate it, decided it was the gliding rocking chair in the room.  In Room 6, one of the ladies said, for a few minutes, there was a heavy weight on her legs and they felt very cold.  Here's what she had to say about it:

Hi Joy,
      I wanted to tell you I had my pics developed. That night when that situation happened to my mom, I grabbed my camera (which was in reach) and I said I am going to take a picture of you, just like you guys told us to do. I waited a short time and then took it. Something on the film did show up. It looks like an orb with two very small bright ones with a possible mist effect around it. I am going to mail you copies. I don't know how well it will scan but I will try it. I also have another pic that has something strange in it as well. I think I will just get a duplicate set of pics made and mail you the copies and you can see them. Please let me know what you think. 
         I also wanted to tell you that room 6 really does have a lot of activity. I don't know if you heard me at breakfast, but I was telling your husband I could not get the bathroom door opened for a moment. It was like someone was holding the handle on the other side. Then a second later I could open it. I also had an experience when I went to lay down for bed, I started reading a book and smelled an odor I had never smelled before. We also had some noise going on through the night in one of the corners of the ceiling. I first just wrote it off to 'ok it's an old building', but then it kept happening in the same corner.
          This experience is just  a possibility but at one point my mom and I were standing by the big bed just talking and I said to her the quilt on the wall was moving. I tried to recreate walking into the room thinking just the rush of air was moving it, but was not successful recreating it. Plus, when it happened we were just standing there.      Also, I wanted to mention to you, on the way home my mom starting talking about the weight she felt on her legs and how her legs went cold, she said "The weight I felt on my legs was much heavier than a cat."  Maybe one of them tried to sit on the bed? Just thought I would pass it along. My mom and I had a really good time and I look forward to attending more classes in the future.

Take care,


(This is one of the pictures that Natalie sent me.  The large, bright orb on the right was moving at the time she took the picture, that is why it looks fuzzy.  There is another small orb over Chuck's head which is reflected in the mirror behind him, but you probably can't see that very well in this small picture.)

14 March '08 - Some ladies stayed in Room 5 for the last 3 nights and they were disappointed that not much happened during their stay.  But they did report that they had left the ceiling fan on low and one time they had found it on high, none of them had touched it.  This morning, one of the ladies said she had been sleeping on the twin bed, which is above the parlor, and she had just gone to bed, about 10pm, when she heard a man and a woman talking in the parlor below her.  She thought it was Chuck and me so she did not investigate.  (Chuck and I were in our bedroom at that time and not in the parlor.)   She said they sounded like they were arguing about finding something.  They were speaking English, but she could not quite make out what they were saying.  It went on for several minutes and then stopped.  There were no other guests in the house, and I know it was not Chuck and me.  I wonder if Frank and Mary were arguing again. 

21 March '08 - There was a group of ghost hunters here last night from Kindred Moon Productions and  as soon as they arrived, things started happening.  When they were bringing the equipment from their van to the house, the leader of the group, Mike, looked up to the western window of Room 6 and saw a person wearing brown.  He could not tell if it was male or female, but as soon as it saw Mike watching it, it walked away from the window.  At first Mike did not think anything of it, but then he realized that no body in his group was wearing brown.  Chuck and I were in blue, Jinni was not home, and there was nobody else in the house.  He was excited that he saw an apparition.   After a quick tour around the Inn, they set up night-vision cameras in various rooms on the second floor and in the hallway.  We could see dozens of orbs flying around, up and down the hallway, in and out of the rooms.  It was amazing!  As the hunters went from room to room doing EVPs, the orbs would follow them from room to room, it was so funny.  Big orbs, little orbs, some had a nucleus, others were small bright pinpricks of light.  But all acted intelligent.  We could imagine what they were thinking....like "Where are we going next?" and "Wait for me!".    One orb was swooping from side to side as it came down the hallway and then zoomed into Room 6.  It was incredible!  During one of the EVP sessions, they heard an audible response to one of the questions.  Two of the people heard a little girl say 'yes'.  I hope they caught it on the recorders.  Two of the ladies in the group went into Room 6 and were taking pictures in the dark.  When the camera flashed, one of the ladies saw a face right next to her.  She said he had a mustache.  It really surprised her and she would not go back into that room alone.  I told her that Harold does not stay in Room 6, he goes all over.  I don't know if that helped or not.   The leader of the group, Michael, just called me and said they got something on film that is more than just orbs but he would not tell me what it was.  He wants to surprise us at the "reveal".  I'll let you know when I know.

6 May '08 - Oh Boy!  What a weekend we've had!  First we had Ghost Hunt Universities for three nights in a row.  On Friday night we had the 102 class and we went up to the cemetery where we picked up a not-so-nice entity who followed us back to the Inn.  He was an angry spirit and he would not let anybody speak during the Frank's Box session.  There was alot of interference and it was very hard to hear.  That night nobody had anything happen in their room, except for Chris Moon and Dennis who heard children running up and down the staircase and giggling in the hallway outside their room.  On Saturday's 101 class, it was too cold and windy to go up to the cemetery, so we did the hunt inside the house.  Then, during the Frank's Box sessions we found out that the not-so-nice entity we had picked up on Friday was still hanging around.  We found out that his name was Samuel Paine and he wanted Herman Greef to come over and give him a public apology on the Box in front of everybody!  We tried to convince him that Herman would not come over to Lewis's house and that he should go over to Herman's house and talk to him over there.  After that the interference was a little better and we were able to talk to Harold and Amanda.  We found out that a set of 11 year old twins named David and Michael have taken up residence here because the heard it was a good place to come.  When we had finished the session and went to leave, we found that the door was locked.  The person who had closed the door said he knew it was not locked when he closed it, sometime during the session we had been locked in.  Good thing the door locks from the inside.  That evening, again Chris and Dennis experienced things in their room.  They heard tapping on the window in their room and sounds of footsteps on a wooden floor walking around in the room.  During the Sunday 101 class, there was still too much interference inside the building so we tried something new and held the Frank's Box sessions outside, in front of the Inn.  We gathered around the box in small groups so we could hear it as the volume was very quiet.  To read the transcripts of these sessions, click here.   During the night, Room 5 was the active one.  Their bathroom door kept opening when no one was near it.  They had a video camera running in the room and caught the curtain behind the big bed being flipped over the headboard.  It happened twice within a minute.  There really is no explanation for it.   One woman felt the back of her hand being caressed for about a minute.  The people in the big bed felt it move like someone bumped into the mattress.  They all heard a loud snoring sound and assumed it was coming from Room 4, but the people in there said it was not them.  Then for a short time, only the man in the big bed heard it and the women in the twin beds did not.  Then they heard a scratching sound on the wall that they could not explain.  The woman in Room 7 said she heard a loud breathing sound in her ear that was on the outer side of the bed.  Then, on Monday, there was a group here from the Carroll Area Paranormal Team and the Bluegrass Paranormal Society.  They set up infra-red cameras all over the house and did EVPs in the upstairs bedrooms.  During the night they saw a shadow of a man in Room 7s bathroom.  And a middle-aged woman wearing a dark skirt and a white blouse with her hair up in a bun sat on the bed in that room and then disappeared.  From the description I think it was Madelyn.  They heard children giggling in the hallway outside of Room 7.  In Room 1 they heard a tap on the window glass and the bathroom door kept opening and closing.  In Room 8, one man heard loud breathing in his ear when no one was on that side.  And one of the women laid on the bed and felt a sharp poking in her back several times.  She asked them to stop and they did.  In the dining room, two people saw moving shadows at different times and some saw it at the same time.  There was also footsteps walking back and forth in the room that sounded like boots on a hard wood floor.  The groups are going to review their tapes and recordings and get back with us with any other evidence they may have.   All in all, they were thrilled with their experience here.  To review their evidence, see their web site at  http://www.carrollareaparanormalteam.com/id38.html .

7 May '08 - It is about 10:50pm and I just came from the dining room where I was watching TV.  A short while ago I saw a large golden orb shoot across the TV and immediately after that there was two loud knocks on the wooden fireplace mantle.  It sounded like knuckles on wood.  I said "Hi" to Harold or Markie, which ever one did it, and it did not do it again.  Earlier this afternoon, Chuck and I both heard a knock on the window in the dining room, but it was just one rap, not two like tonight.

11 May �08 � There were some ladies who stayed in Room 5 this weekend and we plugged in the IR cameras so they could see what kind of activity they had in their room.  Several orbs followed them around the room and sat on the bed when they did.  The only activity they had other than the orbs, was that one lady took a nap in the afternoon in one of the twin beds and about 4pm the bedroom door opened about six inches and then closed again.  Nobody was there.  We tried to duplicate it by opening and closing outside doors to see if the change in pressure would affect the door, but it didn�t, we could not duplicate it.  Maybe somebody checked on her.   We also had a bus tour come through here last Thursday.  One of the women from the bus just stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up.  I said she could go up and look if she wanted, that's where the bedrooms are.  She said "Yeah, that's where the ghosts are too."  And she turned and went back outside.

16 May '08 - Last night the people who stayed in Room 6 said they heard a scratching and knocking sound coming from the outside wall, so they knew it was not the people in Room 5 but they could not figure out what was making the sound.  They also heard someone walking back and forth near the bed but there was nobody to be seen.  They were so excited.  The people in Room 5 heard a snoring sound coming from Room 4, but there was no one in that room.  But the strangest thing was Purdy.  I had let her outside like I always do in the morning, but then she started barking at the window on the second floor above the back door and the hairs on her back were all standing up.  She was really giving something the what-for.  This would be the hallway window near Room 8.  There was no one in that room, but I thought  maybe somebody from Room 5 or 6 was looking around.  I asked them at breakfast if any of them had been back by Room 8 and they all said they had not left their room until they came down for breakfast.  Purdy has never barked at any of our guests or at any windows before.  I wonder what she saw that had her so upset.

19 May '08 - Last night, I was watching TV in the dining room when I saw, peripherally, a bright yellow-white light flash up on the far left bay window pane.  It went straight up and straight back down again almost like a flash of lightning.  It went about 3/4 of the way up the window and then back down, being one solid color all the way from top to bottom.  At first I thought it was a reflection of a car light or the flashlight of somebody walking past.  About 5 minutes later it happened again, but this time it was on the second left window pane.  I went and looked to see if there was a car or somebody outside, but there was nobody.  The light was solid from the bottom up, not concentrated in one spot like a flashlight would have been.  I went back to my chair and watched to see if it would do it again.  About 15 minutes later it did it again on the third window pane.  And right after that there was a small golden orb that shot across the table in front of me and I heard a clink.  The salt and pepper shakers on the table had clinked together as the orb went across them!  I said "Wow, that's a pretty good trick.  Can you do that again?"  But it did not do it again and there were no more light flashes on the window.  Then, this morning, Chuck and I were in the kitchen when we both heard a man's voice say "Hello?"  It was a question, like a "Is anybody here?" type of voice inflection.  It seemed to have come from the dining room, but there was nobody there and the only door not locked was the kitchen door near where we were standing and I know it was not that close.  I think they are all getting stirred up for the Paranormal Expo that is coming this weekend.  I was also told, by the CAPT group, that May 30 is supposed to be an active day because the "veil" between here and the other side will be the thinnest it's been in a long time.  Should be interesting.

21 May '08 - Yesterday, Chuck and I gave a tour of the Inn to some school kids.  They were all in Room 6 listening to Chuck's talk and I was by the door near the hallway, waiting to usher the kids to the next room.   Then I heard some shuffling sounds behind me.  I thought maybe one of the kids had stayed behind in the last room and was just now catching up, but when I looked there was no one there.  As I was looking, I heard little footsteps running down the hallway toward the laundry room.  It sounded like one, maybe two little tiny children.  Incredible!  She was right behind me and I heard her running, but I did not see anything.  Sure wish we'd had the IR cameras running and taping at the time!


26 May �08 � This last weekend we had the W.I.S.P. Expo here in Bentonsport.  It was a Women�s Paranormal Investigators conference.  They had speakers like Steve LaChance from �Children of the Grave� and Patrick Burns from �Haunting Evidence�, two TV shows about paranormal investigations, and Kristy Hinkle who has a radio program about paranormal topics.  Here is a sample of things that happened to some of the people staying in the Inn:  Early in the evening on Thursday, one man was playing the piano in the parlor, and two women sitting in the dining room saw little children running around the dining room tables.  Then they heard heavy footsteps go from the dining room into the parlor as if to enjoy the music in there.  On Thursday night, the people in Room 4 saw their alarm clock move across the dresser, a bag that had been on the dresser for hours suddenly fell off as if being pushed, there was a tapping sound on their glass lampshade, and the man felt a sharp poke in his back.  

      In Room 5, one woman saw a man wearing a flat brimmed hat standing at the foot of her bed.  She saw him again on Friday night and the lady in Room 4 reported that she had felt a cat jump onto her bed and curl up against her back.  It was kneading the pillow and once it started kneading her back but got a bit carried away with the claws and  poked her.  She felt around, expecting Smokey who had been following her around, but there was nothing there.  On Saturday night, the Expo attendees went on ghost hunts in buildings throughout the village.  I have not heard yet any reports about the other buildings, but here at the Mason House there was some interesting things.  Two ladies went up to Mary�s room on the third floor and, seeing the door was closed, they knocked and asked if they could enter.  There was a very empathic �NO� that came from the other side of the door.  They said that if she wanted them to go away, she should knock twice.  Immediately, there was a loud KNOCK KNOCK from inside the room.  But the women went in anyway, thinking it was a trick, and found no one there.  Another woman saw a child run down the hallway and we watched on the IR cameras as the little orbs flew around her in the hallway.  In the Parlor, Patrick Burns was demonstrating his �Paranormal Puck� which is a version of the �Frank�s Box� but the �Puck� is a type of microphone  that the spirit talks into and then the words are printed out on the computer screen.  He had some EMF detectors that had some lights that would light up when an electrical field is detected.  He invited the children to play with the device and showed them how the lights would blink.  He put two of these on the floor a few feet away from him and in a little while the lights blinked and the words �Christmas lights� came up on the computer screen.  Later in the evening, when people were laughing and having a good time, the lights on the detectors went crazy.  I guess the spirits were having a good time too.  

30 May '08 - There was a couple here a few nights ago who said she was descended from a Native American Shaman and she could feel the aura of things.  She said the Inn had a good feeling and there was no evil in the place.  But there was a picture in her room that made her feel uneasy and so I took it out.  Several people have said the room has negative energy, but she thinks it is the picture not the room itself.  So I took out the picture and put it somewhere else.  If people now think that room has negative energy, we'll know it is the picture and I'll get rid of it.  She is going to send me a nice needlepoint rose picture to put in its place. 

       The people who stayed in Room 5 last night felt like they were being watched.  And they heard what sounded like furniture or boxes being moved around on the third floor.  I guess Mary is busy up there again.  I told them about a lady who stayed in Room 5 last weekend, and she was going into the room to get something when she heard a man and a woman in the room talking.  The woman made a comment about "Look at this mess, these people are such pigs."  The lady thought it was Chuck and me in there cleaning, but when she opened the door there was no one there.  So I told the man last night, maybe Mary is checking to see if they were going to be messy too.   They brought a toy for Josephine to play with, we'll see if it gets moved.

1 June '08 - Well, Josephine did not play with the toy, but Misty certainly enjoyed it!  The couple in Room 5 took a nap on the twin beds around 2:30pm when they heard some shuffling sounds just outside the door.  They heard a child say "Momma?" and then the footsteps ran down the hallway.  They thought it was someone checking in with a child, but nobody was here at that time except them and me, and I was downstairs at that time.

     Nothing happened on the night of May 30.  The only guest we had was a woman in Room 1 and she took out her hearing aides and slept well through the night.  Last night we had three ladies in Room 6 who heard Harold tapping during the night and again this morning when it got alot louder.  When one lady said "Good morning, Harold" the tapping stopped.  I guess he was happy to be acknowledged at last.  Another lady in the same room kept feeling like her nose was being touched.  She finally got irritated enough to pull the sheet over her face, but the feeling kept on right through the sheet.  They used a pendulum to talk to Harold and when they asked how many people were in the room: One? 'no'   Two? 'no'  Three? 'no'  Four?  'yes'  -- the three ladies and him makes four! 

8 June '08 - Yesterday, while I was cleaning in Room 4, I heard a shuffling outside the doorway.  I knew it was not Chuck or Jinni because they were not home.  I said out loud that it was okay for whoever it was to come in the room, and I saw a small shadow, about three feet tall, peek around the door and then pull back fast.  I wonder which one of the children it was.  Then, last night we had some ghost hunters here from Night Watchers.  They taped a radio show while they did their investigations.  Early in the evening, one of the men heard a child giggling behind him in the Parlor.  In Room 7 they got a picture of a ghostly figure sitting on the rocking chair.  One of the women, Serenity, is a psychic and she said she could hear the little girl saying, 'rocking, rocking, rocking' in a  sing-song kind of voice.  Later in the night, the people who slept in that room saw the chair rocking.   In Room 5 during an EVP session, the group heard a woman and some children talking in the hallway, but everybody from the group was in the room.  Serenity said they were welcome to come in and join the group and a child size shadow entered the room a short way.  When it ran out again, it brushed up against the leader of the group who said he felt it as it brushed by.    Later that night, as Serenity slept in the big bed, she heard a woman and man talking in the room.  She felt it was Mary and Frank and that Mary was upset that someone was in her parent's bed.  Serenity asked them to be quiet so she could sleep and then the bathroom door slammed shut.    When we did an EVP session in the Parlor, we heard a knock sound in the dining room.  Serenity went to look to see who was in there and she saw a man with shoulder length hair and wearing a light colored long sleeved shirt.  Sounds like Curtis.  She said he was just standing there watching us.    Other things that happened were that three rooms had locked doors when the people in them did not lock them.  And they got an interesting picture of a tall, thin black shadow standing on the staircase.  They said they got some good EVP and video evidence too.  This morning, about 6:30, I heard three hard knocks on the keeping room door.  I thought maybe someone was looking for me to make them some coffee, but when I looked, there was no one there.  I asked at breakfast if somebody had knocked on the door and they all said they were still asleep at that time.

19 June '08 - The Des Moines River flooded here in Bentonsport, starting last Saturday, so we have been closed for guests since then.  Thank you to all our friends and guests who have been wondering if we're okay.  The river got up to the sidewalk in front of the Inn, but the sandbags stopped it from coming into the Inn.  The pumps in the basement kept the water from getting too high in there.  The river is slowly going down now, so we are open for business again.  People keep asking me if the flood has affected the ghost activity, but there has been nobody upstairs for a week, so there has been nobody to report anything.  As for down stairs, there has been some knocking sounds in the dining room like always but not any more than usual.  I will tell you about something that happened last Monday night.  Chuck and I slept in Room 1 for several nights so we could listen for the pumps and make sure they kept going all night.  About 1am on Monday morning, I had a very vivid dream that a girl in a nightgown was standing beside the bed.  She said "I can't hear the pump anymore.  Maybe you should wake up and check it."  Immediately I was awake and, indeed, I could not hear the pump going.  So I got up and checked it and it started again.  I had the name Anna in my head as to who the girl was.  We will ask at the next GHU class who Anna is and how she knows what a pump is.

22 June '08 - There were some ladies staying in Room 6 this weekend and the lady who slept in the twin bed said that after she turned off the light, she could see some little bright lights flying around the room.  It lasted several seconds and then quit.  Later that evening, she was awakened by her bed shaking like someone was pushing against it.  She said it was fun and not scary.  She admitted that she was a little intrepid about staying here (it was her sister's choice), but now she is very intrigued and wants to come back again with her husband.

25 June '08 - The people who stayed in Room 6 last night said they had set up IR cameras and voice recorders throughout the house and let them record all  night.  They will let me know if they get anything good on them.  As for personal experiences, the man felt a hand push him in the back, and he saw a moving shadow that he could not explain.  He said it looked like someone peeked into the room and then pulled back.  The woman felt a tug on her collar but there was no one behind her.  They both saw Room 4's bedroom door move and when they asked for it to move again, it did twice more.  When they did some temperature readings in the parlor, the gold chair was reading about 6 degrees lower than the rest of the furniture in the room.  I wonder who was sitting on the chair.  Earlier in the day, when I put the cookie jar in Room 6, I had noticed that the ring and two rocks on the little shelf had been moved, so I put them back together.  The woman said that later that night, she noticed that the ring had been moved away from the rocks, so she moved them back again.  Then, this morning, she noticed that the ring had been moved again and one of the rocks is completely missing!  She looked all over around the little shelf but could not find it anywhere. 

1 July '08 - We had another Ghost Hunting University class this past weekend.  On Friday night, the 102 class went up to the cemetery to do an investigation and then we did more investigations in the Inn.  Samuel was still hanging around (or maybe he followed us back from the cemetery again), so we could not get good reception on the Frank's Box in Room 5.  Chris Moon found that he could get some reception when he was outside, so we did the sessions out there.  We found out that Anna is a 13 year old girl who did talk to me when I was sleeping, but she said I woke up too fast and only got half of the message.  She said that we should not take down the sandbags yet as the river was likely to come up again.  That night, the only thing that happened in the rooms was that in Room 7, the lady was getting ready for bed and she took off her necklace and put it on the dresser then she went into the bathroom.  When she came out, she noticed that her necklace was missing.  She looked all over the place and could not find it.  She said out loud "That's not funny.  Put my necklace back!"  Then she went into the bathroom to see if maybe she left it in there.  When she came out, it was back on the dresser, but not where she had put it before.  During Saturday's 101 class Frank's Box session, we used Room 4 because it was getting some good reception.  We asked who had taken the necklace and Amanda admitted that she and Harold had played a trick on the lady.  But they put it back because she had asked and they were afraid she was going to cry.  Anna again talked about more floods coming and that it would be devastating.   I asked which flood she was talking about, thinking maybe she was stuck in 1903, but she said "This year, 8".  Later, Chris asked the technician, Tyler, if he thought Anna was correct about the flooding, and he said she was over reacting, there would be some more flooding, but nothing like what she had described.  Chuck talked to Samuel and asked what we could do to make him happy so he would stop blocking the box.  Samuel wants recognition, with a plaque and a ceremony.  He wants us to invite all the spirits in the house and the town and to "say words".  We'll have to do some research and see what we can come up with on his participation in the War Between the States.  If anybody who reads this can help us with information on Captain Samuel Paine, please let us know.  During the night some things that happened were that the people in Room 6 heard a voice say "Stop yelling.   Stop yelling.  Stop yelling."  It was whispered, but it was said three times.  They also heard footsteps in their room like boots walking around.  Cindi was sleeping in the Keeping Room and she heard footsteps in the hallway above her that sounded like a small child running after some adults.  She said the heavy footsteps kept going back and forth but the child went one direction (toward Room 8) and did not return.  She assumed the people in Room 8 had put a child to bed, but there was no child in that room that night.  She said it was about 3am, and some of the people up there had stayed up till 3:30am doing their own investigation, but none of them saw a child.  Cindi must have heard one of the ghost children following them in the hallway.  She said she wished she'd known it was the ghost child at the time, because it would have been more fun.  To read the transcripts of the sessions, click here.

9 July '08 - Last night there were three young ladies in Room 5 who were hoping to have an experience but did not know how to go about it or what to look for.  I loaned them my pendulum and showed them how to use it and what kind of questions to ask.  This morning they told me what happened.  I had given them a few different names to ask for, so they asked if anybody was there and started saying names.  When they got to "Amanda" the pendulum swung 'yes'.  They asked how old she was and started counting when they got to "14" it swung 'yes'.  When they asked if she lived in Bentonsport, it swung 'no'.  Which is right because she lived outside of town.  When they asked if she died here in the house, it swung 'yes', which is true since she said her parents brought her here to the doctor.  Then, when they went to bed, the girl in the big bed felt a very cold breeze blow past her and the curtains on the window started to wave back and forth.  There were no windows open and the air conditioner would not blow a breeze that far.  They were thrilled to have met Amanda and they said it was fun and not scary like they thought it would be.

13 July '08 - There were four ladies in Room 5 last night who had been to a GHU 101 class in May and they wanted to come back and try their own investigation.  They had pendulums and were talking to Harold and Amanda and Tabitha with good results.  They had voice recorders going during the sessions and when they asked Harold to show himself to them, the recorder picked up an EVP of a man saying "I am flesh."  There was another EVP by the same man's voice but we could not make out what it is saying.  When they went down the hallway to do a session in Room 8, they picked up an EVP of a young woman screaming "OH MY GOD!!"  in a very hysterical voice.  It gives me chills to listen to it.  Some of their pictures have unexplainable shadows in them.  This picture has five little orbs in it, probably children who were following the women from room to room.  They are going to review the videos and the rest of the recorders and let me know if they get anything else good.  As for personal experiences, they heard some knocks and thumps and tapping sounds around the room and on the window.  One lady kept feeling like there was a bug or a hair tickling her but there was nothing there.  One of the touches got a bit personal.  All in all they were thrilled with their night and are planning another visit soon. 

25 July '08 - Last night there were four ladies in Room 5 and this morning they said they saw a moving shadow in the room that they could not explain.  It was not one of them and it was not where any light from the street would have cast a shadow.  One of the ladies heard breathing in her ear and there was no one there.  They heard talking in the hallway about 4:30am, but they were the only guests up there at the time.  The lady who heard the breathing was a little intrepid when they were checking in, but now that she had experienced it, she was thrilled.

29 July '08 - It seems that Room 1 was the only people to experience anything this past weekend.  About 5:30am they heard what sounded like something very heavy hit the floor in Room 6 above them.  Then they heard the front door open and close.  At breakfast, they asked the people in Room 6 about the noise and they said it was not them and they did not hear anything.  And no one entered or left the house at that time either.

11 Aug. '08 - The people who stayed in Room 5 last night really did not expect anything to happen since it has been so quiet lately, but they got something anyway.  The wife was in the bathroom when the door handle jiggled.  Thinking it was her husband playing a trick on her, she yelled at him to stop.  It happened again and she ignored it.  The third time it happened, she opened the door really fast hoping to hit him with the door, but there was no one there.  Her husband was in the other room wondering why she was in the bathroom yelling at him.  Later, the husband was reading a book about "Ghosts of the Mississippi River"  when he scoffed at one of the stories.  Immediately he got a sharp pain in his rib like someone had poked him hard!  I know that feeling!  He was surprised that the spirits were listening to him.  Oh, yes, they listen and watch and sometimes let you know when they don't like something.  I always have to watch what I'm saying because I will get poked or they will repeat it during a Frank Box session!


18 Aug. �08 � There�s been some strange things going on lately.  Last Wednesday night, at 2:36 in the morning, the lamp on our bedroom desk blinked on.  In our seven years here this has never happened before.  Our guests have told us their bedroom light has come on by itself, but it has never happened to us until now.  Then, last night, there were two little knocks on our bedroom door.  We had no guests so I know it was not that.  It sounded like a child�s knock, not the hard adult knocking we have had before.  We have a GHU coming up this weekend, so we will ask who did the light and the knocking.

19 Aug. '08 - Last night, Chuck came home from work about midnight and he sat at the desk and worked at the computer for a while.  I was in bed and I heard him get up and go into the bathroom.  About a minute later, I heard the desk chair creak and move.  I thought maybe I was mistaken about Chuck being the bathroom, so I looked and I saw the chair move like somebody got up from it, but nobody was there!  I ran to the bathroom to tell Chuck about it and we watched to see if it would move again, but it didn't.  Later that night, we heard Johnny playing in our room.  I wonder if he moved the chair.

25 Aug. '08 - What a full weekend we just had!  Chris Moon was here for three days of GHU classes.  On Friday night we had a 102 class and on Saturday and Sunday we had a 101 class each night.  We talked to Harold on the Box and he said he went on vacation with us and he had fun!  We went to Cedar Point, a large 'Amazement' park in Ohio a few weeks ago.  Chuck invited any spirits who wanted to come with us to join us, the rest could stay and take care of the house.  He wanted to find out if any had come with us.  Apparently, according to Harold, seven spirits came with us, but two got lost and came home.  Chuck asked him what he did on our vacation, and he said "It went up high and came down FAST!"  Which is a really good description of one of the rides.  He said he went with Kristin, and three other spirits also said "Kristin" when asked who they rode with.  Amanda said she rode with Jinni.  When Cindi asked if anybody went with her, Harold said "We did at first, but then she left and they got confused as to who to follow.  That's how two got lost.  But they're home now."  Chuck asked how they rode the rides, do they tuck themselves into the seat belt?  Harold explained that they attached themselves to Kristin's energy and hung on tight.  Harold said it was really exciting "I thought I would throw up!"  and "I thought I would break my neck!"  When asked if there were any other spirits there at the park, Harold said there were hundreds.   Harold said it was he who turned on our desk lamp and Curtis moved the chair.  Johnny knocked on the bedroom door and played in our room.    During Friday night, I felt a cat jump on our bed and walk around for a while and then settle down by my feet, I could feel the purring.  Thinking it was Misty, I reached down to pet her, but nothing was there.  It must have been Josephine.   On Saturday night, the people in Room 7 saw little golden orbs zooming around and around their room.  They had left a bracelet on the dresser, curled up like a snail and in the morning it was laying straightened out.  He also said that he had left his cell phone plugged in all night long, but in the morning the battery was still empty.  He said the screen was lit all night long and he could not come up with an explanation for that.  On Sunday night, one of the ladies in Room 5 had Josephine on her bed, she heard music from someplace in the Inn but could not place where it was coming from, and she heard a whisper in her ear from a child but could not understand what she was saying.  The people in Room 7 also heard the music and had Josephine on their bed and the light around their window shade was blocked for a short time which cannot be explained either.  Chris and Dennis, in Room 1, heard lots of walking around sounds coming from Room 6 overhead and running in the hallway.  The lady in Room 6 heard the noise in her room, but not investigate.  She also heard the running in the hallway but thought it was the other guests.  When we asked if anybody was up around 2am, everybody said they were in bed by midnight and were not in the hallway.  Chris said it sounded like hard shoes on a hard wood floor, but the floors are carpeted.  It was a busy and exciting weekend.  To read the transcripts of the Frank Box sessions, click here.

31 Aug.'08 - For the last few nights I keep hearing a doorbell ring several times during the night.  It is not like any of our doorbells though and I hear it in my head instead of my ears.  Sometimes I hear the phone ring in the middle of the night, but it only rings once and it is the Keeping Room phone, not the one on the desk in our room.    I wonder if Harold is playing games with me.  Last night there was alot of rustling going on in our room and my foot was hanging over the side of the bed and I felt a cat bat at my foot, which really surprised me!  But I know for a fact that all our cats were outside for the night, so it must have been Josephine.  The people who stayed in Room 6 last night heard children playing and giggling in their room.  Room 8 also heard children playing and running in their room, but no giggling.  Josephine jumped on beds in Rooms 6, 8, and 5.  Also in 5, one boy saw a white, filmy shape sitting on the rocking chair.  It was a very busy night!  We received a DVD from the people who stayed with us on June 25th.  They got an EVP of the piano playing!  There was also boot footsteps in the hallway, and a woman's voice that said "Lay on the floor" and "one" when he took a picture.  They also got Room 4's door moving on video.  We thank them for sharing the DVD with us.

1 Sept. '08 - The people who stayed in Room 6 last night told us that they checked in about 4pm and decided to take a nap until it was time to go to supper.  But there was a man and a woman in Room 5 who were talking loudly and sort of arguing although the Room 6 people could not make out what they were saying.  But I know that the Room 5 people had left about 1pm and did not return until about 8pm.  Chuck and I were finished with our cleaning by noon, so there was no one in Room 5 from 4pm to 5pm.  I asked the Room 5 people about it just to be sure and they said they were fishing at that time.  So who did they hear?  Maybe Mary and Frank were in there.  She also said that the night was quiet, but when her husband went into the bathroom at 7am, she went back to sleep and felt a large bump on the side of the bed like somebody kicked the bed.  No one was there so she closed her eyes again and then she heard somebody walking around in the room with scuffling noises.  She thought her husband was out of the bathroom so she looked but no one was there and her husband was in the shower.  She was excited that she got to experience something in her room.  The people from Room 5 told me that their son was the one who had Josephine on his bed the night before, and last night there was alot of tapping going on next to his bed, on his pillow, and on his hand!  He would tap three or four times on the wall and Harold would tap back the same number of times.  This went on for some time and they did not get much sleep.  Here is what Natalie had to say about the experience: 


Hi Joy,
 My son said that second night we stayed there in room 5 he heard tapping on the wall by his bed. This is the outside wall. He started tapping back and then the tapping would happen again. This went on for approx an hour. He finally decided to try and get some sleep so he quit tapping on the wall and put his head on his pillow and then the tapping started on his pillow. This also went on for sometime. He would tap once, twice, three times, and whoever was tapping would repeat the same amount of taps. He also saw something foggy form on the corner of the bed twice, same spot. This would be by the pillow and wall. He also felt a touch on his hand. At one point I tried sitting and laying down on that bed to see if I could experience it, but all the tapping stopped. I could observe it going on, on the other side of the room, but once I sat on the bed it completely stopped. I walked away and my son laid on the bed and it started right back up. Later on that night, we told my husband to lay in that bed so he could have an experience and the same thing happened, nothing. Once he got up the tapping would start again. My son also said he heard the tapping the night before, but didn't say anything or respond to it until the second night. My younger son had tapping once above his head but that was it. I heard tapping in the bathroom once, it tapped three times and that was all. By the big bed, I did not experience the same tapping my older son had going on, but I kept hearing more like a knock type sound (not loud) on the walls or the corner of the room. Sometimes it would happen twice in the same spot of the room. That was about it.
Take care,

2 Sept. '08 - We had to put our dog, Purdy, to sleep yesterday.  She had battled cancer for two years and went downhill suddenly.  But what I want to tell you about happened last week.  Jinni loved to read to Purdy and the 14 year-old dog was a patient listener.  One afternoon last week, Jinni was reading her library book to Purdy, sitting on the floor in the Keeping Room.  I was listening to her read from the kitchen.  It got quiet for a few seconds and then Jinni said "Purdy, your mother is here.  She came to take you home soon.  She's happy there, you'll be happy too."  And then she went on with her library book.  It really surprised me that she would say that since Purdy's mother, Lady, had died two years ago.  Then, when I told Jinni to say goodbye to Purdy before going off to school, I told her that Purdy would be going to see Lady that day.  Jinni just said "I know.  Lady's been waiting for her.  She'll be happy there."  I asked Jinni to let me know if she sees Purdy or Lady in the future and she said she'd tell me if she does.  I heard the phone ring last night, but again it was only one ring and not in the bedroom.  Jinni jumped when it rang, so I know she heard it too.

8 Sept. '08 - This morning, Jinni kept insisting that she had heard the phone ringing when she was in the bathroom.  I was up 30 minutes before she was and I know the phone did not ring.  I wonder if Harold is messing with her too.

13 Sept. '08 - Our room was very busy last night.  Chuck said he felt Josephine on the bed by his foot.  He could feel the weight and pressure against the bottom of his foot and he could feel purring vibrations.  About 3:30am, we both heard somebody run from Jinni's room, past the foot of our bed and out the latched bedroom door.  We thought Jinni had gone out, but when I looked, she was still fast asleep in her bed.  I wonder who left in such a hurry?  They would have had to turn the door handle and push on the humidity swollen door, it made quite a loud noise when it popped open.

14 Sept. '08 - Wow!  What a busy night it was!  The ladies in Rooms 4, 5, & 6 used my pendulum to talk to Harold, Amanda, and Tabitha.  They were quite successful with it.  The ladies in Room 5 said the little lamps on the dresser kept going on and off and they had not even turned them on.  They pulled the chain on the standing lamp to turn it off and as soon as they turned their backs, it turned back on.  That really surprised them!  The chandelier would swing and stop, swing and stop.  They thought maybe it was the air conditioner blowing on it, so they turned off the air conditioner and it would still swing and stop, swing and stop.  They couldn't explain it.  While they were doing the sessions in Room 5, everybody saw a place on the bed go down like somebody had sat there.  The lady sitting on the bed said she could feel the weight settle onto the bed and it went down on that side.  One lady put her necklace on the little night stand in Room 6, but when she went to get it, it was gone.  She later found it on the floor in Room 5 and she knows she did not take it in there.  One of the ladies in Room 6 said her covers were pulled on and she heard tapping on the wall above her head.    The lady in Room 4 asked questions during the pendulum sessions and found that her deceased mother-in-law, whom she was really close to, was attached to her and had accompanied them to the Inn.  It was a really touching experience for her to be able to talk to her again.  One of the ladies in Room 6 found that her deceased father had come with her also.   When the ladies decided to go from Room 5 to 6 to do another session in there, they were in the hallway landing and they saw Room 4's bathroom door open up.  Nobody came out of the bathroom, so opened the door?     The lady in Room 8 said that this morning her husband had gone downstairs to get her a cup of coffee and after a while she heard a tapping on the bedroom door.  She thought it was her husband coming back with the coffee, but when she opened the door, no one was there.  Her husband had stayed downstairs and chatted and did not go back up.  Also this morning, I was making coffee at the coffee/tea table when I heard a man call my name.  I thought it was one of the guests eating breakfast at the center table because that is where the voice seemed to come from.  But all the guests were eating and talking amongst themselves and no one was looking my way.  Later I asked them about it and they all said they had not done it.  One of the ladies from Room 5 went and got the pendulum and I asked who had called my name and it said it was Curtis.   The lady who had her covers pulled found that it was her father who had done it.  All in all it was a fun experience!   Here is what one lady had to say about it:

          Well, a little about the weekend. Joy's blog covered some of it.  While I was in DeAnn and my rooms bathroom, there was a knocking from within the shower, on the wall. Teresa and Christie came in and did hear it but the other two could not. Later we learned that the spirits let certain people hear certain things. It was around 9;30 or so when we went to the town cemetery. Got the flash lights out and cameras. A fun time and many orbs were seen and more show up better now on the computers. On to the church which was locked. We found that there were many orbs in pictures there and one of the girls has one where there is the facial features in an orb right against my cheek. We thought we could see that and  Chuck confirmed it for us. Janel has another picture inside room 5 when we were using a pendulum and asking questions. Now that we are home we can see the facial figures of a person just outside of the window smiling.  It looks to be a man. We borrowed the pendulum from Joy. Christie and I had the best luck in getting it to answer the yes and  no questions. My Dad was very active with the pendulum and then a lady in room 4 had come over and her deceased mother-in-law was also active. Mom came forward but was weaker in her responses. Christie had many questions answered about the active spirits in her home. As I was sitting facing the left......on a single bed, I was startled to feel the right side of the bed sink down as if someone was there. In looking over immediately, I could see the movement of the comforter. We asked and it was Dad, the pendulum said. Our friend, Sandy then asked if her mother in law would come and sit by her and the same thing happened. The house cat seemed to be all over Sandy and was often seen sitting in front of their door. When we asked about it, it was because she was wanting to be with the spirit of Jean, the mother in law. We went to her room and all at once in visiting there Sandy screamed and said look here............the comforter on the bed was sunk down and then over 5 or 6 seconds it gradually rose up and was very wrinkled. Twice for us doors opened by themselves and once for Sandy after she came from the bathroom. The floor lamp in room 5 turned on after Janel pulled the pull chain to turn it off.  Earlier in the same room, the dresser side lamps would take turns turning on and off. They both had separate plug ins and Chuck said at breakfast that that had never been reported before. The rose quartz crystal that DeAnn laid on her night stand at bedtime........it is to keep you from harm....was on the floor in the other room in the morning. My book that I had purchased had an updated insert that was missing in the morning, Chuck said they would probably find it in a drawer someplace in the house later. Harold loved to play such tricks on the people staying there and he said with the pendulum that he would be there all night in our rooms. Three times between 3 and 7 I was awakened by someone tugging on my covers. Of course no one was there and DeAnn was asleep in the next room. The pendulum answered in the morning that it was my Dad doing it.  We had a great time talking and reviewing pictures at breakfast.  How fun! We loved it! 

21 Sept. '08 - The ladies who stayed in Room 5 last night used my pendulum to talk to Tabitha and Mary.  They could not think of any questions to ask, so it did not last long.  They saw the chandelier swinging and it got annoying so they stopped it but then it started swinging again.  About 4 in the morning or so they heard what they thought was a TV with people talking.  But there is no TV on the second floor and the TV in the dining room was not on at that time.   Then they read in the notebook that other people have had the same experience of hearing people talking like from a far distance.   We talked at length with the people staying Room 1 for three nights.  They didn't know about the hauntings and were very intrigued.  They are staying one more night tonight, and they are interested to see if anything happens.  They are the only guests in the main house tonight, so any talking or footsteps they hear will be the spirits.  (They did not hear anything, but they did sign up for a GHU class to learn more about it.)

25 Sept. '08 - I just received an email from some ladies who stayed in Room 6 on the 17th.  They had set up a video recorder and a voice recorder in their room and also in the hallway.  Not much happened in their room during the night, but when they reviewed the recorders, they found some interesting items.  Here is what Deb has to say about it:

 Hi Joy,
        I just wanted to let you know about some of our findings from our stay at Mason House Inn on Sept., 17th. Kim and I decided to do a little fishing. Before leaving we left a video camera set up in our room (6). We set it in the south window sill facing the wooden rocking chair, and left the voice recorder running in the hallway. No lights
were left on in the room when we left, and the room was fairly dark. What we're seeing is some sort of a bright
light appear in front of the chair. It enters and disappears into the chair and sneaks out coming from
behind the chair on the side for a few seconds, disappears once again for a short time, reappears, and disappears
once again. We also left a voice recorder in the hallway.   We told you during breakfast on the 18th, that we could
hear you calling for Smokey, but we hadn't had enough time to listen to the entire recording. Actually, we still
haven't been through the entire recording, but we have found that there were some voices. We heard what sounds
like a man moaning, and then saying "Help me". Shortly after that we can hear a woman's/girls voice. We haven't
figured out what they were saying.   We do remember you saying that Chuck was working late that evening, and we know there weren't any men around, so hearing a man's voice through the recorder has been very exciting for us. Later that evening we put the video camera out in the hallway next to the lamp and pointing in the direction of rooms 7 and 8. It shows quite a bit of activity, but I do have to admit that we don't really know what an actual orb really looks like. We're hoping to get these recordings loaded to my computer so that I can send them to you to see and hear. We enjoyed our stay at the Inn very much, and look forward to visiting again real soon. It was a pleasure meeting and visiting with you. Thank you for your hospitality and an enjoyable stay.    Deb and Kim

1 Oct. '08 - There was a group of young people who rented out the second floor on Monday night.  They had a night vision camera and did some EVPs with and without the pendulum.  They watched the IR cameras and were fascinated with the orbs flying around.  (Unfortunately, we are having the roof re-shingled this week so there was alot of extra dust flying around too!)  During the night, they spent time sitting on the various beds, just listening and feeling the place.  One girl said she was sitting on the bed in Room 7 and she heard the door open, so she looked to see who was coming in.  She saw a grey cat with dark stripes walk into the room and sit on the floor by the bed.  It looked around and then left.   She thought maybe it thought the room was too boring so it was going to go look for fun somewhere else.  She said it looked totally real but it was not wearing a collar so it could not have been one of our cats.  (I had made sure there were none of our cats in the house during the night.)  She saw Josephine!  The girl said the cat came back a second time, later,  and did the same thing with looking around and leaving.  She was so excited to have seen Josephine.  One of the men heard breathing in his ear when he was alone by the back staircase.  Two of the people had their bathroom doors knocked on or the doorknob rattled and there was no one there.  During the EVP and pendulum sessions, two of the people felt a touch on their arm and back.  One person heard footsteps in the hallway following him from room to room.  He said it was little footsteps like a child.  They went up to the cemetery and got some good orbs there.  They are going to go home and listen to the EVP recordings and let me know if they get anything good.

5 Oct. '08 - The people who stayed in Room 5 last night had a visit from Josephine.  The man in the big bed felt a cat jump on the bed and settle down.  He said it felt so real that he reached down to pet it and nothing was there.  He also said he could hear music coming from the parlor downstairs.  His father, who was in the twin bed by the door, said he could hear women talking in the parlor.  He also saw a cat's tail go past the bed and a little later it came back and was going back and forth beside the bed like it was rubbing itself on the side of the bed.  The man reached his hand down to pet the cat but he did not feel anything, but he could still see the tail going back and forth for several seconds before disappearing.   The bedroom door was not open, so he knows it was not one of our cats.  Then, this afternoon, I went up stairs to clean Room 4 and as I approached the room I could see my shadow cast on the wall by the table lamp behind me in the hallway.  But then I saw another shadow shoot off to my left, to was about waist high to me.  I was the only one here and it was too big to be a cat.  That really startled me.  I don't like moving shadows.

8 Oct. '08 - The lady who spent last night in Room 7 said she was reading in bed when she started hearing a man moaning.  She looked in the other bedrooms to make sure she was indeed the only person on the second floor like she thought.  The sound was definitely coming from inside her room.  She thought maybe it was the heater, so she turned it off but the sound continued.  She ignored it hoping it would stop, but when it didn't, she said out loud "Okay, that's enough, please stop."  Instantly the sound stopped and it was quiet the rest of the night.  I wonder if it was Harold or Curtis messing with her.  Deb and Kim from 25 Sept. had gotten the sound of a man moaning on their EVP.  Perhaps it is the same man.

11 Oct. '08 - This weekend we had some people who did not know about the ghosts, they found out.  One lady, on Friday night, said she felt a cat jump on her bed.  She said she has three cats and so she did not think anything of it, until she reached down to pet it and there was nothing there!  She told us she thought it was really weird, so we told her about Josephine and she was really surprised.  On Saturday night, the people in Rooms 6, 7 and 8 all heard knocking on their walls and footsteps upstairs.  Room 8 said it sounded like someone was moving furniture around up there.  The little girls in Room 6 were wondering why there are rocks and trinkets on a little shelf in the hallway, so I told them about the ghost children playing with the items.  The girls added a penny to the shelf and arranged the items in a certain way so they would know if they were played with.  This morning they were pleased to find the items had indeed been rearranged.  They were so thrilled.  They were showing me the pictures they took out on the bridge last night.  They said they were talking to Arthur and their father heard someone walking behind him but he did not see anything there.  So the girls took a picture of the area where the noise was and they got a huge orb right in the middle of the walkway, down on the boards like it was walking on the bridge.  Some people who had visited here before stopped in to ask if someone had been up in Mary's room because they had been out on the bridge and they looked toward the Inn and they saw what looked like candlelight coming from the third floor bedroom.  But I know nobody was up there because it is closed off.  They were really excited to have seen it.


19 Oct. �08 � This was a busy weekend for our guests.  On Friday night, the ladies in Room 5 talked to Harold and Tabitha with the pendulum.  They were amazed that it actually works!  During the night, two of the women saw a dark grey shadowy figure move from under the dressing table, across the floor, and go under the big bed.  They both looked at each other and asked �Did you see that?�  Yes they did!  They also saw rays of light shooting across the end of the room by the bathroom, probably shooting orbs.  Then one of the women, who was sitting in the rocking chair and facing the twin beds, saw the face of a man come out of the wall between the beds.  She said he had dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark eyes, a mustache, and a "prominent" nose.  I said "Wait a minute, that sounds familiar."  And I showed her the picture of Harold that David had sent us (see 14 Feb.'08.)  She said that was the same man.  She said the face just appeared like it came through the wall and by the time she pointed it out to the other woman, it had pulled back into the wall.  I wonder if Harold had stuck his face in to look around.  I'll ask him at the next GHU in November.   The people in Room 6 heard what sounded to them like heavy boxes being pushed across the floor up above them on the third floor.  There is no body up there and the part of the third floor that is above Room 6 is just storage in the eves.  On Saturday night, there was a family in Room 5 and the daughter said her covers were pulled off twice and she felt someone rub her upper arm when the covers were pulled off of it.  She said it was a warm, comforting feeling and not scary.  They also heard talking in the hallway late at night but the people in Room 6 said they were asleep by then.  The Room 6 people again heard shuffling sounds above them and tapping on the walls.

27 Oct. '08 - Another busy weekend.  We had our first of three "Ghost Stories Dinner" evenings on Saturday night.  (Next weekend we are doing another on Friday night and a third one on Saturday night!  It's very popular this year.)  The family that stayed in Room 6 had two children with them aged 10 and 11.  The 11 year old boy kept getting poked.  He said sometimes it was really sharp and sometimes it was just a small touch.  He started out blaming his 10 year old cousin, but then realized that she was no where near him at the time.  On Friday night, they asked me about the rocks and ring that are on the little lamp table in the hallway and I told them that the ghost children sometimes play with them.  So the children added a penny and arranged the items in a pattern so they would know if something got moved.  Then the family went out to supper.  When they closed their bedroom door, they heard a loud 'boomp' from inside the room like something heavy had hit the floor.  So they went back in and looked around and could not find anything to explain the noise.  They went to supper and when they came back, the children noticed that the ring was gone from the lamp table!  They looked all over for it and it has not been found yet.  There were no other guests in the house at the time since everybody was gone to supper at the same time.  The boy put another rock on the lamp table and it was gone by morning, none of the other guests knew anything about it.  During Friday night, the lady in Room 4's twin size bed said it felt like the bed was being hit from underneath.  She could hear and feel the banging.  Thinking that one of her friends was under there playing a trick on her, she looked but no one was under there.  In Room 6, they heard tapping on the headboard of the big bed.  Each one thought the other was doing it, but neither one was.  On Saturday afternoon, the couple staying in Room 8 checked in and then went out to look around the town.  When they went back up to get ready for the dinner, they saw the little pillows from the couch had been moved to the bed!  She was pretty shaken by that.  She put the pillows back to see if it would do it again, but they did not move again.  After the dinner and the presentation, some of the guests went up to the cemetery to take pictures up there, but the fog was rising out of the ground and although the pictures were pretty spectacular, they were all false positives.  (This picture was sent to me by Suzanne and shows the misty fog rising up from a cemetery.  She could also see her breath that night, and that was in some of her pictures too.  This shows the importance of knowing the weather conditions and taking them into consideration when you are taking pictures at night.)  During the night on Saturday, a different lady was in Room 4 in the big bed and she reported the same banging from under her bed.    The twin bed in Room 7 was also banged on from underneath.   I'm going to ask about this when Chris Moon comes in two weeks.  I'm also going to ask about the missing ring.

29 Oct. '08 - Last night there was a knock at our bedroom door.  But we had no guests, so who knocked?  It did not sound like knuckles, but more like if you took a metal clothes hanger and tapped on a wooden door.  It went "Whack" then a scraping sound and another "Whack".  I waited to see if it would do it again but it did not.  But then I heard shuffling footsteps go past my bed.  I thought Jinni went to the bathroom, but when I looked, she was still in bed.  So who walked past the bed?


3 Nov. �08 � This past weekend we had another two �Ghost Stories Dinners�, both were well attended.  But not much happened during the nights.  The only thing reported in the main house was that the woman staying in Room 5 on Saturday night heard some tapping on the wall next to the bed.  She said that when she stayed here last August she had her feet played with, but she did not say anything at the time.  Then she read in the Journal that someone else had his feet played with in the same bed, so she figured she would mention that it happened to her too.  The other thing that happened, was outside.  When the people staying in the Caboose Cottage carried a birthday cake with the candles lit from the Caboose to the outdoor picnic table, the candles blew out.  One of the men took out his lighter to re-light the candles, and as soon as he �flicked his bic� all the candles lit at once with a WHOOSH! and all the flames were atleast three inches high.  They checked the package to see if they were trick candles, but they weren�t, and there really was no explanation for it.  This may be not in the �paranormal� category, but it is definitely weird.

7 Nov. '08 - It has been rather quiet lately except for one of the pepper shakers on the east dining room table.  I have found it out of place three times in the past two days.  I put it back where it belongs in the center of the table, and a few hours later, I will find it at the far end of the table.  Of course, now that I have told Chuck about it, it probably won't do it again.  Last night, or rather early this morning, our room had visitors.  I was in a very light sleep when I heard a man's voice say "Joy" very close to my ear.  I knew it was not Chuck's voice, so I peeked to see if someone else was there, but no one was.  I peeked at the clock and it was 5:05am.  I closed my eyes to listen for any knocking like before, but what I heard was a young woman's voice say "Come in".  Then I heard little footsteps go past my bed and into Jinni's room.  Then there was alot of crinkling and shuffling noise coming from Jinni's room.  Then the same man's voice said "Quiet" and it was all quiet.  I could hear Jinni shifting in her bed, so I knew it had disturbed her.  When I told Chuck about it this morning, he said he had heard the noise coming from Jinni's room too, but it only lasted a minute or two so he did not mention it to me.

11 Nov. '08 - We had another Ghost Hunt University this last weekend with some good results.  We found out that it was Curtis who called my name last Friday.  Caitlin was the female voice who said "Come in".  She was 12 years old and 20 spirits came into the room to play with Jinni's toys.  Curtis noticed that Chuck heard it and he told them to be quiet.  Amanda admitted to taking the ring that has been on the lamp table for the last two years.  She said she just wanted it and she hid it with the rest of her things.  Harold admitted that he put his face through the wall on 19 Oct. and scared the woman.  He said he thought it was a great trick.  Nobody knew anything about the birthday candles.  There had been several people getting EVPs with the words "Help me", so Chuck asked who that was that needed help.  Harold said that was Daniel and we found that he is earthbound and he did not know what to do.  Daniel said he had "shot her on the hill" and he could not forgive himself.  We convinced him to go to the LIGHT and Markie volunteered to take him.  Josephine was the one moving the pepper shaker on the table.  Harold said she was 'pushing it'.  During the EVP sessions in Room 5, we picked up what sounds like a little bird.  I guess next time we will have to ask if there is a bird spirit in the Inn.  To read the transcripts for the "Telephone to the Dead" sessions, click here. On Monday morning, the ladies who stayed in Room 7 did not show up for breakfast.  I went up to their room to find the door open and the ladies gone.  There was a note written in the notebook that they had seen a "tall shadow" that was not theirs and moved when neither of them had moved.  I guess it was just too much for them so they left.  I don't like it either when the shadows move.      This morning, about 5:10am, Chuck heard two sharp, loud knocks on our bedroom door.  (I was in the bathroom and did not hear it.)  He said it sounded like hard knuckles on the door.  He answered it but there was no one there.  (We had no guests in the house.)  He thinks it was Markie letting him know he is back in the house. 

21 Nov. '08 - Not much happening lately, mostly because our guests have not been choosing the rooms in the Main house.  A couple little things for us though.  Wednesday night, Chuck and I both felt a cat jump onto the bed and walk up between us to about my knees.  It felt so real, I reached down to pet it and there was nothing there.  I looked and saw no cat.  Chuck said it settled down by his ankle and he could feel the weight and purring vibrations.  Later that same night, we both heard a lot of rattling and bumping noises coming from Jinni's room.  I got up to look and it stopped.  Jinni was fast asleep but restless, but her shifting around was not what made the noises we heard.  Then, last night, Chuck and I were sitting on the bed discussing some rather unpleasant guests we just had, when I said they had been disrespectful of the spirits, and I heard a man's voice say "Yeah".  It was not Chuck's voice and he admitted that he had not said that.  I think Harold or Curtis thought they were disrespectful too.   

Jinni has started 8th grade basketball and here is a picture of her warming up before a game.  You can see Amanda was there watching too. 











12 Dec. '08 - Not much happening right now, just a few little things to tell you.  Last weekend, a teenage girl was in Room 4 and she heard what sounded like two little girls giggling and whispering to each other near the bed.  She was so excited that she sent a text message to her mom who was staying in another room!  The lady who stayed in Room 6 said she found a bobby pin on the floor of her room and she knows it was not there earlier.  She thinks somebody left her a little present.  She also heard some tapping on the wall over her bed that she could not explain.  During Thanksgiving weekend, Cindi and Hans and the kids came for the holiday and then they went out on a date and Chuck and I got to baby-sit Aurora and Brennen.  I put the kids to bed in one of the guest rooms and then lay down on the big bed to wait for Cindi and Hans to get back.  I was not expecting them until about 3am.  But about midnight, I heard footsteps outside the bedroom door.  It was not Chuck or Jinni because I know their footsteps and it was too early to be C & H, and we had no guests in the building, so I looked to see who it was but there was no one there.  I went back to the bed and the footsteps started up again.  They went back and forth and back and forth for several minutes and then quit.  C & H got back about 3am and I went to bed and told Chuck about the footsteps and he said it was not him or Jinni.  The next day I told Cindi about it and she said she has heard them before.  She thinks they want to play with Aurora, but Cindi always asks the spirits to stay out of the bedroom, so they wait for her in the hallway.  That's funny.

20 Dec. '08 - The people who stayed in Room 5 last night, the lady had heard from a friend about the hauntings, but she did not tell her boyfriend about it so he did not know.  At breakfast this morning they said the room alarm clock was not set, but it rang at midnight.  She actually had to turn it on and then turn it off to get it to stop ringing.  Then they both kept hearing a telephone ringing over and over.  Then it would stop for a while and then ring again.  This went on most of the night.  They said it sounded like an old rotary style phone's ring.  I showed them ours and they said that was not the sound, besides, the phone is in our bedroom and they would not have heard it in Room 5, and it did not ring during the night anyway.  Then the doorbell started dinging and they went downstairs to see if someone wanted in, but there was no one there.  I rang the doorbell for them and they said that was not the sound they heard.  The lady said she heard what sounded like a little girl giggle next to her head and the man said he saw a face on the window shade.  He said it was a man with dark hair, big nose, and a mustache.  I showed him the picture of Harold and he said that what he saw was very much like that.  Like I said, he did not know about the hauntings so he did not immediately think it was a ghost, but he thought he was going crazy.  Now he knows he was not crazy.  I guess Harold was having a good time with this couple!

22 Dec. '08 - The people who stayed in Room 7 this past weekend were  advance investigators for a paranormal research group from Newton, Iowa.  They said they got some personal experiences right away.  They both heard a little girl giggling and heard knocking and pounding on the walls in different rooms.  They got interesting "light anomalies" in their pictures.  They heard children running in the hallway and beside the bed.  They are going to review their video and audio recordings and let us know if they get anything interesting.  They want to bring their group back for a full investigation when it gets warmer.  Last night Chuck, Jinni, and I moved upstairs to Room 7 since our room is so cold.  I went up about 10pm and Chuck came up about midnight.  While I was waiting for Chuck, I heard footsteps outside the bedroom door.  They walked up to the door and then walked away toward Room 6.  Then they came back and then went back to Room 6 again.  I knew it was not Chuck's footsteps but lighter and scuffling sounding.  During the night, I felt a cat jump onto the bed.  It landed between Chuck's and my feet and walked up to our waists.  It was really heavy, I thought it was Tiger.  I reached out to pet him but there was nothing there.  I looked and realized I was in Room 7 and the cats were closed into the Keeping Room downstairs.  This one was really heavy.  Usually, Josephine is light.  I wonder if there is more than one cat.  We'll have to ask Harold and Amanda in Feb.


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